In the warmth Hotel, in the afternoon, Lao Yan personally sent the guy to Bruce Lee snake.

Bruce Lee tried his hand.

Not bad.

It must be very enjoyable to stab Zhang Wen.

Lao Yan told Bruce Lee that when he heard about Zhang Wen, he would call him and keep his mobile phone on.

News doesn't wait.

Bruce Lee was so excited. After killing Zhang Wen, boss Du's eyes must have changed. When he was happy, he might give him a lot of things.

For example, a field.

Or a girl who makes his blood flow back.

Moreover, it is right!

More importantly, Bruce Lee can prove himself in front of boss Du.

See? You all think I can't do it. You all think I'm a waste. Didn't I kill Zhang Wen?

Look who the fuck is looking down on me!

Little dragon and snake thought and looked at the knife in his hand.

Dao is a good Dao, but the person who uses it is not so good.

oh dear.

Bruce Lee's eyebrows moved and his hand touched the tip of the knife. This knife is a little blunt!

Whatever Bruce Lee does, he has very high requirements for hardware, sometimes even to the point of metamorphosis.

When he took those elites out to work before, he had a dispute with boss Du over the car.

Boss Du thought that just call a few cars. Anyway, it's business, not bumper cars.

But little dragon and snake don't do it! He felt that when he went out to work, first of all, it was a face project, and the car must be made good.

No way, boss Du had to compromise and gave him two good cars to go out.

This is how little dragon snake works for boss Du, especially for himself.

What if the knife is not fast?

What if the leather shoes are not bright?

Bruce Lee's mind has already started YY now. He has long thought of his expression after wearing handsome clothes, rubbing shiny leather shoes and dumping Zhang Wengan.

That feeling must be very good.

Thinking of this, he went out to buy a grindstone.

Began to rub on the ground.

The more he grinds, the more excited he is, the more he looks forward to it.

The little dragon and snake who had been with him for more than 20 years also raised his head excitedly.


Lao Yan is a schemer. No matter what he does, he will be very considerate. If he wants to know Zhang Wen's whereabouts, it is actually a matter of one sentence.

But he can't do that. Zhang Wen basically goes to several places every day, and generally doesn't go to the night. There is no chance to start at all. He feels that Bruce Lee is not a good person, and he is afraid that he will miss.

He doesn't want Bruce Lee to miss. He also wants to get rid of Zhang Wen.

Just look at the opportunity.

Lao Yan patted the steering wheel with his fingers, and his brain flashed.

In fact, the popularity like Lao Yan is somewhat similar to that of writers. They all want inspiration!

Inspiration is a bad thing to say. I don't know when it will appear in your head.

I don't know when it will disappear.

Some people want it to think hard and will not come for a long time, while others are full of inspiration.

This is the gap between people.

The idea in his head narrowed Lao Yan's eyes if he could make good use of it.

Maybe it will succeed this time!


Sand field, temporary rest room.

Li Erzi and I sat inside and smoked the "Lotus king" he gave us. Neither of us spoke.

Li Erzi is a smart man. He must know what I mean when I come here.

Simply, he won't hide it.

"Wenzi, I asked Wang Peng to go there. I didn't discuss it with you." he didn't dare to look into my eyes when he spoke.

He must have guessed that I would know about it sooner or later, but I didn't expect to come so soon.

My presence somehow disrupted his plan.

"Why?" I said.

Li Erzi sighed, stamped out his cigarette end and looked at me: "because I think you are a brother."

"Do you know what boss Wang told me?" my tone was a little reproachful.

"..." Li Erzi was silent, and he must have guessed.

"Er Zi, I don't blame you for this, but don't have another time! Besides, Wang Peng and Wu Yang are both students. Aren't you harming others?"

"Wenzi, we must do this!" Li Erzi suddenly became excited. "Think about it, how long have you been with boss Wang? We have always been beaten passively, and we have always been the black pot for him. Have you ever thought about what will happen if we continue like this? It's not that we can get ahead, but that we are completely suppressed by boss Wang!"

What Li Erzi said is not unreasonable. I know he did it for my good, but I'm just unhappy.

I think it's going a little too fast.

Moreover, without the support of boss Wang, what am I? I have no foundation now!

I patted him on the shoulder to calm him down.

"Now the little dragon and Snake must be like a frightened bird. They dare not go out of the door." I half joked. It's no use blaming him now that it's over.

Li Erzi didn't smile at all. He looked at me seriously: "Wenzi, to tell you the truth, asking Wang Peng to clean up the little dragon and snake is actually only the first step in my plan!"

Li Erzi is cautious and never fights with uncertainty.

When he asked Wang Peng to clean up the little dragon snake's people, he must have thought about everything behind him.

Including what boss Wang will do if he knows it, and what boss Du will do if he knows it.

And my reaction, the reaction of little dragon and snake, which are all within the scope of Li Erzi's calculation.

I'm not sure. He can't do that.

I lit a cigarette and took a long sip. My mouth was full of bitterness: "tell me about your second step."

"The second step is to take advantage of the situation to kill boss Wang or one of boss Du! Think about it. What will Bruce Lee think when he knows you moved his people? He must be furious. He has only two actions, either boss Wang or boss Du. Then we will take advantage of the situation. No matter who we get rid of, it will be good for us!"

Li Erzi's words make me don't know what to say.

It's a surprise, but it's reasonable.

I take it for granted, but I think he seems to have gone a little too far.

A little reckless crazy!

He's right. I also think Bruce Lee will go to boss Wang or boss Du if he is forced to a certain extent.

Why is boss Du?

The reason is very simple, because Bruce Lee is very suspicious. He will certainly suspect that boss Du betrayed him and be angry.

But he can't do anything. He may not be able to do anything. At that time, as long as we push him a little behind his back or kill someone with a knife, it will probably be done.

It's just, I think it's a little too risky.

"No, you can't do that!" before Li Erzi finished, I interrupted him.

Then I stood up and stared at him: "Er Zi, people can't do anything in the world. At least, there should be principles. Do you know what principles are!"

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