My Super Estate

Chapter 1235 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1169 Battle

"This, this is blood control?"

Wang Yang's heartbeat was very fast. Although he tried his best to suppress it, he was still beating violently.

This is the natural reaction of the heart when the blood flows too fast.

It seems that the blood will accelerate due to intense exercise and the heart will beat very fast.

If the heart speeds up again, it is very likely that the heart will rupture and life is in danger at any time.

Wang Yang secretly struggled and looked at the impermanent little sage quickly, as well as many other demons, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

Feeling the blood flowing rapidly in the body, the impact on the heart is getting bigger and bigger, the whole body is reddish, the eyes are round, and there is infinite strength in the faint, but it is difficult to control anymore.

Looking at the appearance of Wang Yang, the real devil laughed wildly.

"Haha, you can't be my opponent, go die!!"

The crazy laughter of the true demon god is so wanton, crazy and arrogant!!

At this moment, the faces of the true demon have been distorted.

"Huh, what impermanent little saint is simply rubbish. It is ridiculous to dare to sit on equal foot with the great god!!"

I felt that I was in control, and the true devil laughed loudly.

Even, he already feels himself, the world is in my hands, and the impermanent little saint is simply not worthy of sitting on equal foot with him.

"not good!!"

The Nine Dead Devil is secretly bad.

Sure enough, the face of the impermanent little Santa was very ugly.


Even the impermanent little saint snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Sir Son, please forgive me, my son, definitely not this voice."

The Nine Dead Great Devil secretly groaned, and quickly apologized to the impermanent little holy archer for his salute. All of them were apologetic in his voice.

Even if the Nine-Dead Great Demon is already the fifth step's great magician, he is sweating in the face of the wrath of the impermanent Little Saint.

No way, who let him stand behind an impermanent priest?

"Well, this son is not deaf yet!!"

The impermanent Little Saint simply ignored the Nine Death Demon God, and his voice was chilly.


The Nine Dead Devil secretly complained: Son, son, how can you do this?

It's just that even if the Nine Demons have more dissatisfaction, he can't say a half sentence of the True Demon God, just because, he is just a law protector.

However, no matter how hard the Nine Death Demon God works, the impermanent Little Saint will never listen to him again.

"Huh, he is really a great demon, and his face is not so big, he can't afford it."

Impermanent Son said this, turned around and left, unwilling to be with them again.

The impermanent Little Saint left and did not go far. He just didn't want to be with the true demon and the Nine Dead Great Demon, but he didn't care at all. He just had to seriously observe Wang Yang's results.

"How do you think that human race will solve this problem?"

The arrogance of the true demon god, the impermanent little saint's heart is naturally angry.

However, he paid great attention to the bloodthirsty blood of the true devil, and once opened, under his induction, all the blood was directly under his control, and even sucked from the air, it was a terrible step. Confused.

"The human race is dead."

Jin Guang Da Mo made such an attribution. He believed that the human race was absolutely determined this time.

"Well, the blood of that bastard is indeed overbearing."

The impermanence of Xiao Sheng's words seemed to be approved, did he even think that Wang Yang was dead this time?

"You'd better not move, otherwise, you are dead!"

Suddenly, the cold eyes of the Nine Dead Devil looked at the Dark Iron Demon King, and his eyes shone coldly.

Wang Yang naturally has a son to deal with, but this inexplicable great supernatural power, the Nine Dead Great Devil must be blocked.

In fact, if there was not an impermanent little saint watching beside him, he even could not wait to shoot out the guy in front of him with all his might.

Suddenly, the real demon jumped up and killed Wang Yang!!

"Haha, do you think, this Son, only this means?

Today, this Son, let you see, the means of this Son!!"

Laughing violently, the real demon god came to kill Wang Yang.

The person is in the air, and the air is a kick, kicking fiercely.


The violent force kicked in the air, and a clear footprint appeared in the air.

This footprint seems to contain an inexplicable attraction. The violent fluctuations in the surrounding world's vitality turned out to be this footprint, absorbing the world's vitality.

This footprint seems to be the super neutron star, violently absorbing the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, becoming more and more solid. In the end, it seems to be an iron block, crossing a clear trace in the air.

The traces are getting deeper and deeper, and finally, I can see the colorful turbulence in the air.

"Good guy, actually penetrated the space crystal wall with one foot."

Legend has it that beyond the space, there is a turbulent layer, and beyond the turbulent layer, there is the chaotic world.

In the space and turbulent layers, there is a layer of strong crystal walls.

People can live in space only because of the powerful crystal wall, which blocks the impact of turbulent flow for everyone, otherwise, nothing will exist.

No one thought that the true demon might have such a huge power, directly penetrated the entire crystal wall layer, and a turbulent layer appeared.

"Haha, okay, okay, the bloodthirsty bloodline is open, even the spiritual will can be improved so much, so that my supernatural power is so strong in control, okay, this time, see you are not dead?"

The power of this foot, even the true demon, is also very unexpected.

The bloodline is open, you can absorb the blood of others from the air, and you can even control their physical body with the help of blood. However, the true devil is very surprised when you can enhance your spiritual will.

Even the devil really laughed in the sky, in his opinion, he already controlled the entire battle.

"what are you laughing at?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears.


The real demon was shocked in his heart, quickly lowered his head, and quickly turned his head to look away.


"How could you be here?"

"I'm not here, where should I be?"

Wang Yang sneered and asked softly.


The devil really didn't even know what to say.

"Since you have nothing to say, then go ahead!"

Saying that, Wang Yang's big hands were like a cover, and he pressed directly toward the top of the true demon.


The invincible true demon god was just hit by a huge force under the ground, and even the ground was hit by a pit.

Wang Yang was condescending and looked at the true demon with only his head left, and all the others buried in the earth.

"You laugh, why don't you laugh?

Are you inevitable?

Don't you want me to die?

Don't you ignore anyone?You get up, come again!!"

At the end of the day, Wang Yang was already using roar.

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