My Super Estate

Chapter 1276 It's You, It's You?

Chapter 1201 is you, is it you?


A room full of supplies suddenly disappeared, and even the demon god of the dog's head was stunned for a while.



The dog-head demon uttered angrily, falling back and forth in the cave.

"How dare you, how dare you!!"

Pointing at the troll, the demon god of the head, the whole person shivered violently.

Do not doubt that this is definitely not exciting, this is angry.

In his own face, unexpectedly, unexpectedly...

"How dare you openly rob?"

The demon god of the dog's head was so excited that his whole body was trembling. In a word, the first half and the second half of the sentence could not be said. Looking at the whole body trembling, Wang Yang really felt pain for him, and was kind to him. Connected the second half of the sentence.

"Yes, how dare you rob?"

It's just hard to believe, even daring to rob in front of yourself, this is simply not taking your eyes away!!

"Laozi robbery, what can you do?"

Wang Yang sneered and looked around.

All the babies have been put away, Wang Yang of course he will not care anymore.

"you you??"

In the face of robbers, even if it is a devil, if there is insufficient strength, it seems that there is no way?

In addition to pointing, in addition to gas, in addition to shaking the whole body, it seems that there is no other way.

Looking at the dog-headed demon god, even if it is usually not very pleasing to the eye, but at this moment, Wang Yang actually felt that the waves of distress.

What a good dogleg, it is such a dedication, and even a bit unbearable.

"Now, your value is gone. Since that is the case, then you will die!"

With that said, Wang Yang shot decisively.

A violent punch hit the dog-head demon's chest hard.

No one will doubt that such a violent punch, the demon god of the head of the dog, is definitely going to be beaten.A generation of demon gods want to be cut off like this.


"The legend is that the cave is the place where the most precious treasure is placed. It contains dragon blood, dragon bones, and even dragon tendons.

If so, how good we can get these babies!!"

Dragon blood can refine the flesh body and dragon bone, can refine peerless warriors, dragon tendons, and is the best material for whip warriors and bow warriors.

Shenlong is full of treasure, this statement is absolutely not false.

"just you?

You dare?"

Some people dream of daydreaming, and of course others splash cold water.

This scoop of cold water is very powerful.

You dare?

There is a place where the God Lord puts the baby, put you in, do you dare to take it?


The tone of contempt, the tone of disdain, made people want to go crazy.

However, no one dared to speak under the majesty of the Lord.


Suddenly someone exclaimed, pointing in the direction of the cave, as if seeing something incredible.


Someone seemed to have conditioned reflexes, turned their heads and looked over there.

There, the world's vitality rolled very violently.

This is someone fighting, this is the eruption of supernatural powers, naturally igniting the vitality of heaven and earth, and then the vitality riot will form.

"Someone is fighting?"

No one is a simple generation, all of them are great magicians.

"That troll, get started in the cave."

"Courage, in that cave, there are a lot of dragon blood, dragon bones, and tendons, and there are also dragon trees.

Anything, as long as it is obtained, is a great asset. Now that Skynet is open, what you want to buy can be obtained quickly by placing an order."

More than two thousand great magicians, one by one, although they are all around the second step, the strongest are only every three steps.

However, among them, there are also rich and poor.

The rich may not care too much, but the poor are one by one, with green eyes.

It is not that the people raised in the evil waters of the poor mountains naturally like to do evil, just because they are too poor and they have no other way to survive.

The so-called water and soil support one person, the environment changes people's life.

As great magicians, everyone is eager to go further. Huge resources are the driving force for their advancement.

"He must not be allowed to leave. He dared to snatch the treasures of the Divine Lord, and he will never forgive his sins."

Finally, someone couldn't help but stand up first.

It's also funny.

The Divine Lord is obviously a strong man from heaven. This is the first demon who stands up and defends the interests of the Divine Lord.

This is a birdman.

Yes, it is a real birdman, not only has the birdman's wings, but also because he has a bird head.

This is a demon god of the bird race.

"Yes, God's treasure, he dared to move, just to death.

We absolutely do not allow him to be so arrogant."

What is even more unexpected is that the second one standing out is a giant beast.

It turned out to be a strong animal.

It's hard to believe that in the outside world, the Devil Realm and the Beast Realm are fighting each other, it is difficult to distinguish, and they wish to kill each other with a knife.

However, at this time, they actually stood in the same camp.

"This orc friend is right.

Robbing in front of all of us, this is not to take all of us in the eyes.

Such a person, no matter what, must give him a lesson."

This one jumped out is a god from heaven.

It is hard to believe that as the god of heaven, he was the third to stand up.

People who are also in the heavens are related to the interests of the gods of the heavens. As gods of the heavens, it is not the first one to stand up and say it. It is unbelievable.

Regardless of whether you believe it or not, many great supernaturalists who once fought endlessly and met together, unanimously set their sights on that cave.

There, everyone knows that there is a troll.



The demon god of the head of the dog was resurrected again.

It's just that, by comparison, his breath is getting weaker and weaker.

I saw that at this time, the demon god of the dog's head widened his eyes, he just couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

In front of me, where is there a troll, clearly a human race.

Moreover, it is still a very famous character.

"Wang Yang, you turned out to be Wang Yang!!!"

The wolf head demon screamed.

He didn't believe it at all. The person in front of him turned out to be the human race, Wang Yang.

God Lord arrested so many people, just because Wang Yang was arrested. As a result, Wang Yang had already appeared in front of himself, and, in his own face, the dragon blood and bones and tendons of God Lord, and that The most important Shenlong wood was all taken away.

The vitality of the kobold, Wang Yang was also surprised.

However, he has no energy to pay attention to these now, because, in this cave, there is a special prohibition.

As soon as I started, this special ban directly knocked me back to the original form.

"You are too noisy!"

No matter how the dog-head demon shouted, Wang Yang just punched.

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