Wang Yi works in government organs, but he is the grass-roots level.

He told me that in fact, his father was going to find someone to lift him today, but no one thought that something had happened at this time, and he could only wander below every day.

There is knowledge in the air, but it can't evaporate.

I can feel his helplessness.

"Zhang Wen, I graduated from a famous university with full knowledge. How many of those in office are better than me? How many have my higher education? Do you know? When I was in college, I was a special student! That is, I don't pay tuition fees, and everyone's school has to pay me!"

I couldn't help but look at him more. It seems that such people are surprisingly good at learning. The school did so in order to give him various conditions.

I heard Wang Xin say how excellent her brother is, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

It's a pity that such talents are buried at the grass-roots level.

But what can I do?

In the factory, those who can work are cadres, but they will never become managers. Those managers may not work, but they will certainly play with their brains.

This is the general.

Although Wang Yi has educational background and ambition, he gives me the feeling that he is still too young.

It's too energetic.

If he had half the city government of boss Wang and Erzi Li, the situation would be very different.

"Alas! It's a pity that my father didn't see my mother at last!" Wang Yi said, and her eyes became red.

Wang Xin also shed a few tears.

This is really chilling enough. Originally, Wang Xin wanted to let her father out, but now she still can't do it.

Neither of them met until her mother died.

This is a great irony.

"Does uncle know about it?" I asked.

Wang Yi shook her head: "I don't know. Xinxin and I didn't dare to tell him. We were afraid that his mood fluctuated too much."

"Well, that's good..."

I sympathize with them, but I can't help it. I can't work hard. I believe most people can't work hard on this matter.

Moreover, people who can work hard do not necessarily want to wade in this muddy water.

I grew a breath, and my heart was full of helplessness.

I didn't finish the meal until the afternoon. I took Wang Xin and Wang Yi home, and then I left by myself.


These two days, Wanfeng group suddenly seems to have nothing to do.

This makes boss Du a little confused.

There was a lot of noise this time. Why did it stop?

It shouldn't be so fast to say that it was suppressed!

Boss Du walked around his field today, then found a place to sit down and have a drink. He has been thinking about this problem in his mind.

Can it be said that boss Wang suppressed it?

Then his ability is really omniscient.

I can't get him anyway.

But he is willing to believe that this is not true. Can boss Wang grow to that extent in just a few months?

He didn't believe it and didn't want to believe it.

Boss Du, I can't understand it.

But one thing he was sure of was that he could not give boss Wang a buffer. In his opinion, it was only temporarily eased down, just like a pot of boiling water. As long as he lit the fire again, the water began to bubble again.

As long as he gives more strength, boss Wang must lie down!

Thinking of this, boss Du picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number. The phone was left by the two people, er Mao and Guang Guang.

Er Mao's phone can't be answered.

Light, it's off.

Boss Du scolded. What are these two guys doing? I didn't tell them clearly last time. The phone keeps running smoothly. I don't know when he will contact them!

In boss Du's opinion, these two people just take money and don't do anything!

So he called two people to the hospital.

In the hospital, er Mao and Guang Guang are also worried.

They are afraid of two people now. One is boss Du and the other is boss Wang.

But they are more afraid of the latter. About the former, they are just afraid that he knows about his meeting with boss Wang. If he doesn't know, he's not afraid at all!

"Guangguang, do you think we can do it if we run now?" this idea has not been thought for two days, but it has failed every time.


First, the legs and feet are inconvenient. If you run, you have to ask relatives and friends to help. It's too noisy.

Second, he was a little lucky and wanted to make some money from boss Wang or boss Du.

It was so easy to get the money these two times that he felt he could get more money. It seemed quite simple.

He glanced at him: "grass, do you think we can run now? Others can catch up with us by taking two steps!"

Obviously, Guang Guang misunderstood the meaning of Er Mao.

Er Mao also disdains people like him who have no brains. He snorts coldly and stops talking. He already has his own plan in mind.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open.

It's not a lovely angel in white, but a very black and heavy face. It's boss Du.

He was followed by two bodyguards, strong as a hill. When two people came in, they could block the door tightly.

After seeing it, er Mao and Guang felt a thump in his heart.

"Elder brother, why are you here?" Er Mao hurriedly smiled awkwardly.

Boss Du walked up to him in two steps, face to face with him, and his face twitched a few times.

It felt like asking him, how, are you surprised to see me?

There are surprises and surprises, but he doesn't have that leisure. Boss Du still plays this with him?

"Why can't you get through with your cell phone?" boss Du was calm, but he didn't lose his temper.

In fact, he is a good man. As long as he has been with him, he is very kind to others. Xiao Wang, little dragon and snake, which is not?

However, his appearance looks very fierce, which creates a misunderstanding for people, as if he is too dignified and inaccessible.

In fact, boss Du gets along better than boss Wang.

However, they have two styles, one Yin and one Yang.

The expression on ER Mao's face suddenly froze. He thought boss Du had come to question him.

He quickly took out his cell phone, looked at it and complained, "Oh, my cell phone is dead. I forgot to charge it. I'm sorry, big brother!"

Guangguang also took out his mobile phone to look like Er Mao, and then found an excuse to say that the mobile phone was broken.

The clumsy appearance of the two people was like a big man dancing pole dance naked.



Acting is terrible!

This is the evaluation given by the judge boss Du.

He moved his eyebrows and stared at his second hair for a few seconds.

Bruce Lee's acting skills can sometimes barely deceive boss Du, and the two of them can't get into boss Du's eyes.

That's fucking funny!

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