My Super Estate

Question 1193

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-eight Successful (2)

Headed by the three-headed dragon and the mountain eagle, several demon clan supernaturalists faced each other with the blood demon.

"Bloody, you let go, otherwise, die!!!"

As the three-headed jiao who is closest to the demon clan, he has a very splenic temperament. When facing the blood demon, he is not afraid of it. He even threatens the blood demon to leave, otherwise he will die.


You have reached the sixth step!"

Blood Demon sneered: "The same is the sixth step, your strength may be a bit, but, how is it an opponent with this Demon?"

The blood demon's expression was very disdainful, and looked at the three-headed Jiao, as if looking at a weak chicken.

"Okay, then, let's try it and see, the same is the sixth step. Where is the strength of your blood demon compared to my three-headed dragon?"

The three-headed jiao is also an arrogant generation, who is also the sixth step supernatural power, dare to underestimate himself so much?

The three-headed caterpillar shot decisively.

At this time, all words on the battlefield are in vain, and whoever is strong is weak.

The strong is king, the weak die!!

This is a battle between martial arts powerhouses. Similarly, this is also a verification between martial arts.

The battle over the avenue is dead.

The three-headed jiao showed its true body, flashing sharp claws, and went towards the blood demon.

The so-called vision, the so-called law phase, to their level, basically, has no meaning.

They have cultivated into their own avenues, even breaking out of the road, suppressing the heaven and earth avenues by their own way, and any road in heaven and earth can no longer have any restrictions on them. Even, they themselves are the way. In the future, others will cultivate The first thing they think about their martial heritage is their real body.

For ordinary human races, or ordinary races, they are gods, they are the Tao.

At their level, every move, every move, is the true meaning of martial arts, every move is a matter of course.

Yes, every move is a matter of reason, not a matter of reason, and at their level, it becomes a matter of reason.

Okay, this topic is a bit round.

Just like the law.

For ordinary people, the law must be obeyed, but for those who are higher, the law is to regulate others.

In the ancient emperor, his sentence was the law. Everyone must obey it. He said, you are a death sentence and no one dares to rebel.

If you do not accept, you will die.

The so-called supreme demon is so overbearing.

Therefore, the three-headed Jiao showed his true body, and one paw grabbed it, which was directly his martial art, and his absolute supernatural power.

What kind of dragon claw hand, his shot is directly Jiao claw hand.

Whether it is strong or weak, only know if it is better.

"Humph, Divine Beast Road?"

Faced with the attack of the three-headed dragonflies, the blood demon just sneered.

The power of the Niu Demon King is the best in the demon world.

My bloodline is not dead, the most feared thing is the physical attack, no matter how fierce your god beast attack, how can it not be killed, I will not be afraid of you!!


Well, this is the problem between the spear and the shield.

Your knives are sharp again, and in the face of water, you have to be blind.

The blood demon's immortal body is naturally unable to reach the level of water, but under the attack of the three-headed Jiao, he is still in danger.

Even, once caught with a claw, the whole blood demon whole person is directly torn into countless pieces.

However, the blood demon does not die. After the attack effect of the three-headed dragonfly dissipates, countless pieces of flesh and blood will naturally gather, quickly condense, and form again.


The blood demon's undead magical power, the three-headed jiao was secretly startled.

"Humph, I don't believe you are really dying!!"

The mountain eagle snorted coldly and didn't believe that the blood demon was really undead.

The mountain eagle is only the Xeon five-fold heaven, has not broken the road, and the physical phase and the flesh have not merged into one.

The mountain eagle turned into a humanoid figure. Behind him, an eagle with a wingspan spreading out appeared.

Yes, it is an eagle with a wingspan of one hundred wings, one wing of an eagle, and suddenly, between the world and the earth, an endless gust of wind is stirred towards the blood demon.

"Black fire demon wind?"

The so-called black fire demon wind is one of the talents and magical powers of Zuoshan.

The so-called natural supernatural power is the supernatural power granted by heaven and earth. In fact, it is the law naturally engraved in the body of the mountain eagle.

After breakthroughs again and again and after evolution again and again, Zuoshan Hawk naturally gathers the law and Dao in its body and blends it into the flesh, which is the so-called natural supernatural power.

This black fire demon wind, a mountain eagle practiced magical power of fire, was pushed by the wings, and directly formed a great magical power to destroy the world.

This kind of magical power is not only the cutting with wind, but also the high temperature burning with flame.

The terrifying black flame demon wind, even if it is extremely close to the demon clan, has already entered the sixth step of the three-headed Jiao, which is directly to retreat from Sanshe.

"Ha, what's the use?"

Faced with this horrible black flame demon wind, the blood demon directly ignored, no matter what, there was no movement.

Then, the black wind blows hard, and the fire burns hard.

However, there are no eggs.


"Let's move faster, the blood demon, has been dragged down by the big heads such as the three-headed dragon, and we must act faster."

In the Celestial Team, Xiongba ordered decisively.

"it is good!!"

Brown bear and human bear, the two nodded affirmatively.

The Celestial Team, all of them have entered the realm of great supernatural powers. Of course, the action is fast. Above the sky, the blood demon and the three-headed dragon and other demon races have been fighting for days, even if they are heaven and earth, they are almost not exploded.

Along the mountain, the three teams of Celestial Bears ran quickly, and the tall trees were the best shelter.

"It's coming. Now, when we reach the top of the mountain, everyone moves faster. Those adults are afraid that they can't stop the blood fiends. If we can't hurry, they might be unable to resist."

The more to the end, the more careful Xiongba is.

Even on his forehead, there was already sweat flowing out.

It stands to reason that the mountains are getting higher and higher, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and even, in some places, it has been frozen.

However, Xiongba is nervous.

A tense bear tyrant is directly sweating under running water.

"Boss, come quickly, here, there is a cave, inside, faintly, there is a heat wave."

In the vast mountains, the temperature is already very low, and many places have already frozen.

Under such circumstances, there will be heat waves in a cave. No one will believe that there is nothing in it!

Along the way, Tianshe Peak didn't stop at all.

Looking at the cave in front of him, he said, "Boss, we have come along this way without any hindrance.

You said, wasn't this Tianshefeng war because of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace?"

No one is a fool.

Sky Snake Peak is an important peak occupied by the Demon Race. The defense cannot be weak.

However, along the way, there was no obstruction at all.

If there is no conspiracy, then it is naturally solved by someone.

Come to think of it again, at the foot of Tianshe Peak, that big war, as if everything, showed a sense of uncertainty.

"Don't worry, we just want to complete the task."

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