My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1208

Chapter One hundred and forty-two

"Hey, you haven't answered me yet, how did you do it?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Wang Yang pretended to be confused, saying that he did not understand what you were talking about.

Okay, Wang Yang is cheating a child!


On the head of the holy baby, it actually burned.

This is the gifted magical power of the holy infant. He is a natural fire spirit, not just possessing the powerful blood of the bull demon king, and controlling the powerful power.

Spitting three flavors of real fire, for the holy baby, this is his skill, as if a person can spit, just as easy.

It's an exaggeration to say that it's so flamboyant and placed in other places, but it's a fact that it's directly placed here.

"Do you really treat me as a child?"

Okay, you don’t admit it yet, look, aren’t you just a kid?

One thing, it's a blaze, you said, are you a child?

Wang Yang rolled his eyes, so heartfelt.

"How do you think I did it?"

Wang Yang wouldn't tell him that the Dark Iron Demon King, in fact, was actually inherited from himself.

Ziyang Divine Skill.

Yes, you are not mistaken. The Black Iron Demon King, who is practicing, is indeed Ziyang Divine Skill. It is a kind of homologous atmosphere, and Wang Yang will never be mistaken.

In other words, that guy must be practicing the Ziyang Divine Skill, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

But why is he like this?

"how could I know?"

When asked by Wang Yang, all the anger of the baby was gone.

It's just a dog, you devil, and, at first glance, it's that kind of supernatural being. When you come to kill someone, you sympathize with him because he is going to die.

Okay, your sympathy is rotten, and Prince Ben will not say it, but how can you do it when you are a dog day?

"You said, why, if you want him to go, he will go?"

If it weren't for knowing that Wang Yang had inherited the legendary Ziyang emperor's inheritance, the Holy Infant absolutely believed that this kid was a big traitor.

Okay, rape.

There is no such thing. You are a demon celebrity master, a demon king, come to chase people, you don't even have to take action, even if you still want to chase down the people you want to follow.

This is simply an international joke.

"Probably, he thinks that I am really too handsome. He thinks that such a handsome guy should stutter."

If before, Wang Yang would never say "handsome".

His mother-in-law, the whole society, developed into a face-seeking society, it was just a dog.

Wang Yang was even driven into the abyss of society because of a face.

Well, in fact, Wang Yang is also yearning for a handsome life. Now that he has recovered, he has to play a trick, maybe he can play a sky.

"Hum, don't say pull down."

The holy baby turned his head and left.

Looking at the holy baby who walked away, Wang Yang secretly said: "It's not that I don't say it, but that it can't be said about it."

With a sigh, Wang Yang followed and walked forward.


"Huh, me, why am I leaving?"

The tall Dark Iron Demon suddenly stopped and looked a little erratic.

Impossible, I am not going to chase down that human race, why would I leave?

The Dark Iron Demon King, no matter how he thinks, can't understand.

"No, I have to keep up. I want to kill him. I want to get that one million points. I want to be the bronze devil."

Well, this is the real child, full of dreams, and even, for the dream, he put in efforts again and again.


"What's wrong here?"

Entering a land boundary, suddenly, there was a twist around.

"No, this is a field!!"

The so-called field is actually a world in a narrow sense.

The worlds of heaven are big houses. There are rooms, living rooms and kitchen toilets in the houses.

This so-called field is a naturally formed space, empty and distorted. Once a person enters it, nature will enter a closed black room.

This place is now such a place.

"Be careful, here, it may be an array space."

A powerful formation can open up one side of the world, and any entry into it must be controlled by this side of the world.

Here, the void is distorted, which is obviously not an ordinary land boundary.

However, no one knows whether it is caused by the formation.

"How to do?"

Wang Yang really didn't understand the formation, no matter how he looked at it, it was the same and he couldn't see anything.

Well, in this formation, Wang Yang is a fifth-level cripple.

"Wait, let me try!"


Wang Yang stared at the beads and almost didn't hit anyone.

Do you set a fire?

Dog Day's, your fire, but the three flavors of real fire, you put a fire, do not burn me to a fire?

Well, Wang Yang can't help it anymore, he just wants to hit someone.

It's just that his action seems to be a little late. He hasn't had time to hit people yet.


Wang Yang quickly jumped away.

This space is not very big, it is only ten meters long, only two or three meters high, and only seven or eight meters wide.

In short, this is a very small space.

As a result, the holy infant was almost burnt and almost not burned to death by Wang Yang.

"Little fart boy, I really want to hit someone!!"

The terrible high temperature, Wang Yang as a whole, can't stand it.

Don't look at it, Wang Yang is also playing with fire, but he was also very sad when he was burned by the three real fires.

Okay, it's a little sad, three flavors are really hot, for him, it can only make him a little sad.


Wang Yang, who was still angry, suddenly glared.

what is that?

I saw that under the terrifying three-flavor real fire, this insignificant space suddenly appeared.

There are many invisible shadows.

It’s hard to believe that overlapping.

"what is this?"

The shadow is heavy?

Wang Yang recalled some martial arts novels he had read when he was a child, and he often likes to say something heavy about the shadows, just to set off the atmosphere.

It's just that, now, it really seems to be a lot of shadows.

"Here, it is indeed a formation.

These are all the breath left by the formation itself.

Under the burning of the three flavors of real fire, these breaths are difficult to wipe out, and they will manifest themselves only when they resist themselves."

Said the infant.

However, Wang Yang always felt a little unreliable.

Who has heard that Sanwei Zhenhuo still has such a magical effect?

Okay, I don’t understand, but I think it’s very powerful, watching you pretend.

"anything else?"

"What else?"

Asked the horrified baby.

"No, co-authored, you set it on fire for a long time, you understand this?

I said, what's so great about this formation, you can't talk about it?"

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