My Super Estate

1292 Fleeing desperately

Chapter 1226 Fleeing Destiny

Jin Xuan Jian Shen stared at Wang Yang, his eyes full of surprise.

Surprise, or rather surprise.

Just now, without this kid reminder, can I really escape this blow?

Although he did not want to admit it, Jin Xuan Jianshen had to admit that he could never escape.

Although the strength of the ice god is not as good as his own, but his magical power is extremely good, and a terrifying murderousness is definitely not easy for anyone to bear.

Such a powerful ice demon god is like this. In front of his own eyes, he was easily entangled by the terrible magic vine, and he couldn't break free. Even, he was directly sucked by him, sucking all his energy, even the essence in his bones. Qi is also exhausted.

Such a terrible magic vine, so entangled, what will happen if it is directly smashed down?

No matter what other people think, Jin Xuan Jianshen dare not think down.

"Boy, you must follow me, otherwise, don't blame me if you die."

Jin Xuanjian God looked strangely at Wang Yang. His eyes were struggling and killing, and he was even more surprised. Finally, all the complex emotions were withdrawn, so he said.

Wang Yang smiled slightly, nodded fiercely, and said: "Relax, thank you brother!!!"

Hearing the words, Jin Xuan Jian Shen's mouth twitched.

Seeing this, Wang Yang just smiled slightly.

"Brother, it's too dangerous here, we have to leave quickly, otherwise, here, it's hard to guarantee that it will be eaten by the terrible magic vine!"

Although he was complacent, Wang Yang didn't dare to care about himself, he quickly reminded him.

"You said, where are we going?"

"This mountain is very magical, and, as you can see, here is just an entrance, otherwise, those people will not come here."

There is a saying that Wang Yang did not say, that is, here, it is very likely that it is a special space, or a special world.

"I have a feeling that the ice demon god has activated all the magic vines here, no... ah, leave quickly!!"

After hearing this, Jin Xuan Jian Shen was very decisive, said nothing, grabbed Wang Yang, and left quickly.

Sure enough, behind him, there was a terrifying wind screaming.

Turning my head and looking, I saw three more magic vines appeared, and the previous one was four.

The four magic vines are raging, even if the Tauren is extremely powerful, there is naturally some insurability.

Lost the protection of Tauren, the followers of Tauren, a large number of deaths.

The same is the third step, and there is such a big difference in strength.

"Houhou, Human Race kid, where should we go next?"

Although unwilling, the Decepticons still came along.

Just now, he almost didn't scare him.

"Huh, isn't this Decepticon?

Oops, my bones are too weak to run."

Hearing this, the Decepticons were stunned, and then their hearts were angry.

"Human boy, you, what do you want to do?"

"Well, look, I can't run anymore. This magical mountain is full of danger."

"Directly speaking, what the hell do you want to do?"

The four magic vines are too terrible, and they can fall over at any time. This bastard is still crooked here.Really hateful.

"Yeah, look, this magical mountain is so terrible, if, without my guidance, you..."

Speaking of which, Wang Yang said nothing again.

Coincidentally, Wang Yang's voice had just landed, and two magic vines appeared, and he fell directly towards the Decepticons.


The Decepticons roared angrily and flashed away quickly, but the six magic vines fell down, even the Decepticons were extremely dangerous.

"Hurry up, what the hell do you want to do?"

Damn, two more magic vines appeared, almost not hit themselves.

"Your back is so wide!!"

As if he didn't see the dangerous situation of the Decepticons, Wang Yang was very calm.

"Just want to ride me?"

"Oh, don't say this nonsense, I never said it!!"


Looking at Wang Yang, the deceptive tiger stared at the tiger's eyes angrily, and came with a majestic face.

"I said, Decepticons, you must be faster, otherwise, those magic vines are coming, but it is impossible to go."


Wang Yang smiled slightly, just like that, he jumped directly on the back of the Decepticons.

"Quick, go north."

Wang Yang still felt very comfortable if he wanted to ride on the Decepticons, especially, very stable.

Following his own feelings, Wang Yang pointed the way for everyone, and at the same time, Wang Yang quickly performed magical skills, absorbed the Sifang energy, and quickly recovered himself.

Riding the tiger god and recovering yourself, this kind of treatment is put in peacetime, but it is absolutely impossible.

"To the right, hurry up!"

In this magical mountain, the vegetation is very high. The most terrible thing is that these vegetations have a magical nature. Wang Yang saw with his own eyes that there was a demon clan, followed him, and suddenly, from the mountain forest, suddenly shot out A branch directly penetrated him.

This Demon Race is also a great magician of the third step.

"Ah, damn, this one, isn't it safe?"

Seeing the end of the demon god behind him, even Jin Xuanjian God's face changed greatly, and Decepticon Tiger God became a frightened cat, and he was almost not scared.

"Who said it was a safe road?

I just feel, just feel, understand?"

After hearing this, Jin Xuan Jianshen's face was completely black.

It's just feeling, I fucking, my own safety, actually, all pinned on his feelings.


Suddenly, Wang Yang shouted.


The Decepticons and Gods reacted extremely fast, but suddenly, there was still a process.

It was such a process that even three petals were wiped off the scalp of the Decepticons.

Bang Bang Bang...

On the left side, there was a black stone that was shot by these three petals and exploded directly.

"Here, is this black stone?"

Legend has it that the world is the hardest rock.

However, the hardest rock was shot directly by three petals?

"Damn, what the hell is this place?

All blame you, who made you run to such a dangerous place?"

Almost confessed here, Decepticons are very resentful.

"Huh, I didn't let you follow me!"

In a word, I almost didn't choke on this majestic deceptive god.

"Hurry, jump up, damn, here, even flight is impossible!!"

It turned out that Wang Yang felt that this place is very dangerous, and only high altitude will be safe.

However, in this ghost place, even flying is impossible, only to jump up.

It was a disaster.

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