My Super Estate

Chapter 1211 Soul Grass

Chapter 1145 Mind Grass


Faced with the horrible raindrops, the holy baby went all out.

The flame gun pierces, transforms the invisible flame into a qualitative blade, strong control, the high temperature of the flame, is compressed by the limit, and turns into a line of fire, the line of fire sweeps, like a laser sweep, the space is cut, and horrible raindrops, Along with the space, he was directly taken off.

"Roar roar..."

A series of roaring sounds, three horrifying sounds of Warcraft, came out of the void.

"Is this, calling Warcraft to fight for it?"

Wang Yang is still trying his best to manipulate the Demon God Tree, and the Holy Infant is already facing the enemy.

Each of the three Warcrafts exudes a terrible breath. As long as the eyes are not blind, they can all be seen. They are definitely not easy to provoke.

"Did you summon it from Warcraft, or is it the projection of the magic law?"

As a side of heaven and earth, and control of one side of heaven and earth, as long as the world is living, as long as it proves the way, it will naturally have its imprint between the world and heaven.

Even if it is already broken, the imprint of the world can hardly be wiped out.

These three World of Warcraft, the holy infant felt that it was extremely strong and fierce, only the physical power, and the void was slightly oscillating.

This kind of Warcraft, from Warcraft, will naturally possess spiritual wisdom. If it is the imprint of the magic road, it is the once invincible strongman.

Either way, it’s no small matter.

Roar roar roar...

Perhaps the language is different, perhaps it is disdainful, maybe it is controlled by the devil, three warcraft, facing the inquiry of the holy infant, without answering, the roaring horror, let the three warcraft launch an attack towards Wang Yang.

Yes, it is Wang Yang.

In the eyes of Warcraft, only Wang Yang is the biggest enemy.

In other words, it is not Wang Yang, but Wang Yang's demon god tree.

"I want to hurt the person that Prince Prince wants to protect under Prince Ben's eyelids. Don't you take me seriously?"

The baby was angry.

Three flavors of real fire, full burst, like a huge fireball.


In the huge fireball, spit out the loud killing words and slayed towards the three statues of Warcraft.

Sanweizhenhuo is a real magical power, and it can do nothing.

However, the cultivation of the holy infant is really limited, even though the three flavors are really powerful and unmatched, it is difficult to play.


The entire huge fireball exploded directly.

The entire infant, all flew away.

Correspondingly, all three campuses were exploded.

But, waiting for the holy baby to laugh, the three Warcrafts that had just been exploded and recovered again.

"Here, is this derived from the law of magic?"

The baby was desperate.

The magic law is derived from the depths of time and space, it summons the ancient imprint of Warcraft, and condenses its flesh with a powerful will of the magic road.

The will of the devil is immortal, and its physical body is immortal.


Suddenly, just recovered, under the cohesion of the will of the magic road, all three recovered Warcraft, suddenly body shock, three Warcraft, and exploded again.


The baby glared.

Just recovered, and it blew up again?

"This is the intervention of the beast heaven and earth."

Suddenly, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Wang Yang, are you awake?"

Holy baby overjoyed.

Wang Yang woke up, so, has the matter been resolved?

Looking at Wang Yang with interrogative eyes, Holy Infant was not afraid of fear, but he was a little anxious at this time.

"The Demon Heavenly Dao is extremely powerful, even if the Beast Realm Dao occupy the home court convenience, it can only be comparable to it.

My sudden appearance, the powerful purification power of the Demon God Tree, interfered with the Demon Realm, and the Beast Realm can prevail in one fell swoop."

The saint defeated suddenly in its center.

Beast Realm has the upper hand, Devil Realm, of course, can no longer be distracted to control the three World of Warcraft.

"Look, this method has been shaken.

The confrontation between the two heavenly paths is the entire magic mirror field. This little formation is only a trivial point.

Now the Beast Realm has the upper hand, and the Devil Realm can no longer be distracted.

After all, this point is just a trivial point.

"Does it mean that we are expected to break through the formation?"

Holy baby surprise.

This damn formation is not just trapping the two of them here, it is always gathering magic energy and condensing the magic path attack. Once the formation is not broken, no one can guarantee whether it can last for a long time with this formation. maintain.

"After all, the magic of formation is limited.

Losing the support of the Devil Dao, under the Demon God Tree, the formation is broken, it is certain."

When Wang Yang spoke, the evidence was very positive.

Just a simple sentence, revealing its strong self-confidence.

No matter how powerful the formation is, there must always be less energy. The formation of the magic path naturally cannot lack the magic energy.

The magic path is no longer supported, the magic energy is purified, the formation is broken, is it not sure?

Sure enough, the power of the Demon God Tree is immeasurable. It is indeed a congenital God Tree. Even if Wang Yang presided over it, in a very short time, all the devil qi was completely purified.

If, at this time, there is another demon god's life essence supplement, perhaps, you can get a very good quality fruit.


The magic energy was purified, and the formation of the formation was broken.

It's just that when the space will be broken, from the infinite magic energy, I see a little green light.

"This, this is Mind Grass?

Could it be that the demons are desperate to come to this magic mirror heaven?"

The demon is not a demon sage, but the demon is a red man beside the devil. If he wants to invite a demon sage, it seems that it is not impossible.

"What kind of spirit grass does this use?"

The baby looked at him strangely in the heart, asking if he didn't know him.

"Mind grass, in legend, can supplement the defects of the mind.

In the spirit world, the heart demon was once broken by Sun Dasheng. Therefore, there is always a flaw in his mind.

The heart demons take pleasure in playing with their hearts, and their defects are a fatal weakness.

Once, I escaped from his hands by spiritual means."

The so-called mind is actually related to the will.

According to legend, the will is formed by the condensing of spiritual power, and the person with strong will will be strong in the spiritual world.

Once, Wang Yang used his own will to break the magic power of the demon.

"You mean, this formation is not used to deal with Peng Demon King, is it used to cultivate the soul grass?"

The holy baby's eyes widened and there was always a sense of joy in his heart.

If all of this is true, then it is really too happy.

"Oh, can we use this soul grass?"

"What do you say?

The promotion of great supernaturalists is generally related to four aspects.

Will, supernatural powers, physical combat, cultivation.

Among them, will is formed by condensing the power of the mind. Do you say that this mind grass will be useful to us?"


Holy baby overjoyed.

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