My Super Estate

Question 1261

Chapter 1195 Killing the Encirclement

More than fifty great magicians, among which five or six great magicians in the fourth step, twenty great magicians in the third step, and the rest are all great magicians in the second step.

Such a lineup, even if it is the fourth step of the supernatural powers, face alone, it must be the first time to escape, otherwise, life cannot be guaranteed.

This is the iron law recognized by all the heavens, without exception.

It's just that today, this iron law, which has never been an exception, encountered a real accident.

A human race with the second step strength actually survived.

In the face of such a terrible lineup, he can still survive, it is simply unbelievable.

"You, how could you not die?"

Human demons cannot accept it.

In order to improve his strength, he was willing to fall into the devil. Since then, he has betrayed his ancestors, has been a scum of the human race, and has been wanted by the entire human race.

What is all this for?

Isn't it to improve your strength?

But what is going on with this human race and the descendants of this race?

Facing many great supernaturalists alone, can they remain undefeated?

Could it be that you are failing?

The devil stared angrily in his eyes, his eyes red, as if he had lost all gamblers, and he would be completely crazy.

"Huh, the baby is born, it is absolutely impossible to know that there are still some scum, which will be so sad and mad, if a good person does not do it, he still has to do magic.

Could it be that babies don't know what the devil is, and there is a devil in human skin that doesn't exist?"


People are extremely angry.

"Huh, don't say it so nicely, just look at what you know and you won't be much better."

Human demons are definitely not one person or two people, but one ethnic group one ethnic group.

There is only one demon, the demon present, but there is absolutely no shortage of ants underneath.

For example, an annoying man-devil is a man-demon with a high heart and a firm belief in himself. As long as he has time, he can definitely cultivate into a sage.

"Humph, you're dead!!"

In Wang Yang's eyes, he absolutely killed.


The annoying man was surprised.

He is a human demon, but he is not a stupid human demon, and a stupid person will not do such a thing.

Wang Yang turned out to have been staring at him.

Looking at Wang Yang, it is hard to believe that such an existence can still persist under the siege of the third step and the fourth step. If you really stare at yourself, then what will happen.

"No, I have to go, definitely go."

The annoying man-devil did not cover up at all, and retreated decisively.


The act of annoying man-devil is almost the failure to kill all the demons.

It turned out that although the strength of the abominable man-demon was not too strong, but his position was just right. His retreat just blocked a third-step magical demon demons.

Exactly, Wang Yang has refined the heterogeneous energy in his body, and it is precisely the Devil who needs this third step to get it fixed again.

What kind of experience does Wang Yang have,

Since his debut, Wang Yang has repeatedly fought against the weak, and fought against the heavens with his strong defense.

Without powerful eyesight, they have already been killed by powerful enemies.

"It's this time!"

Wang Yang said that just now, it was definitely not his intention.

It is all God's will to achieve such an effect.


Losing a great magician of the third step, Wang Yang was completely indifferent to the existence of the second step. At this opportunity, if he could not grasp it, it would really be a thunderstorm.


Wang Yang moved, did not move like a clock, moved like a rabbit, traveled like a wind, ran like a thunder, hurried like a walk, shot like a power.


With a slap shot, the anorex man with the second step strength has no resistance at all. The palm that is not left in the grass is like a world flip, and under the palm of a palm, it is a world.

Annoying man-devil, where can it bear?

Just like a balloon, he was very annoyed by humans and demons and was directly shot to death.

"Haha, how can you bear me?"

Finally, he was relieved, and Wang Yang rejoiced and laughed.


Suddenly changed, making the impermanent Little Saint angry.

He absolutely does not believe that a hole card can be used continuously. Such a terrible flame, he absolutely does not believe that Wang Yang can use it continuously.

As long as this hole card is finished, he can use his own hole card,

But, a good plan, because of a threat, a timid animosity, was actually broken by the damn human race.

"Go up, go all up, surround this damn human race, hurry up, you must not let him escape!!"

Wuchang Xiaosheng took out a golden ring in his hand and backed away again and again.

damn it!

The demons scolded in the heart: Lao Tzu is not a person in your impermanent Great Holy Palace. Why should you order Lao Tzu?

Well, in this case, he said that these guys have a strong background and a lot of cards. Especially, the golden circle, just taking it out, has a terrifying feeling.

What a horrible thing.

Helpless in the devil's heart, he was a great fourth-step supernatural power, and he even had to listen to a small second-step kid's order.

The more I think about it in my mind, the more people and demons desire for strength.

Just now, as a human race, he betrayed the human race and turned into a demonic race. There was a little bit of tolerance in his heart, a trace of guilt,

In an instant, everything disappeared.


Together with the tauren, the demon struggling to chase away Wang Yang.

The two demon gods, one by one, are all great magicians of the fifth step. However, it is just a joke that they can't win a victory against a human race of the second step.

"Haha, you want to be surrounded again, impossible, absolutely impossible."

Wang Yang laughed.

Against the Admiralty, he did not respond to the attacks of many demon gods, but he did not respond, but he let them attack, and then escaped quickly with the help of the attacks of many demon gods.

"Damn, hurry him up."

The impermanent Little Saint's face was all black.

What a great opportunity this is, as long as he is surrounded, he is dead.

"Everyone gathers, his hole cards are not enough, otherwise, he will never run away, gather quickly."

No one will be a fool. Everyone's actions before Wang Yang are in the eyes. He is consuming his cards, burning a special energy, and using his hands to temper his own body.

From Wang Yang's flesh, he is getting stronger and stronger, and everyone has seen it.

Now, he has escaped. There is no reason for the cards to be exhausted.

There is only one last step in the high mountains, and he has escaped. Who can bear it?

"Never let him run away.

Otherwise, we are all fools."

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