My Super Estate

1288 The third step of the battle (3)

Chapter 1222 The third step of the battle (3)

Wang Yang's shot was full of effort.

The top power, Wang Yang has faced it more than once, even if it is the will of the Divine Lord, the sage, he has faced it, but, with his own strength and the power he faces, Jin Xuanjian God is the first person.

Jin Xuan Sword God, but the existence of the third step, but for Wang Yang, it is just right, it is a pressure, but, but can let himself play hard, will not be crushed.

One shot is his own trick.


"it is good!!"

In the face of the terrible sword edge and with the terrible force of repression, Jin Xuan Jian Shen made a move.

I saw that Jin Xuan Sword God, just swept across the sword at random, the so-called Taishan God Mountain was directly destroyed, everything disappeared.

"Little brother, the same human race, today, I will give you a lesson, although, you have no tomorrow.

Great supernaturalists should be dominated by will.

Under absolute will, even if your supernatural power is stronger, as long as the will is destroyed, your supernatural power will no longer exist."

Wang Yang looked dignified.

Just now, the seemingly random move of Jin Xuan Jianshen, Wang Yang can feel that there is a terrible will, rushing into his sword power, and directly destroying the will he has given.

Will the will be annihilated, and no matter how powerful the magical power will be?

"Thank you, Brother, for your guidance."

In the past, Wang Yang has never encountered this battle.

In the past, in the face of powerful enemies, all of us crushed everything with a powerful physical battle body. Today it is known that under absolute will, no matter how powerful the magical power is, it is difficult to perform.

"Little brother, you take my trick!"

One move broke Wang Yang's Epee Road, and Jin Xuan's supernatural power shot decisively.

This trick, the whole world, turned into a golden world.

"Jinxing World??"

Wang Yang was shocked.

Jinxing World, is this a world of swordsmanship?

Such a terrible magical power?

Wang Yang didn't dare to neglect, so he lifted his golden bell as soon as possible.


The world of Jinxing was blocked by Admiralty.

The endless golden sword spirit, pounding back and forth towards Wang Yang, Admiralty never moved.

The so-called, do not move like a clock.

"This, this is magical power?"

Clearly feel the power of the world of gold travel, Wang Yang's heart flashed a lot of thoughts.

The power of will is the commander-in-chief, overall planning; supernatural power is the method of application, the method of battle, the way to win, the art of war; and the cultivation of the power is the energy, the soldier, the soldier, the foundation of everything; the physical body and the body Is strength, defense, national strength, and logistics.

A good command must also have a smart commander, otherwise, it will only be a mere talk of the game. Without a strong physical combat body, there will be no strong logistical support, just fighting against the water.

Without strong cultivation, there is no strong soldier.

In a short period of time, Wang Yang had such a deep understanding of great supernaturalists.

Analysis of the enemy, Jin Xuan Jian Shen, is a great magician of the third step, extremely powerful.

For now, he is a physical warfare body and occupies a certain advantage. Even, he must add the magic weapon of his life-Golden Bell.

In other words, he is superior to the enemy in logistic support, suitable for protracted warfare,

At the moment, Wang Yang resolutely adjusted his tactics.

Holding the Ziwei Excalibur, the explosive power is of course extremely powerful.

However, the power of Ziwei Excalibur is extremely powerful. Similarly, the mana consumption of his own body is also extremely terrifying.

In this way, it is a great burden. At the moment, the purple Weijian sword in Wang Yang's hands is only used as an ordinary magical soldier. It is easy and never inspires the power of the sword.

For a time, the two sides played hard to separate.

"Fuck, your great magician in the third step, can't even beat a second step?"

Jin Xuan sword god can't fight for a long time, the ice demon god has been furious.


The ice demon god is worthy of the demon god of killing the evidence. The murderous spirit is extremely terrible, only the murderous release, even the void condenses into ice.

The extremely terrifying blade, with an overbearing killing intention, was slashed towards Wang Yang.

Wang Yang was shocked and quickly greeted him with a sword.

It's just that the blade is too overbearing, the blade is too overbearing, and the Excalibur is powerful. However, if the will is not strong, it will be difficult to perform.


The extremely overbearing sword will make Wang Yang's supernatural powers of swordsmanship destroyed directly, making it difficult to form an offensive.

Damn it!!

"Admiralty is not broken!"

In the end, Wang Yang could only reapply with the same technique, using the golden bell to hide itself, hiding inside the golden bell.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

In the void, all the bells rang.


The sound of the wave dissipated, Wang Yang appeared again, and the ice demon god was shocked.

"You, how is it possible, how can you not die under my attack?"

The ice demon god was terrified and took three steps back.

What kind of evil is this, how could it be under my attack and still not die?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible.

"No, how could you not die? Impossible, absolutely impossible!!!"

The ice demon god is too self-confident. Before that, Wang Yang and Jin Xuan sword god battled each other, and it was difficult to distinguish them. It was so powerful.

At this point, the big words had already been said, and your own attack was unsuccessful. It was undoubtedly that you hit your face. Moreover, the words just now offended Jin Xuanjian God. .

"Huh, don't some people think they are supernatural, why can't they beat the merits now?"

Sure enough, Jin Xuan sword god's cold voice has already sounded.

"Two people, now, when it's not an infighting, everyone still think of a way, how to win this human race Wang Yang!"

The human race Wang Yang is unparalleled in defense.

If he can't break his defense, all the efforts just made by himself and others will be turned into running water.

What's more, this person is so bold that he even dared to rob the Divine Lord's treasure. If he can't take it back, he will be held accountable by the Divine Lord afterwards, and they can't escape the guilt.

"What do you do?"

The ice devil quickly turned around and asked anxiously.

Being ridiculed by Jin Xuanjian God and proud of the ice demon god, where can I stand it?

However, at this time, it is not a time of internal strife, and it can't stand it. At this time, it must also be endured. Otherwise, it will be blamed by the Divine Lord afterwards, and it is impossible to escape.

"In the formation, Wang Yang's defense is terrible. To break his defense, we must improve our strength.

Now, only the formation method can meet this requirement."

If you want to improve your strength, it is impossible in a short time.

This is only possible with the formation method.

But is the formation method really feasible?

A group of great magicians, subconsciously, thought of the blaze of fire just now.

That kind of formation, under the auspices of more than two thousand supernaturalists, the power is terrible, even if they are the third step, it is unbearable.

The results of it?

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