My Super Estate

Question 1272

Chapter 1206 Competition

"Kobold, without further ado, tell us directly how to plant Shenlong wood."

The troll is very overbearing, his realm is not very high, it is just the Yuanshen, and it does not prove it. However, his strength is very, very powerful, even the second-step supernaturalist. It is difficult to take a step in his hand.

"Huh, how precious is Shenlongmu, how can it be taken out so easily?"

The troll's strength is very powerful. As the second step supernatural power, he will be easily injured by him. However, Shenlong Mu Nai is the treasure of the Divine Lord. He must never have an accident. As the first loyal dog, in any case, He must not be allowed to have an accident.

"Dare you refuse me, do you want to die?"

In Wang Yang's eyes, there was utter despair and bloodthirsty.

Now, he is a family of trolls, a real demons, unsympathetic and bloodthirsty, instinct, if the sky has feelings, the sky is old, and if the devil has feelings, the devil is also crazy.

"Huh, this is the command of the Divine Lord, do you dare to resist?"

Faced with such a problem, even in the face of the danger of life, the devil's attitude is very firm.

"court death!!"

Now it is a magic general, not a god general, dare to resist, or seek death!

Wang Yang made a decisive shot and was absolutely ruthless.

Long Yin vigorously, time seems to be oscillating, rolling magic energy, as if it is the sea water fixed by the needle of Ding Haishen, the demon god of the head is the boat in the sea, the huge claws come out of the sky, and the devil of the head is completely destroyed.

Finally, the seawater resumed its flow, and the magic energy was raging again. Many great supernaturalists, one by one, were all frightened and retreated.

The demon god of the dog's head condenses again from the void, but the whole body breath is very weak.

The physical body is broken, even if it is a demon god, to restore it, it must consume a huge amount of vitality.

"Hum, look at the face of God Lord, this time, I will keep you alive, and next time, die!!"

As a demon, it is the road of extinction.

Wang Yang had a great magical power, and even the devil would die.


"Dare you talk nonsense?"

The demon overbearing, at this moment, is very comprehensive in this troll general.

"There is only one Shenlong wood seed. If you want to plant it, you must plant the strongest means. This is the order of the Divine Lord. Even if you kill me, you can't change it."

Wang Yang stared coldly and said: "Are you really afraid of death?"

"Divine Lord's order cannot be changed."

The eyes of the dog-head demon are very firm.

"Okay, you're good.

Since it is the command of the Divine Lord, Lao Tzu doesn't force it. Well, let's hurry up."

It seems that it is finally a defeat, willing to follow the rules of the game.

"Okay, here, there are seeds of Jiaolongmu. According to legend, it is an undead tree. As long as it is successfully planted, a Jiaolongguo can be born, which can increase the physical strength of the body.

Now, give you a day, whoever planted successfully, Shenlong wood seeds, who will be planted."

Jiaolong wood, according to legend, is a kind of immortal wood that is contaminated with Jiaolong's breath. After ripening, it can be used as a dragon fruit and can be used to enhance the physical body.

The realm of great supernatural powers, physical combat, spiritual will, supernatural powers, cultivated into the realm.

The four levels are indispensable.

The undead god wood, which can increase the strength of the physical body and combat body, is a great supernatural power, and there is no unimpressive.

Looking at the dozen seeds of Jiaolongmu, there were thousands of supernaturalists present, all of them with golden eyes.

"Huh, this is the God Lord, what do you want to do?"

There were many people present, but they were all great supernaturalists. Even the demon god of the head was shocked.

It's just that this is the thing of the God Lord. He doesn't believe that some people dare to be so presumptuous.

Sure enough, the dog-head demon god said this one by one, and all of them were stunned. Although the eyes were hot, but that kind of greed was dissipated a lot.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's get started!"

What's so difficult about planting yourself?

Wang Yang himself is a farmer. Even if he walks into the martial world, he is still a farmer.

In ordinary times, Chinese cabbage was planted. After entering the world of martial arts, he planted a magic medicine, an immortal medicine, and an innate magic medicine.

It's just that, if you want to plant an undead tree, you must have the blood of God, at least you must have the blood of Zijin.

In his own body, after some consumption, only the only drop of golden blood was left.

This golden blood is life-saving blood, and it is the foundation. Once consumed, it means to disperse work.

Wang Yang will never do such a thing.

So, what should I do now?

Finding a place, Wang Yang directly took out the spiritual crystal of faith, and at the moment, he began to practice the magical power of Ziyang.

I saw that in the black magic energy, the moxibustion of the moxibustion, the burning fire, the endless magic energy, quickly dissipated.


Wang Yang's movements are really too big, and it is impossible to let people not find out.

"Who is this person? It is such a burning spirit crystal of faith?"

"In the legend, there is a black iron demon in the family of trolls. According to legend, he possesses the ability to burn and believe in the spiritual crystal. Could it be that this person is related to the black iron demon?"

The reputation of the Dark Iron Demon King is very large in the Devil Realm, known as the future star of the Devil Realm, and is a truly young giant.

Such existence, even the worlds of the heavens, is rumored.

"In this way, there is definitely a lot of people for this person."

Cultivating by belief in the spirit crystal is everywhere in the worlds of the world, but it is rare to ignite the spirit crystal of belief, to burn the fire of blazing belief in god fire, and to sit in the fire of faith.

"This person, at such a moment, is still practicing. Could it be that his planting methods need to believe in the fire?"

Someone suddenly made such a sound.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has heart.

Burning the spiritual crystal of faith is related to planting together. How can it be so familiar?

More than two thousand people were present, one by one, mixed with dragons and snakes, and no one knew what kind of existence was behind them.

But, in contrast, the falling angels, angels of the spirit world, and so on, have already acted.

I saw, Angel of God Realm, took out a small bottle and dripped a drop of golden magic liquid.

Suddenly, I saw a very strong breath of life in the void, surging out even, even in the void, naturally a small plant of grass.

Void creatures.

It turned out to be a void creature, oh my god, is this true?Is this a myth reappearance?

The angels of the Divine Realm, one by one, exclaimed together, such a magic drop, a drop, is hard to find.

"With this Shenshui, the result of this competition has been determined, and the result has been determined!!"

Someone made such a sound.

It turned out that I felt that there was such a divine water, and the result had already been determined, and there was no longer a need for competition.

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