My Super Estate

1282 Dazzling Gold God Fire

Chapter One thousand and twenty-six

Amidst the blazing fire, golden arcs flashed continuously.

This is a kind of flame, and it's also a kind of supernatural power.

Between heaven and earth, there are all kinds of god fires. The real fire of the sun is the most special kind of fire. It comes from the sun. According to legend, it is the oldest celestial body. It is an extreme flame and an extreme destruction. The flame, under its burning, any existence must be completely destroyed.

However, in the ultimate destruction, a ray of vitality is born naturally, and everything in the world is separated by infinity. Through heavy space, this ray of vitality is drawn from the destruction and out of rebirth.

Three flavors of true fire, in legend, the god of sacred ambition, the spirit of sacred ambition, the essence of sacred ambition, and the essence of qi qi are combined into a god fire, which can burn everything in heaven and earth. It is the most terrifying god fire between heaven and earth. Fire of souls.

The dazzling golden god fire, in legend, is between heaven and earth. All the golden god fire can absorb all the gold between heaven and earth. It is the golden pole, the pole sublimation, is the heaven and earth. After all the golden energy pole sublimation , A magical flame that will be born.

The so-called Five Elements Divine Fire is the five elements of heaven and earth. After the sublimation of the Daoist Sublimation, they will be integrated into each other to create a kind of magical flame. The dazzling gold Divine Fire is the Five Elements Divine Fire.

It can be said that this is one of the most terrible flames between heaven and earth.

The so-called five elements of heaven and earth generally agree that heaven and earth, the most fundamental foundation, are human law and earth, earth law and heaven, and heaven and earth nature. In turn, how is the so-called heaven and earth nature not from people?

There are five elements in heaven and earth, and people naturally have five elements.

The dazzling golden fire is to burn the essence of gold in the body.

The five elements are converted to each other, and they are interlinked with each other. The dazzling gold magic fire burns the gold line in the body, and the other four lines will naturally be converted to supplement the gold line.

Over time, the human body will be burned in the dazzling golden fire and turned into a robbery.

"Hyunjin Shenhuo, haha, the fierce battle, it turned out to be the glorious battle!!"

The Great Fire is a peerless array taught by the Divine Lord, which is only a part of the construction site.

All along, everyone has lived on the construction site to help the Divine Lord arrange the formation, but never knew that this so-called fiery array of fire was so terrible.

"Haha, now, are you still dead?"

The horror of the dazzling golden fire is famous in the world.

The so-called worlds of the heavens are created by man and respond naturally to the human body. The five elements of heaven, earth and earth are fundamental. Legend has it that there is a peerless strongman who once ignited the dazzling golden fire at the cost of one world and once invaded a devil who invaded his own world. , Directly transformed into nothingness.

This battle has achieved the prestige of Xuanjin Shenhuo, and also made the worlds feel the terrible power of Xuanjin Shenhuo for the first time.

Even the devil is impossible to resist, how can this human race bear?

"Everyone contributes together. This human race is extraordinary. The means are terrifying.

The fierce battle is a world battle, as well as a battle formation. The more people in the battle formation, the greater the power. As long as we work together, we can incinerate this human race and turn him into ashes."

Someone shouted like this.

The fiery fire to ignite the gold of the five elements of heaven and earth is extremely terrible and is a real magical power.

Now that these are the strongest, but the existence of the third step, it is naturally impossible to arrange them into a real dazzling gold array.

Therefore, in order to start such a terrible battle, it must also be based on people.

Only by igniting the energy of the gold in the body to ignite can a huge fire be formed,

People can be described as fire.

The more powerful the fire is, the more powerful it is.

All of them are great magicians, and naturally understand this truth.

Wang Yang was trapped in a blaze of fire, and it was too late to try to escape.

Just now, we have to take action. I saw that the sky and earth were in a wave of emptiness, which has changed forever, and the endless magic energy has disappeared. The exchange is in endless gold.

This is a golden world, and one of the most terrifying extreme worlds. In such a world, there are four elements in the five elements, and there is no way to survive in the gold.

In the meantime, Wang Yang naturally felt the disorder of the five elements in his body, and there was a tendency for the five elements to reverse.

It seems that this world can only allow gold banks to survive alone, with people entering it, five elements reversed, and the other four lines transformed into gold lines on their own.

For a time, Wang Yang's whole person seemed to be made of metal.

The two fists are opposite, and there is a metal clang.


Such a surprising array is really terrifying, a little careless, and dead.

Suddenly, there was a wave of gold in the world of gold, a little bit of sparks, naturally absorbing immense gold gas to help it burn.

The so-called, the fire of the stars, can start its prairie.

Under such a terrible flame, even Wang Yang had to change color.

The endless world of gold line turned into a terrible sea of ​​golden fire in a very short time.

The world of gold, the fire of dazzling gold.

The most terrible thing is that Wang Xing, which has been transformed into a metal, only keeps his mind in order to suppress himself with his will, only to get out of it, to forcefully reverse and restore himself.

However, the dazzling golden god Vulcan ignited, and the endless golden line of gas was naturally invested.

Even Wang Yang is difficult to keep in mind.

"Damn, careless."

Wang Yang knew that this time, he was really careless. He never thought that there was such a terrible formation on this site.

Five elements in the world, five elements in humanity.

Heaven and earth are created by human beings, and people live between heaven and earth, complementing each other. Heaven and earth support people, and people have their vitality.

With the reversal of the Five Elements, Wang Yang is made of metal, but his intentions are suppressed to wait for the opportunity.

However, once the energy of Jinxing is burned again, it is difficult to recover even though the mind is in it. At that time, I am afraid that Wang Yang can only achieve the invisible and invisible ghost body between heaven and earth.

"In this way, it is not entirely unreasonable for the major temples to build gold bodies."

Suddenly, such thoughts flashed in Wang Yang's heart.

Between heaven and earth, there are many temples, and there are countless idols as gold bodies.

It used to be difficult to understand, but now it seems that most of them are places where ideas are deposited, waiting for others to return.


Suddenly, Wang Yang looked shocked.

Ever since it was used to resist the projection of the impermanent Great Holy Will projection, the chaotic god fire, which may be extinguished by only half a point to the dimness, has responded.

Only a little bit, the chaotic fire that can be extinguished, came a little fluctuation.

It is such a little fluctuation, as if it has infinite suction, the world of gold, the endless dazzling golden fire, it seems that it is a prodigal son who has found a way back home, and he is rushing towards Wang Yang.

It turned out that Chaos Shenhuo was absorbing dazzling gold Shenhuo.

The endless dazzling gold god fire, all absorbed, Wang Yang actually had a feeling of gradually becoming stronger.

It turned out to be a feeling of original promotion.

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