103. OO Relief Medicine

As Ian went to my room, saying that he was not an eunuch, the children worried that he might have hurt him.

‘Ian… … .’

Looking at Ian’s back, drooping like a wounded cat, heading to my room, Noah blamed them for not being honest.

However, the young girl’s heart did not easily reveal her heart to others.

‘It would be better if there was a medicine to be honest.’

Why is there no such medicine in a world that has magic and summons? – Noah was very resentful about it.

To be honest, I wish there was a way to reveal my feelings without hiding them.

I thought so.

* * *

Returning to the room late at night, Ian frowned as he talked to the emperor on the phone.

[Yeah, Ian, you shouted no eunuch?]

“… How do you know that, Your Majesty?”

[Where do you think it is?]

Hearing the emperor’s words, Ian realized again that he was in a resort dedicated to the royal family.

These are servants who have earned the emperor’s trust, working only for the emperor and his family.

The ears of the servants here were the ears of the emperor, and their eyes were the eyes of the emperor.

[If there is a problem with the function, I can send you a doctor or some medicine.]

“… It’s not like that. And I don’t think it’s something to say to a young cadet yet.”

[You’re young, aren’t you old enough to get married right now?]

Rather, the emperor looked at Ian with a strange look, asking what he was saying.

Only then did Ian realize that this was the world of a game, and he realized his mistake.

‘… There was no such thing as a minor here, really.’

Although the Earth only defined those under the age of 20 as minors and did not allow them to do anything without a guardian.

It was impossible for there to be such a thing as a minor in a different world that was made in Korea and cannot be 100% identical to Korea.

Isn’t it a country where he himself has to graduate from the academy in two years and go to war to protect mankind?

“Anyway, I have no intention of having such a relationship with those children.”

[Hmm- If it’s the duke’s daughter, is it okay to take her as a wife? There is a saying that a hero is a trio-.]

“I don’t think that’s what the father wants to say to his daughter… .”

[Of course, the first wife must become a princess.]

Ian looked at the emperor as if it was absurd.

It seems like a while ago that I forced myself to connect with my daughter, the princess, right away.

Although Ian is not the child’s father, I could tell that the emperor’s emotions were not sane. Some people cherish their children like treasure.

Ian, who once again realized that he should not judge the emperor by his general sensibility, turned the topic around.

“So- how are you doing outside these days?”

[Surprisingly peaceful. All thanks to you. Marquis Ian.]

“The demons keep their promises… .”

[I thought it might be a coercion to get a cause.]

Surprisingly, after handing over the heads of the death row prisoners in the form of Ian and Noah, the demons really stopped attacking.

Of course, if his head is found to be fake, he will come back with an army in great anger, but…

It was unexpected for the emperor, who knew he would use it as an excuse to attack him because he made an unreasonable request right away and didn’t do it.

[—If not, it could be a plot to use even your death as a hammock.]

“… Is it mine?”


One of the reasons humans cannot completely drive out demons is that demons feed on human emotions and are born from human minds.

Even Dinois, inside the academy, which was known to be completely safe, was like that in another city full of violence and unrest.

Someone could spread a malicious rumor that the emperor had committed a face-confiscation of human beings to demons, making humans show hostility to the emperor.

The united hostility would become a demon that would threaten humanity again.

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More than anything… … .

[I fear that the most. Marquis Ian.]


[The ordinary citizens we protect, the commoners- pointing their blades at us.]

The peace we have today is the peace that was achieved through the death of Ian Clark. What if Ian Clark survives and the demons pick up on it and start another war?

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Maybe people didn’t know what to say. ‘It was better when Ian died.’

No matter how strong a person might be, if he faced such a situation, he could fall into a deep sense of disappointment.

The emperor was afraid of him.

When those who uphold justice betray justice.

“I don’t care.”

Fortunately, Ian Clark wasn’t the kind of person who cared too much about the people chirping at him.

Have you not faced the evil of a human being who puts on an anonymous mask right away and creates infinitely behind it?

