My Super Estate

Chapter 1204

Chapter 118

"Son, you, how are you now?"

Wang Yang suddenly vomited blood, and then his breath quickly dissipated, and even almost fell to the freezing point. Liu Guiying almost didn't collapse.

Now, my son has recovered suddenly. All of this can be described as a horse and a roller coaster.

"Son, you, are you okay!!"

Wang Weimin finally recovered from the sluggishness and ran nervously to Wang Yang, asking with concern.

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and thought, can I still be okay?

Well, you, my son, know that your response has been slow.

"Dad, don't worry, I'm fine."


"of course."

Just almost hung up.

Okay, almost hung up, didn't it?

Wang Yang was almost scared to death. Yuanshen was directly bombed by Thunder Tribulation. Isn't it almost dead?

At the same time, Wang Yang was surprised.

What is going on?

Wang Yang's strength, to a great extent, is reflected in the powerful physical battle body. Without the physical battle body, Yuanshen is not very different from ordinary ordinary people.

That is to say, as far as Yuanshen cultivation is concerned, Wang Yang is actually equivalent to the human-level Yuanshen realm, but at most it is the ground-level Yuanshen who has just broken through.

Entering the thunder world with Yuanshen, facing the thunder bombing, is it almost not dead?

However, how could it suddenly recover?

Thinking left and right, Wang Yang just didn't understand.

"Yes, it's the fruit of the sky snake!"

Suddenly, Wang Yang was shocked and saved one thing.

Before himself, he swallowed a sky snake into fruit.

I just thought that there is such a fruit to prevent accidents.

Now it seems that the accident is really coming, that is to say, he made an outside move and accidentally rescued the whole game.

"Yes, I practiced as a dragon claw hand magical power, and even awakened Longwei, and even once into the dragon blood.

At the last moment, this celestial snake metabolic fruit activated all dragon blood, all dragon blood, dragon power, dragon claw hand supernatural power, all under the effect of this celestial snake metabolic fruit, all Integrate into one."

By this time, Wang Yang could only remember these.

Is it right? Wang Yang doesn't know.

Within the thunder sky, under the thunder tribulation, Wang Yang’s Yuanshen turned into countless fragments. Under the thunder robbery, all the fragments were broken again, and all the Yuanshens were completely transformed into 108 pieces. Yuanshen thought.

One hundred and eight Yuanshen thoughts, rounded into a whole, bombarded again and again by thunder.

It's very magical. The 108 Yuanshen thoughts, no matter how they are bombarded by Thunder Tribulation, invisible, they will have a powerful vitality, quickly injected, let 108 Yuanshen thoughts in Thunder Tribulation , More and more condensed, more and more rounded, even, shining brightly, even, among them, faintly, there is a dragon roaring roar.

Yes, among the 108 Yuanshen thoughts, there was a faint dragon sound.

A total of nine Thunder Tribulation, as if to vent all the energy from the second floor of the entire Thunder World.


One hundred and eight Yuanshen thoughts all gleamed with gleaming jade, as if they were the most precious stars in the world.

After the Nine Dao of Thunder Tribulation, it seems that there is a strong will to let the 108 Yuanshen thoughts rotate naturally and quickly, with a certain point as the center, and quickly rotate more and more, Quickly, the distance between each other is approaching quickly.

Finally, 108 Yuanshen thoughts merged into a star, glowing.


The planet is broken, a dragon is crawling out of it.

Yes, 108 Yuanshen thoughts turned into a luminous planet. Finally, the planet shattered and crawled out of a long dragon.


Gao Yan's roar of dragons, like a born emperor, a small dragon, a high-pitched dragon chant, more than a thousand demon soldiers and monsters, even if they were only condensed by thunder, one by one, all exploded.

"This, so terrible?"

Such a result, Wang Yang is absolutely unexpected.

Could it be that the second floor of the Thunder Realm is just like this?

The facts tell Wang Yang that everything is so beautiful, it is impossible.

The dragon roared, and all the monster soldiers and monsters exploded, however, quickly, in the endless thunder of the second floor of the thunder world, they recovered quickly.

"The endless thunder bath is the most basic ability to enter the second floor of the thunder world.

The demon soldiers will be combined into a large thunder formation. It is not that the Thunder Realm has no Thunder energy. In fact, the Thunder Realm is all endless Thunder. The Thunder Big Nine is nine, but it is only heaven.

Then, all the demon soldiers will be able to gather together freely, possibly, and is also the most basic kind of ability.

In the second floor of Thunder Realm, among the demon soldiers and demon generals, they already have their own will.

So, is it necessary to destroy the will of all demon soldiers and demon to kill all the demon soldiers and demon?"

Wang Yang thought so in his heart, and suddenly, the dragon that Wang Yang had transformed, opened a terrible mouth.

Well, a foot-long Jiaolong, Jiaolong brave, his mouth is no big deal.


Another high-pitched Dragon Yin.


Just condensed and formed, it hasn't been time to arrange the formation again, all the demon soldiers will directly explode.


The little Jiaolong opened his mouth and sucked towards the endless Thunder.

The demon soldier demon who had just exploded, all the vitality of life was sucked away by the dragon, and the dragon grew up quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

It turned out that it was only one foot in size, and in a blink of an eye, it became one foot in size now.

"This, this is passed?"

Even if this was already the case, Wang Yang couldn't believe it.

"It turns out that Long Yin and Long Wei have the supreme will of the Dragon Race."

Just now, the reason that the more than 1,000 demon soldiers and demon will explode directly is just because Dragon Yin contains invincible dragon prestige.

Longyin contains the invincible will, but just one sound of Longyin kills everything.

Wanting to understand everything, Wang Yang found that between the world and the world, he was much clearer.


The high-pitched Long Yin, Wang Yang turned into a humanoid, walked forward and looked towards his eyes.

There is a ninth-order sky road. Above the sky road, there is a tall sky gate.

As long as you set foot on the ninth-order sky road, it means that you will be tested by the third floor of Thunderworld Sky.

Passed, is the third heaven of the supernatural powers.

"Forget it, I still don't go in.

The will of martial arts, martial arts of martial arts, martial arts of martial arts, primordial martial arts of the martial arts, no one reached the standard, and hurriedly boarded the third heaven road, a dead end."

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