My Super Estate

Chapter 1233 Form Demon

Chapter 1167

Standing in the formation, Wang Yang looked blankly and coldly, looking at the two bodies in front of him.

A skull and a ghost.

"They are also demons?"

All along, the demon that Wang Yang has seen has always existed with blood and flesh. Even if it is a heart demon, he is only enveloped by a layer of black magic mist, and he can't see its shape. It is vaguely recognized, He is also a physical being.

"There is no magic in the world.

Most of the so-called demons come from other races.

Among them, among the eight royal families, the Shura tribe is the native creature of the demon tribe.

There are also human demons, which are powerful races of human races, a race that was formed after being demonicized.

The demon is also among the eight royal families. Among them, the demon is the strongest, and the real king is in the world. No one is his opponent except the devil.

The other, a dark angel, fell from the western world, and most of them came from the angelic family."

"Eh, the eight royal families, why, there are only four royal families, and there are four?"

Wang Yang heard for the first time that among the demons, he would have the title of eight royal families.

However, I don't know why, when it comes to the other four royal families, the Dark Iron Demon King, he didn't even speak again.

What is the reason for the future star of this Demon Race to dare not even speak?

The demon monarch and the demon venom of the demon are all upright and even invincible.

This kind of existence, the Dark Iron Demon King is straightforward. Now, when it comes to the other four royal families, they dare not speak, they just can’t believe it.

"No, they are about to attack, we must go out, otherwise, this formation will definitely not support."

With that said, Wang Yang went directly out of the large array.

"No, if you go out now, what can you do?"

Wang Yang had just acted, and the Dark Iron Demon King was directly in front of Wang Yang. He said anxiously, "At least for now, this formation can still hold up for the time being. If you go out now, what can you do?

Do you think we are their opponents?"

"What do you know, now, our coordinates have been exposed, if, without this formation, all of us will die."

"We can escape, yes, we can escape, leave now.

This formation can definitely support a while, as long as it supports a while, we can escape!!"


The outside demons have already started to attack, and Wang Yang's face changed.

Pointing to the Dark Iron Demon King, he roared angrily and said, "Do you think I can escape?"

Holy Baby, for me, the three devil kings were directly involved. Do you think we can escape?"

With that said, Wang Yang pulled the Dark Iron Demon King away and strode outward.


The Dark Iron Demon was furious.

He Black Iron Demon King, is a Demon Race, but a person of the Troll Clan. Previously, he was influenced by inheritance and was directly controlled by Wang Yang. It was impossible to deal with it.

However, now that he has embarked on an epiphany, he has directly embarked on his own path, and this kind of influence is very little.Of course he did not want to follow him to death.


The Dark Iron Demon has deep grievances, but he went out with him.

"Haha, this formation is really not the full power of Qiankun's formation. Otherwise, our attack cannot be hit on it at all.

Everyone tried their best, as long as it is not the full power of the Qiankun formation, we can break this formation."

The Great Battle of Qiankun, the Great Battle of Qiankun, of course, includes the heaven and earth.

If it is a real big battle, any one person, any attack, in that big battle, it is impossible to leave any traces.

Now that the attack has fallen on that large formation, it is naturally impossible to be a real large formation.

"Yes, the real Qiankun formation, including the mystery of the heavens and the earth, our attack is impossible to hit. Now, since it has been hit, it is naturally impossible to be the real Qiankun formation. Everyone goes all out, as long as they go all out. , Will be successful."

The real demon shouted loudly.

"What are you yelling at?"

Suddenly, a light voice rang through my ears.


The real demon turned his head blankly, looking in the direction of formation.

"It's you!!"

Wang Yang's photos have been published on Skynet.

The devil is certainly not stranger.

"How dare you come out?"

"Why don't I dare to come out?"


Facing Wang Yang's question, the real devil smiled, haha, why didn't you dare to come out?

Did he come out to die?

Turning his lion's head, he looked at the impermanent Xiaosheng and smiled: "Do you think this kid has a brain problem?"

"No, he was a fool."

Impermanent Little Saint said coldly.

"Yes, really a fool, otherwise, how could it be said like this?"

The real devil said so coldly.

Whether others believe it or not, at least, he absolutely believes it.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to say such a thing.

"Hey, stupid, are you awake? Or, are you blind, you martial arts primordial spirit, dare to speak like this?"

Also, a kid who cultivated in the spirit of God, in the face of so many supernatural powers, dared to speak like this. Isn't this when these people do not exist?


That’s right. In the legend, doesn’t it mean that this kid is the second step of the great supernatural powers, how could it be Wu Dao Yuan Shen?

"Little Saint, do you remember what this kid did?"

"Isn't the second step supernatural power?"

"Yeah, but this kid, now clearly, is the Yuanshen cultivation practice!!"

"Huh, is that really the case?"

The Great Devil and the Impermanent Little Saint were shocked together.

"You said, at his age, might he be a supernatural person?"

"No, our cultivation behavior has been exclaimed by many emperors of the Devil Realm, saying yes, we already have the attitude of an emperor.

However, how much resources can we achieve in order to achieve today's cultivation?

Our background may be provided, but this kid is just a good luck, inherited from the emperor Ziyang.

You said, his cultivation behavior, his age, may achieve such cultivation behavior?"

"That is to say, he is only the Yuanshen cultivation, but, he has the strength of the second step of supernatural powers?"

No one in the world is a fool.

The true devil and the impermanent little holy man only spoke a word, and they restored the truth of the matter.

However, this truth is the most scary.

The two saints looked at each other, and from each other's eyes, they saw each other in amazement, and more often, surprise.

A primordial spiritual cultivation, but it has the second step strength of great supernatural powers?

If, can I get it myself?

Okay, maybe, all of this is a matter of talent and talent, but, if, is it true?

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