It wasn’t that scary when ordinary common people with no power had to stand up.

[Then you are lucky.]

The king laughed as he said that. Then, as if he had suddenly remembered, he instructed my attendant to say something.

[I sent you a present.]

“A gift?”

[I’m sure you’ll like it. Well then-]

With those words, the emperor ended the communication. Although it is a world with magic, objects never teleported, so Ian went to sleep expecting what kind of gift he would get.

Please, I hope it is a gift that will help you cut down demons.

* * *

The next day, the gift arrived.

As she opened the box that the maid gave her, Ian found the pills inside.

“… what’s this?”

“We are well… … .”

Even the maid who brought the gift does not know the identity of the gift, but it may not be as dangerous as the one sent by the emperor… .

Ian thought that the pill that was supposed to have this magical effect would not be known to anyone who used magic.

“Empress, do you know what this is?”

[Summoner, do you know what kind of all-purpose dictionaries I am?]

“Say you don’t know, just.”

Unfortunately, hundreds of years ago, the Great Witch didn’t really know what these pills were. In a way, it would be natural. Technology is advancing dazzlingly, but wouldn’t a person from hundreds of years ago not be an ancient person at all?

Especially when it comes to technology that develops insanely fast like magic.

‘It smells good… .’

Sniffing, Ian could tell that this was something close to candy. It smelled so sweet.

Unfortunately, he didn’t like candy very much. As the number was four, Ian thought he had to give it to the children, so he went down to the restaurant with a box.

The children were already eating in the dining room down there.

“Ah- Ian!”

The children, who found Ian coming in late, waved at Ian and pointed to the seat next to me as if to come.

Ian roughly sat down next to Noah and waited, and the maid immediately started serving the dishes.

Seafood delicacies made with the best ingredients caught by the best chef on the day – Ian came from modern times, but this food was more delicious than any other food from the earth.

‘It’s because I didn’t go to expensive places.’

When good ingredients are combined with excellent skills, great taste can be realized regardless of the times. hahaha, 70% of the ingredients used to make it taste even on Earth.

“Ian, what is that?”

“yes? Ah- this?”

After they finished eating, the children began to be interested in the box that Ian had brought.

Ian handed the candy inside to the children. Two pink candies and two yellow candies.

The children sniffed the smell and picked up the candy they wanted. Stella and Shira in pink, Noah and Denoir in yellow candy.

“Ian, don’t you eat?”

“I hate sweets.”

I must have remembered that I ate only sweet things at times – Stella tilted her head at the strangeness and put the candy in her mouth.

The children who ate the candy looked at Ian with wide smiles on their faces.

“Wow, where did this come from?”

“yes. Very tasty.”

“right… Sweet.”

“… … yes.”

Speaking of that, Ian wanted to pick up one and try it himself, but what does a man do when he eats something sweet? I shook my head thinking that I could just feed the girls.

I must have ate all the gifts I received. Looking at Ian who was about to get up, Stella said.

“You look great today, I want to kiss you on the lips.”

“… What?”

After hearing Stella’s remarks, Ian stiffened and looked at her. Stella looked at him with a look that didn’t seem to know what was wrong.

“Why are you looking at me like that? I really want to take him and raise him.”

“S, Stella?”

Embarrassed, Noah called her name, and Stella realized that something was wrong, and touched my mouth.

“… What did I just say?”

“I want to kiss Ian on the lips.”

“Hey, I didn’t say that! I just want to kiss Ian seriously-!!”

Only then did Stella realize the nature of the strangeness and shut her mouth. Seeing that adorable figure, Dinoir said as if worried.

“S, Stella- I think I ate something wrong… Bitch like a stray cat, don’t flirt with Ian. I will kill you.”

“… … ?”

“D, even D-Noir-senpai!”

The moment he realized that Stella and DiNoir were saying things that he would not normally have said, Ian realized what the emperor had given him.

The emperor must have really wanted to f*ck Ian.

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