My Super Estate

Question 1285

Chapter 1219: Blood-sucking

Things change, always inadvertently, but also under a small accident, and suddenly, change rapidly.

Some people say that life is spent in constant choice and being chosen. Whether the result is sad or happy, you have to bear it yourself.

At least, Wang Yang now has a deep experience.

Perhaps these two thousand great supernaturalists, most of them, have reached their full potential, and if they want to improve, it is as difficult as going to heaven.

But at least, he will live well.

"If, you have no choice to enter the Devil's Chaos territory, maybe, you have no choice, be enemies with me, maybe you will live well!"

In the large array, the exclamation continued.

All kinds of screams are endless.

Wang Yang won't, and it's impossible, because of their screams and screams, they let them all out of the benevolence of women.

After making his own choice, any consequences must be paid for by himself.

This is life and the charm of life.

In Wang Yang's heart, this is also the value of life.


Suddenly another thing caught Wang Yang's attention.

He didn't find it before. Now, he found that the real fire of the sun in his body, and the fire of chaos, actually showed a little sign of fusion.

This sign is very insignificant. The Chaos Fire is still so high. After absorbing enough Jin Xuan Shen Fire, the Chaos Fire, as if it were a real seed, began to take root and began to germinate, even, gradually, Even a small sapling grew.

The true fire of the sun is the chaotic fire tree, the most ideal growing environment.

"This, will it work?"

Chaotic things are very high-end. According to legend, chaos is the origin of all things.

In the legend, the so-called Chaos Divine Fire is the origin of flame and the root of all flames.

With the real fire of the sun as the soil, there is no doubt that the growth environment of the chaotic fire tree is very unsatisfactory. Even Wang Yang can feel that the chaotic fire tree in his body is already hidden, and he feels out of his control.

"No, isn't it, is this a grandfather?"

Looking at the chaotic fire tree, Wang Yang felt that his scalp was tingling.

I thought that before, the chaotic fire kind of blended itself into the real fire of the sun, and absorbed the energy of the real fire of the sun. It almost made the real fire of the sun extinguish.

Now think about it, it is really terrible.

Regardless of the changes in Wang Yang's body, all people in the outside world are now desperate.

The so-called blood-sucking bone marrow is the most used method by the Mozu. However, it is really self-explanatory, and it is still so clear that it is impossible to faint. This is already making the swordsman's heart frightened.

"Senior Jinxuan Sword God, help me quickly!!"

The swordsman remembers that there were eight great magicians of the third step outside the fiery array. Among them, there was a Jin Xuan sword god who had talked with him.

"The fiery fire, invaded by unknown existence, drawing flame energy, the blood in my body is burning fast, please, please save me!"

The swordsman is the existence of the Earth Immortal Realm. He and Jin Xuan Sword God came out of the Earth Immortal Realm, and he had a certain relationship. At this time, he naturally put all his hopes on Jin Xuan Jian Shen.

"Ice Demon God, hurry up to save my life. I am the Golden Sword Demon God sent by the Desperate Devil Lord. As long as the Ice Devil God comes to the rescue, the Desperate Devil Lord will never treat you badly."

Some people ask for help from Jin Xuanjian God, naturally, some people will ask for help from the ice demon god.

"Deep Heaven Tiger God, please help me, I am under the command of the Giant Tiger Demon Lord, as long as you save me, the Giant Tiger Demon Lord will never treat you badly."

Even if it is an orc, someone is asking for help.

One by one, the beginning is very small, most of them come from the level of power of the creator.

At this time, only at this level will there be courage to speak for help.

"What should we do now?"

Desperate Demon Lord, Giant Tiger Demon Lord, that is the power known by the heavens, are peerless strong.

In the world of heaven, emperors and sages are easily seen, and only the creator is the best known.

Even, in the world of heaven, there are three big lists: the god list, the sage list, and the creation list.

The three lists, the God List, are rare and changeable over the years. The Sage List cannot be changed for thousands of years. Only the Creation List is constantly changing.

The Desperate Demon Lord, the Giant Tiger Demon Lord, is the most notable giant on the creation list, which has not changed for ten thousand years.

A list that has remained unchanged for 10,000 years not only represents status, but also strength.

"Desperate Demon Lord, Giant Tiger Demon Lord, they are all world-famous beings in the heavens. On the creation list, they have remained unchanged for thousands of years, and their strength is extremely terrible.

Don’t we shoot?"

The ice demon god, some heart moved.

Desperate Demon Lord, in the Devil Realm, is definitely a terrible existence.

You know, the existence of a single level of emperor, even in the world of heaven, is absolutely not much.

Otherwise, in the world of the heavens, there will not only be a god list, but no emperor list.

Even if it is a demon world, the existence of a level of emperor will not exceed the number of hands, including the old monsters that are likely to be sealed.

In fact, on alum, there are only two demon worlds: the devil and the deity.

The sage may need a little more, but after removing some hidden lurks and not being born for thousands of years, it is difficult to judge the life and death of the old monster, but there are only dozens of them.

In other words, the Destiny Demon Lord, in the entire Devil Realm, can also be in the top 100.

If such a big man, if he can get his favor, then the benefits are too great.

"Are you sure?"

Faced with the question of the ice demon god, Jin Xuanjian god asked so.

After hearing this, the ice devil was silent.

"You said, is this the thing that Wang Yang shot?"

Finally, the ice devil asked what he always wanted to ask, but he never asked the exit question.

After all, did that human race Wang Yang shoot?

Reverse the array method and absorb endless Jin Xuan Shenhuo.

Such a method is really terrible.

All of them were great magicians of the third step, one by one, and their mental will was extremely powerful. At least they were all the third step, with amazing eyesight.

The formation at this time, the power is unpredictable, they dare not enter easily, but they can see that the endless Jin Xuan Shenhuo is absorbed by that Wang Yang.

However, no one is sure about Wang Yang's shot in this matter.

It was heard that all the eight great supernaturalists present were silent.

Before calculating each other, the situation of intrigue has ceased to exist. In their minds, there is only one problem.

At this time, is that the human race Wang Yang shot?

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