Provincial Department, section chief's office.

Recently, section chief Zhang has become more and more important. He intends to raise him at the end of the year.

Team Zhang can also feel that section chief Duan attaches great importance to him. Recently, his work is also quite agile and beautiful.

In addition, he has good skills and a good reputation in the police force. It will be sooner or later.

Looking at the spirit of team Zhang, a few words appeared in the heart of section chief Duan.

the younger generation will surpass the older.

The world needs young people to replenish fresh blood and the vitality of young people so that they will not appear dim.

Section chief Duan was arranging things for team Zhang when there was a knock outside the door.

"Come in!" section chief Duan said casually.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and then a smart face was printed into the sight of section chief Duan. This is no one else, but boss Wang.

Section chief Duan's eyebrows moved. Why did he come here at this time?

He turned to team Zhang and said, "OK, you go to work first and remember to do it better."

Team Zhang promised, said hello to boss Wang and went out.

Section chief Duan quickly got up to meet him: "Lao Wang, why did you come here in person? We can't go to the tea house if we have something to say?"

Last time, section chief Duan told him not to meet until this matter was handled. If someone sees it, it's hard to explain.

But today, I politely welcomed boss Du in. Why?

In the last two days, boss Wang introduced a health preservation teacher to the mother of section chief Duan. Now the elderly quarrel to listen to lectures every day. People are afraid of death when they are old, so there is a health preservation teacher.

Especially the section chief's mother, who has experienced life and death, cherishes her own life.

Every time his mother came back, she brought a lot of things, big and small, saying they were sent by the health teacher.

Can't the section chief understand? It's all money!

A health care class is not cheap. The things brought back by the old man are not cheap! This is all carefully arranged by boss Wang.

Section chief Duan knows what boss Wang wants.

But he can't sit still about it.

It is said that someone came down to investigate this matter, so section chief Duan is now facing two things.

One is the above criticism. Why does this happen under his jurisdiction? How does he deal with social security? Isn't this fooling around?

Are all the security documents written in vain?

And public security planning, people's quality warning education

These words are long, and may not be finished in a day. Of course, these are small things. More importantly, as long as someone comes from above, you must ask section chief whether he has caught someone.

Where did section chief Duan catch this man?

Why didn't you arrest people immediately? This is a headache for section chief Duan.

Second, he is still interested in a person, that is director Liu.

This man has always wanted to find a chance to clean up himself. Although his attitude towards him has been many times better than before, he can feel it.

Director Liu has always been dissatisfied with him.

Through this matter, he will certainly take good care of himself.

Section chief Duan helped boss Wang carry these things and risks. It's quite interesting.

There were only two people in the room, he and section chief Duan. He was not polite at all. He sat down and said, "Lao Duan, I've done that. I've seen the party. No one will mention it again."

Section chief Duan nodded, but what should have happened has already happened, and there is trouble.

"Alas, why are you so confused?"

Boss Wang sighed: "Lao Duan, do you think I look like a fool? May I ask my men to do this?"

"Not you?" section chief Duan was surprised.

Boss Wang shook his head slightly.

"Then give it to me! I'm sure to give you a satisfactory answer!" the justice of section chief Duan got up at once, but he really thought so in his heart. It's true that he was a good policeman.

Boss Wang smiled helplessly.

The water cups in the smiling hands were shaking, and the smiling section chief followed him with a few dry smiles.

"Lao Duan, it's not that I don't give you face, but I can't give you people. If you want to make a job at that time, I'll give it to you."

It's easy to make friends with anyone, but the risk is not small.

"All right!"

"How's the old man recently?" boss Wang said deliberately.

This is telling Duan section chief. Look, I've given you all the benefits I should give. You have to work hard for me. You can't be careless!

Section chief hehe smiled: "old man, very good!"

"Ha ha, that's OK!"

Then boss Wang and section chief Duan talked about health preservation, although boss Wang didn't understand it very well.

After a while, boss Wang asked him, "by the way, this matter is really so difficult? Isn't it just a few videos on the Internet? It's so terrible?"

This is what boss Wang can't think of recently. He's good everywhere, but he's a little out of date and out of touch with the society.

He basically doesn't understand things on the Internet.

Section chief Duan patiently told him: "the current network is like a suggestion box. Anyone who has opinions can throw them in, but that's all. If we see it, we can laugh it off. But have you ever thought about what to do if others see it? More serious, what to do if foreigners see it? It's serious!"

i see.

Boss Wang nodded suddenly: "but is the network so powerful?"

"Absolutely!" section chief Duan changed his posture and sat down. "Lao Wang, you must do it well. If it is spread out again and let anyone see it, there must be trouble!"

Boss Wang laughed: "don't worry, I work, don't you worry?"

"Well, don't worry!"

Section chief Duan's words are true. If boss Wang really has a problem, may he be with him?

Boss Wang looked at the time and thought it was almost time. He told section chief Duan that he would wait for him in the teahouse and let him go after work. Section chief Duan promised.

Boss Wang went out to the tea house after the meeting, booked two seats, sat inside and waited for section chief Duan.

After work, section chief Duan came in casual clothes.

In the teahouse, boss Wang and section chief Duan said something about boss Du.

Boss Wang's attitude is very firm. He is just going to make boss Du have no place to stand. He told section chief Duan that the mastermind behind this incident was boss Du.

Section chief Duan was a little embarrassed: "it's not easy to get boss Du now. He now said that there are rich bastards. It's also difficult for us to swim on the boundary of the law."

"Then I'll create some contradictions and you can solve them!" boss Wang said.

Boss Wang has done this kind of thing before. It's easy to do.

Section chief Duan bowed his head and thought for a while. Without a hurry, the two drank a few cups of tea. Section chief Duan said, "yes, it's OK, but we have to wait until years ago."


"Now the provincial department is busy and doesn't care about those things."

"Well, ok..."

Section chief Duan played a trick with boss Wang this time. Why wait until the end of the year?

Because it's the end of the year, do you have any performance!

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