Night fell.

In an ordinary tavern in Jinhai City, there were two people, one of whom was captain Zhang with a beard and a decent face.

The other is me, who looks ruffian in a big suit.

On the table, there are two bottles of wine and five dishes.

"Come on, drink!" I filled him a glass and touched the glass.

Since team Zhang and I went to boss Du's villa to save the tiger, the relationship between team Zhang and me has been one step closer.

On weekdays, we are good friends.

Team Zhang is also very polite to me.

Because both of us are tough men with strong bones!

Team Zhang picked up the wine glass and touched me. The two of us drank most of the cup at a time, frowned and ate vegetables in a big way.

"Wenzi, your boss may encounter something unpleasant recently." Zhang team snapped.

Team Zhang is the kind of person who will confess everything to you. After a long time, his character is a little similar to that of Zhang Guohua.

Straightforward and forthright.

I'm glad he can say this to me.

Friends, no boundaries.

But there are some things that friends can't do or say.

Team Zhang and I are like mice and cats. Put on that layer of skin, he is a cat. Take it off, just like me.

In fact, when I first came into contact with team Zhang, I didn't think about bringing him to my side, so that at least it would be much more convenient for me to do things.

But I didn't know until I touched it.

Team Zhang and I can only be friends.

No more.

He couldn't have tipped me off, let alone stood on my side.

He can only stand on the side of justice.

I sighed: "I already know, but I didn't expect it to be so troublesome!"

I have made it clear to him the whole story of this matter.

I didn't do it, but my people did it from me.

He said he understood me, but he wouldn't help me.

If there is an order, he will come and catch me at the first time.

That's what he said.


I touched glasses with him again.

"Wenzi, the people of the Provincial Bureau have been eyeing this matter, and section chief Duan may not want to take care of it."

Team Zhang's words make my head turn around quickly.

Section chief Duan doesn't care about it, that is to say, boss Wang may have a contradiction with him.

No wonder he asked me to do it.

He also knew about it and was a little out of breath.

So, boss Wang won't push me out? Let me stop him.

When the idea came out of my head, I immediately interrupted it.

Even if boss Wang wants me to block the gun, he should not use this method. There are more direct and subjective methods waiting for him.

More importantly, I still have use value.

Haven't used me up yet. Are you willing to get me in? Otherwise, he worked so hard to cultivate me, wouldn't it be in vain?

I dried the wine: "I can't hide from those who should come!"

As soon as team Zhang drinks, his face turns red.

Such people are mostly sincere to people.

"Wenzi, are you going to go on like this? No idea?" he asked me.

I smile bitterly in my heart. What can I do?

I'm not living at the bottom of this society? Isn't it a piece in boss Wang's hand?

If someone moves his finger, I'll rush out.

Even if you struggle, you are rolling around in other people's five finger mountains.

The only way to save yourself is to jump out of this five finger mountain.

However, I'm not monkey king. I don't have his ability.

There's something I should do.

And do it!

Team Zhang certainly doesn't understand this.

I filled him with wine.

"If one day you're going to catch me, then when you handcuff me, just be light."

"Grass!" team Zhang was very upset about my words. He must hope to find a way to get away. He certainly didn't want to catch me unless he had to.

"No way! I'll try my best to stop your wrist and don't break it!"

"Ha ha..."

Today, we both drank a lot. When we finally left, team Zhang said to me, "Wenzi, I don't care what you're going to do now, but there's one thing you should remember. Be slow!"

I didn't understand what he meant.

Or I misunderstood what he meant.

I interpreted this sentence of team Zhang as delaying this thing first.

However, it's only three days. I want to delay. How long can I delay?

This is simply unrealistic.

Well, it's a day to delay!

I sighed and slowly disappeared at the end of the street.


When boss Wang was ready to let me do it, boss Du was not idle.

He has also worked hard in Jinhai city for so many years and knows how deep the water is.

At the same time, it also has a sensitive nose.

In Jinhai City, which was almost covered by boss Wang, he smelled the danger factor.

Therefore, he didn't go out much these two days, but drilled in his own home to think.

What are you thinking about?

Of course, it's about Wanfeng group.

It's not that boss Du is jealous of Wanfeng group. To put it bluntly, it's an empty shell.

He knew that very well.

After all, it used to be his industry, and he knew the power of it.

These days, he is thinking about these things.

The things he struggled in the construction site echoed in his head every day.

That day, three words suddenly came out of his mind.


There was a flash in his head, and boss Du's inspiration came like this.

He slapped himself on the forehead.

oh dear!

Why are you so stupid!

Why didn't you think of that earlier?

At the beginning, the real estate had paid a deposit. Now it has been changed into Wanfeng group, but the deposit will not change.

Boss Du clearly remembers that when he paid the deposit, he also found a lot of relationships and delayed a lot of people.

It's just to reduce the deposit, but it's useless. Haven't you paid all the money in the end?

For this reason, boss Du was very angry and turned his face with the man.

He also knows that the water is very deep.

In fact, you can pay or not. Your money is borrowed from the state. What margin should you pay?

Isn't this bullshit?

But there is such a program among others that you can pay the money and put it there.

That's it.

Everyone knows that there is a lot of interest on the money there. Who is willing to put it there?

Especially the construction site, money is used everywhere!

However, those who worry about this now should not say boss Du. It should be his boss Wang!

But boss Wang doesn't seem to be in a hurry now.

A person knows why.

Because the money is not boss Wang's at all, it's not the meat that fell from him. He won't be distressed.

Boss Du thought that since he had paid the money, boss Wang would be hurt this time.

Thinking of this, boss Du put on a smile.

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