My Super Estate

Chapter 1228

Chapter 1162 Devil's Head

"Little Saint, we, do we have to move forward?"

Wang Yang did not know that the demons and his group at this time were all in pain.

Even, many people, looking at the magic mist around them, all shrink their necks.

Along the way, I really encountered too much.

When it came, there were more than one hundred people. Now, there are only more than fifty people.

Even, half of the people have been damaged, but even half of the distance has not been crossed.

The Golden Light Devil is definitely a ruthless character. He once fought with people in the heaven realm more than once, and even people who once fought with the Buddha realm more than once. All have set foot on their own footsteps.

It was such a ruthless character that at this time, he was afraid.

The question of the golden demon caused many people to raise their heads one by one.

Along the way, too much danger.

Even the great supernaturalist of the fifth step has already lost a third, which is simply not daring to imagine, this way, if you go on, what will happen in the end.

Faced with this problem, impermanent Xiao Sheng didn't even know how to answer it for a while.

According to his ideas, he must go on.

However, the dangerous danger of Magic Mirror Heaven Realm made him faint, and could not go any further.

"You said, if my master came in, what would he encounter?"

In the end, the impermanent Little Saint did not answer directly, but just asked a question.

"The strength of Dasheng is truly extraordinary.

It's just that this place is where the two heavens and the heavens meet. If Da Sheng enters this place, what will happen, I don't know."

What can you say?

Okay, Jin Guang Da Mo found that he really didn't know what to say.

What can you say?No matter what you say, you are not an impermanent demon, nor have you reached his level.

Not in his place, not seeking his job, he is just a golden demon, he is not an impermanent deity.

"Then you said, that human race, and that demon race, why can you go to that place?"

Suddenly, the impermanent Xiaosheng asked again.

The demon clan babies, as well as that human clan Wang Yang, are absolutely impossible to have their own strength.

However, he just went to a very deep point.

The impermanent little Saint is puzzled.

In the end, Chang Sheng Xiao Sheng, still unwilling to lose, he chose to move on.


"You protect me, I practice magical powers."

Wang Yang has been practicing to this point. He has always been practicing the Ziyang Divine Skills. He used the power of faith to quickly improve. In just a few years, he has reached the level of the strong in the heavens.

However, at this level, Wang Yang also encountered many problems.

Great supernaturalists pay attention to four levels. If any level fails to reach the standard, the whole world of Thunder is dead.

Physical combat, martial arts cultivation, magical means, spiritual will.

These are the four levels of great supernaturalists.

Under the burning of belief power, cultivation practice is rapidly improving. This aspect is Wang Yang's most assured.

At the time of the battle, the Hunyuan gold body used other people's attacks to refine its own flesh. Although, in many cases, it was very dangerous, but Wang Yang still supported him along the way.

On the contrary, in terms of supernatural powers and spiritual will, there is a lot of trouble if you want to improve.

In the past, the creation of Hunyuan Palm, Chong Dao, and even Dragon Claw Hand, etc., have all been promoted to the level of great magical powers.

However, great magic power is not the limit of martial arts.

On the contrary, the so-called great supernaturalists are completely divided from the layers of great supernatural powers.

That is to say, the magical power, in total, is divided into nine levels.

Now, Wang Yang's cultivation base is only the Yuanshen, who can possess the strength he has today, all relying on deep foundations, and also, a powerful physical body.

It can be said that in terms of supernatural powers and spiritual will, Wang Yang has reached the limit he can reach at this stage.

Wu Dao Xiu Wei has a solid foundation. At present, there is no big problem for the time being. Even if he breaks the imprisonment and breaks the limit again in the realm of Yuanshen, it will attract the thunder world again. It is definitely not impossible.

However, attracting Thunder Realm Sky, without a strong physical battle body, simply can not withstand the strong pressure of Thunder World Sky.

Without powerful magical means, in Thunder Realm Sky, it is impossible to defeat the Thunder Legion that guards the Heavenly Gate. Once in Thunder World Sky, the only result is to be slain by the Thunder Legion.

A strong mental will is not only a means of commanding one’s own supernatural powers, but also the only way to resist Thunderworld’s vast expanse of heaven. Without a corresponding strong mental will, entering Thunder Realm will directly be defeated by the vast expanse of Heaven. Oppression, even with the most powerful means, under that vast heavenly prestige, you are only one ants.

In other words, Wang Yang has now reached his limit.

Even if the magical power of Ziyang is magical, if he cannot improve his spiritual will, cannot make his own magical power breakthrough, no matter how powerful his physical combat body, no matter how powerful his cultivation is, he must suppress it, and he dare not break through at all.

"The dragon claw hand is mainly tempered with dragon blood.

Best of all, there are a lot of treasures such as dragon scales, dragon bones, dragon tendons, etc. Only in this way can the dragon claw hand be sharper.

Now, I have collected a lot of dragon blood, as well as extremely large dragon attribute energy, but it is a dragon scale, dragon bone, dragon tendon, etc., but it is slightly insufficient.

No matter, now is the critical moment. When you have time, let's improve your strength!

For now, the dragon claw hand is the only supernatural power that can be quickly improved.

Many other means.All must rely on their own understanding, but it is not very good practice."

Among the many supernatural powers Wang Yang cultivated, only the dragon claw hand was the most special.

The dragon claw hand, itself a Buddhist martial art, fell into the hands of Wang Yang and was cultivated, plus, several times, the awakening of Longwei, and dragon blood, etc., and the Ziyang Divine Skill breakthrough every time, it was once Reborn, once and for all, the dragon claw hand has become Wang Yang's talent and magical existence.

Although the text is not visible and it is not revealed in the world, Wang Yang can still feel the traction of ideas. As long as a large number of related treasures are collected, the level of supernatural powers can be improved.

That's it, the Dark Iron Demon King is protecting the law, and Wang Yang sits under the innate Demon God Tree and begins to practice the Dragon Claw Hand Supernatural Power.

When the idea moves, it directly attracts a large amount of real fire from the sun, and refines many dragon bones, dragon tendons and dragon scales with the real fire, and merges with the dragon blood, drop by drop, and drops on the palm of the right hand.

In the meditation, the idea follows the guide, guides the dragon blood to run on the right hand, quickly blends in, and is absorbed by his right hand.

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