My Super Estate

Chapter 1243: The Story That Must Be Telled Between the Son

Between Chapter 1177 and the Son, the story must be told


After being attacked by the impermanent Xiaosheng, his face suddenly turned red, and Wang Yang just felt that the internal organs were as uncomfortable as the fire.

Impermanent palms, tangible and intangible, but there is a fire inside.

This flamboyant power implies the impermanence of impermanence, even the king of the sixth step, is also extremely difficult to resist refining, and can only survive.

Fortunately, the impermanent little saint is not the impermanent great saint. Although the help of the impermanent great saint helps cultivate the impermanence of success, it is simply not possible to fully understand the impermanence avenue.

In this way, Wang Yang had a little hope.

It's just that if you want to be blue and better than blue, haha, how can it be so easy?

At the moment, Wang Yang sat directly on the ground.

"Haha, my impermanent palm, how is the power?"

Wuchang Xiaosheng laughed and looked at Wang Yang as if he was looking at his most masterpiece.

Yes, this is the masterpiece of the impermanent Xiaosheng. Before, he wanted to escape, just acting, and what he needed was to let Wang Yang relax his vigilance. Everything he did was because of this palm.

Everything is just for this palm.

Obviously, all these plans have been successful.

"Haha, since you want me to attack, well, I will attack you now!"

Seeing that his own attack had an effect, the impermanent Little Saint was overjoyed and glanced deeply at the Black Iron Demon King. Seeing that the Black Iron Demon King had never responded, even, it seemed that he completely ignored Wang Yang’s life and death. The joy is even greater.

"Haha, maybe, this million points is mine."

The impermanent Little Saint was overjoyed, but on the surface, he was careful again and again, looking at the Dark Iron Demon King repeatedly, always preparing to escape.

Finally, it was determined that the Dark Iron Demon King would really not shoot, and the impermanent Xiao Sheng mouth smiled with a grin, and it was a series of three palms, and he shot towards Wang Yang fiercely.

"go to hell!"

These three palms, impermanence is already the strength to suck up milk.


Wang Yang, who was just a little better, seemed to be seriously injured again, and was a series of two blood.

However, the impermanent Xiaosheng did not find that in the corner of Wang Yang's mouth, there was some smile.

Well, Wang Yang's so-called injuries are all acting.

The so-called life depends on acting.

All along, Wang Yang has relied on a powerful physical warfare to cross the world.

However, after entering the realm of great supernatural powers, Wang Yang discovered that his physical body has reached a limit, and at most, he can only support the advent of the thunder world again.

Breaking through the heavens, opening the heavenly gates, destroying the heavenly generals, the four elements of the physical body, cultivation, spiritual power, and spiritual will represent the four aspects of the great magical person.

Within the days of the Thunder Realm, the infinite heavenly prestige, without a strong spiritual will, is simply impossible to move at all. Even, even raising the head is impossible.

Thunderworld is completely a world of thunder. Between heaven and earth, there is no endless thunder, no powerful physical warfare, and it can't bear the endless impact of thunder. It is only a dead end to enter Thunderworld.

In the Thunder Realm, before the Heavenly Gate, a thousand Heavenly Soldiers, plus a Heavenly General, without a powerful magical power, it is impossible to beheaded. It is impossible to beheaded and guarded by the Heavenly Soldiers. No matter how great the ability is, it is impossible to open the Heavenly Gate.

Of course, the most important thing is that if you have a strong cultivation practice, without a strong cultivation practice, it is impossible for Thunder Realm to come.However, the practice of martial arts, the so-called cultivation behavior, is not the so-called cultivation of the realm, just energy in the body.

The so-called cultivation is the realm, it is only related to Shou Yuan.

Obviously, for Wang Yang, as long as he has a lot of power to believe in the practice of the Ziyang Divine Skill inherited from the Ziyang Emperor, the least worrying thing is cultivation.

The strong background makes his cultivation behavior obviously inconsistent with the realm, and the realm is related to Shouyuan. Cultivation behavior is just energy, strong background, and strong potential, so his cultivation behavior is far higher than realm.

Cultivation is far higher than the realm, which has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that, in the face of the same situation, he can be said to crush all opponents.

Facts have proved that he has always done this. No matter what kind of opponent he is facing, as long as he is in the same realm, he is never afraid. Whether you are a prince or a prince, you are overwhelming.

However, cultivation is far higher than the realm, which means that in other aspects, it is very likely that it will not keep up.

Spiritual will, physical combat, and supernatural powers are often linked to the realm. There is no corresponding realm. If you want to control the spiritual will far above the realm, you must pay a great price and use your own life to fight. .

The so-called arrogance and conquering the world are such a kind of grinding.

There is no corresponding state, if you want to have extremely powerful magical means, you must have a very powerful perception, forcibly steal the truth from the world.

If the realm is not reached, the physical warfare body, without obtaining the corresponding tempering of the heaven and earth, it must pay a great price for it, and use its own life to grind from life and death.

"The impermanent palm of the impermanent little Saint is really useful.

The golden bell cover, integrated into my physical combat body, with the help of bells, produces a powerful wave of shock. For his own body, it has been tempered again and again, it is already extremely powerful, but with this means, It is much more difficult to refine my internal organs.

This time, the palm of the impermanent little Saint just immersed in my body. Although it will have a great shock to the internal organs and even a very powerful destruction, but I am not afraid of the strong blood support."

The impermanent Little Saint is counting Wang Yang, how could he know that Wang Yang is not counting him?

The impermanent Xiaosheng thinks that he has already counted Wushuang, and even a sneak attack in one fell swoop is a serious injury. However, he does not know that his sneak attack is exactly what Wang Yang needs most.

The physical body is always a whole.

The flesh is strong, without the extremely powerful internal organs, it is simply impossible to support, and the blood will not be supplied.Breathing cannot be supplied. In the end, the powerful flesh can only form a great burden, which will bring Wang Yang's entire body down.

A wave of magic fire, in his own body, turned into a huge blast furnace, wrapped Wang Yang's entire internal organs, all wrapped in it, and burned again and again.

In the burning of the magic fire, the huge amount of impurities can't afford it at all. First, it is burned out.

There is also a very strong vitality energy, which is continuously injected into the internal organs and quickly recovered.

In this way, the entire internal organs have become a battlefield. You attack and defend, and the battle is endless.

And this extremely powerful vital energy is the golden blood of Wang Yang's body.

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