My Super Estate

1241 Chaos Fire

Chapter 1175th Chaos Fire

"Haha, hahahaha..."

The final cards of the impermanent Little Saint and the Holy Infant were all consumed, and finally, there was only a supreme supreme will, ups and downs in this rich magic energy.

"Some shots, what are you waiting for?"

The impermanent Little Saint's face sank and asked aloud.

"Don't worry, don't worry, now, you all don't have a hole card. You said, if I kill you all, what will happen?"

The voice of the true devil is full of evil, and his gaze looks at the impermanent little saint, sometimes full of killing intentions, and sometimes forbearance.

Obviously, in the mind of the True Demon God, he has already begun to kill the impermanent Little Saint in one fell swoop.

With a jade card in hand, it can be an attack by the sage. It is absolutely sweeping everything. To kill an impermanent little saint, naturally it is easy to tighten.

"The impermanent little Saint, it seems that some people are the anti-bone cubs who have the anti-bone in the back of the brain, the unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Before you hurriedly used your own cards, but it was greatly worthless. ."

As long as the mind of the true demon is not stupid, anyone can see clearly.

Of course, Wang Yang is not stupid. Naturally, he certainly understands this kind of thinking clearly.


The impermanent little saint is not a stupid person. The mind of the true demon is too obvious. If he cannot see it, then he is not an impermanent little saint.

With a sullen face, Wang Yang's ridicule was ignored at all, and he just looked coldly at the true devil.


I don’t know why, when looked at with this kind of eyes, the true demon god feels panic in his heart, but, thinking that he has the strongest hole card, the jade card is still pinched in his hand, the true devil god has more confidence, even He also widened his eyes, showing a fierce look, and gave him a fierce glance.

The impermanent little Saint did not speak again.

The outbreak of the Jade Brand just now not only launched an attack on Wang Yang and others, but also rescued himself. The three true fires that trapped him were already extinguished.

At this time, the impermanent Little Saint should be fleeing, but he just didn't flee, but focused his eyes on the true devil.

Finally, being stared at by such eyes, the real demon can no longer bear it.

"Sir Son of the Lord doesn't know you in general, destroy me!!"

Finally, the God who got up finally crushed the jade card in his hand.

The impermanent Little Saint stared closely. He wanted to see if the True Demon God, really, wanted to destroy himself?

This is a gambling between life and death, but for the impermanent little Saint, he cares very much, even, he is willing to wait here, even if there is a chance to escape, it is also determined to wait.


At last, the real demon god still shot decisively when Sanwei Zhenhuo was about to burn to himself.

Originally, it seems that, through the will of infinite time and space, it suddenly came, suppressing the feng shui fire, the endless magic shadow, surrounding the magic shadow, as if, in the most loyal believer, praying for his eternal Allah.

This is the Demon King.

Even if it is just a will, the world, the devil, will be suppressed by him, and regard himself as the eternal devil.

This is a terrible existence, the will is extremely strong, the same cultivation for the realm, the same magical power, in his hands, will inevitably erupt more terrible power.

In this way, as long as he is given the opportunity, the future will definitely rise to the top of the heavens.

This is a future Devil Emperor, the potential is more terrible than the impermanent Great Saint.

"Hurry up, we retreat. This is the will of the Demon King, and it has terrible power. Once we get caught, we will die."

In the face of such magical powers, even if it is a holy baby, it has entered the sixth step to become a real king, and its face has changed greatly, and it has to retreat quickly.


Haha, under the will of the Demon King, you still want to retreat?"

The devil really disdains the idea of ​​the holy infant.

Kill all your law protectors, but now you want to retreat?

Where is such a beautiful thing in the world?

Well, in the heart of the true demon, there is already hate.

For this one million points, all of his more than one hundred protectors are all dead, and now even his last life-saving hole card has to be consumed, how can he not hate in his heart?

The most important thing is that your life-saving hole card, the Saint King Jade card, not only represents yourself, but also represents your own identity.

Only by possessing such a jade card can one have the identity of a Son. Without this jade card, even if one becomes a king, he will never become a Son.

That is to say, since the loss of this jade card, he has been abandoned by the Ten Thousand Demon King, and about all the forces of the Tenth Demon King, he is impossible to mobilize.

The four treasures of all martial arts and local companions, martial arts practice.

Wealth is ranked first, so we can see how important it is to have huge wealth.

As a holy son, the True Demon God knows how much resources he can consume to become his current strength.

The consumption of jade cards means that he can no longer enjoy the resources under the command of the Ten Thousand Demon Kings. How can this not make the real demon gods angry and hate?

"go to hell!!"

It seems that it is to vent all the hatred and all the anger in his own heart, and after crushing the jade card, the true demon God voice angrily, and it has not disappeared for a long time.

I don’t know if I felt the anger in the heart of the True Demon God. The will of the Ten Thousand Demon Kings rolled up the boundless heaven and earth to form a storm and turned into the power of destruction. A pair of extremely bright magic eyes, just like that The sun hanging above the sky absorbs the boundless vitality of heaven and earth, and two terrible magic lights shoot out from the magic eyes and shoot towards Wang Yang and the Holy Infant.

The power of this magic eye is really too powerful. The holy fire, which is unbearable to even the fifth step supernatural being, can't bear the Holy Fire. In front of this magic eye beam, there is no resistance at all, and it is directly annihilated in the void. Among.

"No, this is the goddess of the Demon King. The legend is that this is the strongest magic power of the Lord of the Devil. Once, the King of the Altar of Devil was using this kind of eye of the God of Destruction. Killed a martial saint."

Seeing the magic eye hanging above the sky, which was brighter than the stars, the baby had already changed his face, and even his own body had involuntarily chosen to retreat.

"Wang Yang, rewind!"

After retreating into the formation method, the holy baby found that Wang Yang had returned, and he immediately felt anxious.

"do not be afraid!!

You all have hole cards, can I have no hole cards?"

Saying that, I saw Wang Yang directly in front of him. Suddenly, a huge flame appeared. The flame was chaotic, hidden in the air, and a mysterious character could be seen in the flame.

The light emitted by the magic eye is hard to resist even the holy infant's three flavors of real fire. Can such a flame be able to bear?

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