My Super Estate

1000 Demon King's submission

Chapter 944 Demon King's Surrender


For a while, a huge mountain peak flew from outside to suppress everything.

Oh, it turned out to be a huge palm, suppressed between heaven and earth, and the energy fluctuated rapidly between the heavens and the earth, and was condensed into an entity by a great magical power, like a mountain.

A mountain of mud suddenly appeared on a crystal earth, which was already very attractive. If the mountain shows five fingers again, it would be a wonder of the world.

If it is above the earth, such a spectacle is definitely a tourist holy place, plus the compilation of some myths, it is directly the best way to attract tourists.

However, in the current Valley of Ten Beasts, many of the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Palace, each of them, have not been attracted by the scene in front of them, or that their hearts have already been given to them by His Majesty the Demon King. Suppressed, and felt incredible.

"No, is this not true?

Absolutely not true. He is just a human race. How could he be an opponent of His Majesty the Devil??"

"Yes, this must not be true. How can a single human race suppress His Majesty the Demon King?"

"I know, I know. This is the water of your majesty. It must be like this. It must be the water of your majesty.

Suddenly, someone screamed like this.

It’s just that...

Is the demon king releasing water?

I let your sister, this matter is the honor of the Thousand Beasts Demon Hall, who dares to release water?

Stomach trouble?

Oh my god, where did this come from? A supreme demon king would have a nasty stomach. In this way, the ten thousand beast demon kings felt a little embarrassed.

No, there is no face at all.

In fact, the situation is far worse than the imagination of the Beast Demon King. On the spot, there were three disciples of the Beast Demon Palace who caught fire and exploded in flesh...

There are even many disciples who have already entered the edge of enchantment.

Devil races, originally a lot of races, because of the magic, the nature of the mind is originally extremely extreme, trapped in the Thunder Domain for thousands of years, many Demon Temple disciples have long doubted the power of the demon, and now, as their strongest Majesty, It was easily defeated by a human race, a martial arts Jindan, and such a blow was a great blow to many disciples.

"In order to gain strength, I now find that the strength of the Demon Race is not as strong as I imagined. If these Demon Temple disciples can still maintain, they will have to serve them."

Of course, Wang Yang was already in his heart, flashing quickly like an electric flash.

"Master, what's wrong with them?"

Suddenly, many disciples of the Demon Palace suddenly had instability in their bodies, and some people even exploded directly on the flesh, but they surprised the martial arts fat.

"If there is right in the world, then there will be demons.

Some people, in order to obtain strong strength, directly fall into the devil, attracting the evil spirit into the body, and from then on, become the devil.

In doing so, there are naturally good and bad; good is to obtain powerful power, and bad is that once your beliefs are shaken, there is a high possibility that you will directly get into trouble.

These demons have been trapped in the thunder domain for thousands of years, and their hearts have long been shaken, but they are blindly supported by the glory of thousands of years ago.

However, the Thousand Beast Demon King was defeated and even suppressed by this seat. Naturally, for these Demon Races, the impact in their hearts will be extremely huge.

This is the case, many Qi De disciples, Qiqi will go off fire."

Faintly, Wang Yang seems to have understood some of the truth about the so-called millennium demon.

Mozu is famous for being tough and bloody, killing is synonymous with Mozu; horror is the impression left by demon to everyone.

A demon in a thousand years is not only the harvest of life energy, but also the spread of the beliefs of the demons.

"Speak, do you want to die, or do you want to live?"

The life and death of the disciples of the Thousand Beasts and Demon Palace, Wang ** didn't care, and came directly to the Thousand Beasts and asked him whether he wanted to die or live.

"I want to live, I want to live."

It is undoubtedly the best for those who take life as their own way.

Obviously, Ten Thousand Beast Demon King has embarked on a path of life-saving.

"Okay, since I want to live and don't want to die, just tell me, where is my disciple now?"

Wang Beast Demon King wants to live, Wang Yang is very grateful and quickly asks the questions he is most concerned about now.

"I do not know either!"


Wang Yang's eyes were glared, and an inexplicable coercion directly shrouded in it. There was a sound of dragon yin in the faint.

"Don't you want to live?"

Although Wang Yang's words are very light, there is no murderous thing in his body, but it is such a light word that puts pressure on the Beast Demon King, which is more than his own. The mountain is bigger.

In particular, Long Yin, which sounded faintly in his ears, was an individual, and he could feel that the life-and-death aura was in a trace.

"No, no, you have to listen to me..."

At this time, the Beast Demon King no longer placed any devil's shelf, his body was suppressed by the mountain, and he could only open again and again.Afraid that Wang Yang was impatient and killed himself directly.

"The entire battlefield of the Demon Race is completely covered by the dream world of Supreme Master Wu, therefore, the rules here are completely opened up by Supreme Master Wu.

Before, there was indeed a human girl who appeared, but, at that time, there was a blood spirit who wanted to shoot her. I passed by and rescued her.

Only, later, she suddenly disappeared."

The so-called salvation, everyone knows the facts.

It's just, why did this suddenly disappear in the end?

"Why are you missing, you are lying!!"

Shenwu Big Fat is the most excited.

Seeing that the hope of saving Xianling'er is right in front of you. Now, you have told me that she has suddenly disappeared. If so, who would believe it?

"No, I didn't lie. She was really missing."

"It's impossible, you must have hurt it!"

Shenwu fat is already on the verge of losing reason.

The man has tears and does not flick, but just hasn't reached the sad part. Obviously, for Shenwu Big Fat, it is now a sad part.

Xian Ling'er is very talented. Since childhood, Xian Changji and others have placed great hopes on him. The deputy dean of Shenwufeng always raises his ears and asks fat people to protect Xian Ling'er.

If it is a man, maybe the fat man's heart will be a little bit crooked. Obviously, the fairy is a beautiful girl. Gradually, the fat man has long regarded the fairy as his only one.

Now, Xian Ling'er has disappeared, and no traces have been lost. As a result, where would the fat man accept?

"Say, did Ling'er hurt you?"

Grabbing the head of the Beast Demon King, Shenwu's fat face was gritty and fierce.

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