The pursuit of pretending to force a tiger in scolding the street is the same as Van Gogh's pursuit in art.

Same, same~

When Xiaowen blurted out this sentence, she pretended to force the tiger to hang an imperceptible smile around her mouth.

Others don't know, but I know in my heart that pretending to force a tiger is going to play!

Xiaowen means to break ground on Taisui's head.

I know, she is also worried. She wants to scold the man who pretends to force the tiger.

Unfortunately, who can pretend to be a tiger? I've never suffered a loss in scolding. Can I be afraid of a woman?

The most important thing about scolding is not to be angry. If your husband is angry and gets angry first, he will suffer a loss!

Don't be angry, or you may scold each other.

This is the essence summarized by pretending to force the tiger.

At the moment, Xiaowen's chest trembled disorderly, pretending to force the tiger, but just smiled.

"Grass my mother, do you have that ability? You're just friction!"

Xiaowen's face turned red in an instant: "you... You... Then I'll grass your family!"

"Hehe, my family? Then you'll grass me first! But I'm afraid you can't stand it!" he said, pretending to be a tiger and pretending to take off his clothes.

Xiaowen shook her head in disorder. She couldn't believe it. This outfit forced the tiger to be so shameless.

What's going on?

Why does a man swear so much?

How can Xiaowen understand? Pretending to force tigers to count from the age of 16, they are all the objects of ridicule in the village. They have grown black and ugly since childhood, and laugh very obscene and buried.

People don't laugh at him. Who do they laugh at?

But that's not the point.

The focus is on families that pretend to be forced tigers.

It's a single parent.

Only mother.

When he was very young, his father left. It is said that he ran away with a woman in the city. Since then, only her mother has lived with her alone.

For a long time, there is no pillar at home. Is it sure to be laughed at.

Many men even came to sarcasm and forced their tiger mother.

But at that time, pretending to force the tiger was still very small, didn't understand anything, and there was no room to talk back.

In those years, pretending to force the tiger didn't know how much sarcasm and abuse he had heard. Now it has become his capital.

Accumulated capital.

At the age of 16, pretending to force a tiger to work in the field just came back.

As soon as he got home, he heard words like dead woman and widow Wang. When he went back, two women just came out of his house.

When I entered the door, I heard a faint cry.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" pretending to force the tiger to quickly throw down his hoe and run in.

In the dim light, my mother was crying and wiped her tears one by one.

"Mom is fine. Are you hungry? Mom will cook for you."

With that, she got up and went to the kitchen.

It's not stupid to pretend to be a tiger. Just now he heard some words. Someone must have come to bully his mother when he was away.

Pretending to force the tiger is very similar to his mother. They are both big black claws and big black faces, but their character is not the same at all.

Although his mother looks like this, she is actually very timid and unwilling to fight with others. Every time she is wronged, she hides at home and cries.

These forced tigers look in the eye!

He feels bad too!

When eating, she cried again. There's no way. She has accumulated so much resentment every day. Do you always have to complain to someone? There was no one else around her, so she could only talk to pretending to force the tiger.

Although he is only a 16-year-old child.

This meal, pretending to be a tiger, basically didn't eat.

His fist was clenched all the time.

How can I let my mother suffer this injustice?

How can people bully their mother like this?

From this time on, pretending to force the tiger to make up his mind and began to practice scolding hard!

Great gods also start from ordinary people.

It's like pretending to be a tiger.

From the day of the conflict, he took a small book with him and began to record how those shrews scolded. Every word was carefully recorded.

Practice secretly several times a day to simulate swearing!


With this determination and this hard work, let alone scolding, even if you pretend to force a tiger to write online articles, you must be a great God!

After a while, several women passed by Zhuan forced Hu's house that day and saw his mother working in the yard, eating melon seeds.

"Oh, widow Wang, why are you still working?" one of them said with a strange tone of yin and Yang.

The women behind laughed.

Pretending to force tiger mother, she didn't speak. She bowed her head and continued to work. Don't pay attention to them.

Her reaction was just in their calculation, and several women began to prepare to make a big dig at her.

Just then, it seemed as if a light was shining from the room.

Then he pretended to force the tiger to come out carelessly, with a dog tail grass in his mouth.

He has been waiting for today for a long time.

He grinned with a big black mouth: "widow, that's the husband who died. My father just went to the city and hasn't died yet. But I think you should call widow Li!"

Then he pointed to the woman who had just cursed.

"What..." the woman probably didn't expect that she had been silent and pretended to force the tiger to speak so orderly. She was stunned.

"Because, you're Kraft! Your man is dying!" pretending to force the tiger to say this, which is quite mysterious.

The woman blushed: "you... What did you say, you..."

There was no room to fight back because of the sudden move of the tiger. The woman was also quite helpless.

Who knows that pretending to force a tiger will suddenly do it?

"Your man doesn't have a good thing. Your father ran away with the city people and left you two. When you grow up, you must be the same as your father..." another woman slowed down, hurried to speak and planned to pull up the formation.

But how could a fake tiger give her this chance?

His big black eyes moved and looked at her: "Oh, I haven't told you yet. Are you going to heaven? When I was collecting corn that day, I saw your man holding a little girl in the field. They were naked and didn't know what they were doing. They might be collecting corn stalks together or that..."

Pretending to force the tiger was purely made up, but the words changed in the woman's ears.

She has to doubt!

My heart also jumped a few times.

"I'm Cao NIMA! You little boy, where can you talk here?" the last woman was quite fierce. When she saw that the sisters had suffered a loss, she directly used the most primitive and dirty method to deal with the forced tiger.

That's too red Luo!

Pretending to force the tiger felt a little unbearable, and his eyebrows moved.

You come and I go. This is the first element in the treasure book of tiger scolding!

Everyone else has said something about it. He must return a tooth for a tooth!

Pretending to force the tiger to go forward for a few steps, he pointed the dog tail grass in his mouth at the woman who was talking just now, with a playful look in his eyes: "tell me, what do you want? Although you are older and your milk is flat, I don't care. What's the matter? Go to our barn and have a try? See who grass who!"

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