He pretended to be a tiger. In fact, he didn't get his driver's license long after he learned to drive, but recently he wanted to touch my car as soon as he had a chance.

I didn't care. I thought I'd let him practice.

Automatic, I think you can drive it without learning.

In Zhang Guohua's words, pretending to force a tiger to drive is like trying to get along with someone. He bares his teeth and tilts his head.

His eyes are arrogant, as if he could reach the sky as soon as he raised his feet.

Suddenly it looked as if they were competing with each other.

Pretending to be a tiger, I want to bite hard on the steering wheel.

I usually sit in the back and haven't noticed the expression of pretending to be a tiger. I can see it clearly when I sit on the co pilot today.

Zhang Guohua's description is not very accurate.

In my opinion, the ferocious expression of pretending to be a tiger and the messy hair on his head are more like a dog with crushed eggs.

On the expression, I can't say whether it's enjoyment or pain.

Let the people next to see it, it's very tangled.

But people don't think there's anything wrong with pretending to be a tiger, but they're quite intoxicated.

I feel very handsome.

Pretending to be a tiger is a winner in life.

Driving a BMW, I still have some savings in my hand, don't I?

At his age, most people are working hard for life, sharpening their heads and drilling into money in order to survive.

Not many people can drive a car, let alone a BMW. Aren't you kidding!

However, people have this ability to pretend to be a tiger!

Whether it's your own or not, I just drove a BMW!

On the road, others looked at him strangely, but no one thought he was handsome. They all thought he had stolen a BMW and was driving with his teeth grinning. There were people chasing him behind him.

What others say about pretending to be a tiger doesn't care at all. You should drive as you like.

It's time to slip away and get to the battlefield.

The car stopped in front of Li Erzi with a stab.

Seeing from the outside that the driver was pretending to be a tiger, Li Erzi scolded directly.

"Pretend to be a tiger. You're fucking competing with the car again, aren't you?"

Pretending to force the tiger to jump out of the car, he went after Li Erzi. They fought for a while before they stopped.

Li Erzi gave us some cigarettes.

"Wenzi, why did you come back so soon? Isn't boss Wang's real estate open today!"

I tried to bite my cigarette butt: "today, the family made trouble in the past."


"Well, it's the two people you asked Wang Peng to clean up. The police have called the police. The police are now at the door of Wanfeng group."


Li Erzi was silent.

Pretending to force tiger and Zhang Guohua didn't speak.

We all have a steelyard in our hearts.

After a while, Li Erzi sighed, "Wenzi, it's my fault!"

There are no unsolvable bumps between brothers. Sometimes a word and a look can melt everything.

I patted him on the shoulder to signal that he was okay.

He squatted down in a different position and frowned: "but Wenzi, I don't think it's that simple. Do you think those people may go to the police? Isn't it shooting in a room where they can't see their fingers? It's no different from self mutilation!"

Li Erzi is right. These people come to make trouble now. It's OK for us to ignore him. If they really get serious at the police station, they can't run away.

What happened to them must be enough for them to go in and squat for a few years.

But why did they choose to call the police?

Want to burn jade and stone?

But it's unlikely


Li Erzi couldn't guess who it was, and his eyebrows were always locked.

After staying on the battlefield for a while, I was ready to go back to the nail salon to see Wang Yuxian. When I left, Li Erzi said to me, "Wenzi, I think boss Wang's attitude towards you must have changed. Be careful yourself. And, think about what I said to you!"

I was silent.

I know. He means to leave boss Wang and start a new stove.

Li Erzi has told me this sentence more than once.

I sighed and drove away.


After I left, boss Wang paced back and forth in the sales department.

It's already eleven o'clock. Under normal circumstances, most of the buildings in the sales department at this time must have been sold.

But now?

The building sold is zero!

Looking at this chilling figure, boss Wang frowned.


Not anymore. It's a little inaccurate to describe boss Wang's mood with anger.

Boss Wang's mood at the moment has gone beyond anger.

He never dreamed that such a thing would happen on the first day of sale.

The people in the sales department were going to work all day.

Now? Yes! Looks like we can get off work early!

Boss Wang kept looking at his mobile phone. He was worried and waited for the call back from section chief Duan.

But there was no news.

If section chief Duan could get rid of all these people now, it would be too late.

After all, popularity is still there.

There's just something wrong.

But if it's delayed until noon, it's dangerous.

By noon, people must have dispersed.

The popularity that day finally gathered was over again.

Across a door, there were noisy people outside. Originally, they were people who came to buy a house. Now they have become the audience. Several of them took out their mobile phones to shoot there.

Among the crowd was Lao Xing, who had a headache.

Lao Xing is also upset.

It's hard to be sued by nine people.

The nine people spoke with local accents. To tell the truth, Lao Xing couldn't understand a word, but he could only pretend to listen carefully to them.

He could find an excuse to sneak away, but he just stood still and wanted to see boss Wang eat flat with his own eyes.

With the pleasure of revenge, Lao Xing listened carefully and nodded seriously like a modest Godson.

My thoughts are all in boss Wang's Wanfeng group.

The wind blows hard~

Half an hour later, boss Wang's phone rang.

The caller is section chief Duan, whom he has been looking forward to for a long time.

"Lao Duan, why is it so long?" boss Wang quickly picked it up and said with a little blame.

The section chief on the phone sighed: "Lao Wang, this matter is not easy to deal with."

Boss Wang was too clear about what these words meant, so he immediately raised them.

"Because of that old Xing?"

"No, it has nothing to do with him. If you like, I can let him go now. However, after he leaves, there must be someone else coming. It's better to let him here."

Section chief Duan's meaning is simple and clear. Lao Xing is still his own person anyway. If he changes to someone else, it will be more troublesome and he has to say hello.

But boss Wang doesn't understand.

Isn't that a simple thing? As long as section chief Duan gives a word and lets people go, it's so simple.

But why does section chief Duan hesitate today?

Is there something behind this?

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