My Super Estate

1219 Powerful and Overbearing

Chapter 1153 Powerful and Overbearing

"Holy baby, you, how dare you!!"

The Green Demon King was almost not mad.

Thunder Realm, this is Thunder Realm. As a new generation star of Devil Realm, the Green Demon King is looking forward to it all the time, and can enter the fifth floor of this Thunder Realm.

However, in the same way, as the fifth step of the Great Supernaturalist, he is also at all times, not in fear of the fifth floor of the Thunder Realm.

As long as they pass through the fifth gate, they are kings, and it is absolutely not impossible to become a saint in the future.

Perhaps after 30,000 years in the future, oneself and others will be the devil now, and the real king will come to the heavens.

However, Thunder Realm is easy to get in and hard to get out.

After entering, open the Tianmen, you can come out, if you can’t open, you will die inside.

There is absolutely no price.

Well, after saying so much, there is only one meaning-the Green Demon King is out of luck. His strength is not in place, and his strength is not good. He was directly pulled into the Thunder Realm.

This, this is for him to die!!

The Green Demon King feels that if he does not kill now, he is sorry for his demon status.

Well, the Green Demon King found that it was really impossible to kill him.

Therefore, in front of them, a large number of Thunder generals have appeared.

Yes, it is a large number of Thunder generals.

According to legend, the Thunder Realm is a road leading to the heavens of the Immortal World. A large number of Heavenly Soldiers will be placed in every Heaven Gate.

The fifth step of the Great Supernaturalist is already the fifth floor of the Thunder Realm, and the guarding general will already have a level of Heavenly King.

Moreover, they are entered by four people together, guarding the heavenly soldiers and generals, directly tripled or quadrupled.

The guarded king became the four kings.

Yes, the four kings.

According to legend, the gate of the heavens is to have four kings guarded. Normally, any demon, ghost, and ghost are not afraid to enter the heavens as an enemy, otherwise, they will die.

However, here, there are also four kings guarding.

"Breaking into the king, death penalty!!"

The four heavenly kings have just appeared. They are all holding divine soldiers, with Tianwei, their eyes glared, and the thunder is rolling. There is the power of deterrence in the faint.

As long as the demons and ghosts with a weaker will, under such a prestige, even the liver and gallbladder will rupture directly.

This is the king.

But, looking at the four kings in front of him, the Green Demon King was shaking.

"You, do you have spiritual intelligence?"

How is it possible that the thundering guardian of the Thunder Realm has spiritual intelligence?

What kind of international joke, isn't the law of heaven and earth condensing the guardian of the thunder world?

"You, how could you have spiritual wisdom? Thunderworld's guardian generals are not condensed by laws, how can they have spiritual wisdom?"

The Green Demon King was scared.

However, no one answered them in the face of the question of the Green Demon King.

The four guardian generals guard the tower, hold the sword, hold the sword, use the long whip and the thunder as a god armor, and control the thunder and qi between the heavens and the earth. The holy babies and others were surrounded in groups.

More likely, behind them, the boundless Thunder, all of them condensed into a mass, into a terrible battle array.

"Hum, dare to offend Tianwei, death penalty."

Tota Heavenly King, coldly and coldly, even the entire face is cold.

When the pagoda was put in hand, the whole pagoda with a height of 10 feet was directly transformed into a pagoda with a height of ten feet and a height of ten floors.


The Green Demon King was furious and pointed at the Tota Heavenly King, his face angry.

Think of him as the Green Demon King. In the Devil Realm, that is also the future star. In addition to some old monsters, the Green Demon King should be regarded as the honor.

Even, in the future, they all have the position of emperor Wang, the most unlucky, and also the sage's venerable, such a small guarding king, so dare to be so rude?

Okay, the Green Demon is tragic.

Pointing to King Tota, he was filled with indignation and hadn't had time to speak up. He was suppressed by King Tota.

"Unauthorized access to Tianmen, capital punishment, punishment Sanwei really burned."

The Green Demon King was suppressed, and the Tota Heavenly King directly sentenced Sanwei Zhenhuo to burn himself.

Sure enough, the ten-foot tall pagoda body was all lit by endless three-flavor real fire.

Even the pagoda is transparent, and through the pagoda, you can see the inside of the pagoda.


The Blue Demon King was tragically surrounded by the whole fire.

From the inside to the outside, it was burned quickly.


Looking at the tragedy of the Green Demon King, the Big Black Demon King and the Mo Yu King, all one by one, were all terrified.

How is this possible?

The Green Demon King was so easily suppressed, or even burned to death by Sanwei Real Fire?

"Crossing Tianmen, capital crime!!"

The king of the tower has already shot, and the other three kings will not be polite, and have shot mercilessly one after another.

One by one, the king with a whip is a big man with a height of ten feet, his body muscles are very condensed, like granite, one strand.

A long whip was thrown out directly and rolled towards the big dark devil.

"Humph, want me to die and dream!!"

The lesson of the Green Demon King, the Big Black Demon King, never dare to underestimate and decisively come up with his unique supernatural powers.

With a punch, half of the world was shrouded in darkness. A lord in the dark, from the darkness, stretched out a hand and grabbed the whip king.

The mighty Dark Lord wants to take the whip king instead.



The darkness was broken, and the master in the darkness was directly cut by the thunder whip, and the big black demon himself was also rolled up by the thunder whip.

It was so easy and simple that they had no temper at all.


On the thunder whip, there is a domineering thunder, which directly swallowed the big black devil.

The endless thunder, on the big black demon, is over and over again, and it is directly a round.

In the end, the Dark Lord was directly beaten to pieces by Thunder.

Although the attack of the Dark Lord is good, but on the defense, his strength is too much. The dark sky is broken, and it is directly a tiger that has lost its minions. No matter how hard it is, it is impossible for him to earn The imprisonment of the thunder whip was finally broken by the Thunder directly, and even directly under the power of the Thunder, it became a piece of meat.

The overbearing and powerful guarding the King of Heaven made the King Mo Yu pale.

The Green Demon King, the Great Black Demon King, is as good as him in terms of strength and potential.

However, under the hands of the two defending kings, there was no counterattack at all, and it was directly beaten.

Although the Green Demon King is not dead, he has also been suppressed.

This, such terrible strength...

The devil king looked at the holy baby resentfully.

How could he enter such a terrible thunder world if it were not for him and himself?

He didn't think that if they didn't want to take Wang Yang's life to get one million points, how could they get to this point?


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