My Super Estate

Chapter 1295 Test

Chapter 1229 Tests

"You, your cultivation base has broken through?"

Seeing Wang Yang open his eyes, Jin Xuanjian God's eyes flicked, quite startled, and asked.

"Yes, my practice has already broken through."

"However, you are a great supernaturalist, and your cultivation base has broken through, how come there is no thunder world?"

"No, it has just arrived."

Jin Xuan sword god froze.

Has it arrived?

Yes, it has just arrived, but you did not enter the thunder world.


Suddenly, Jin Xuanjian God took a breath in his heart, and said, "No, you, you can.

Impossible, impossible, even the emperor is impossible, how can you do it?"

It seemed that he had thought of something very incredible, and even, with his cultivation as the realm, he even exclaimed.

This is a completely subconscious exclaimation.

"You, how do you do it?"

From the theory of the mind, he is absolutely impossible to believe.

But, just in case, what if it is true?

If this is really the case, then it is a shortcut to improve strength.

Powerful cultivation is the storage of energy. The same great magician, the greater the energy storage, the stronger the strength.

The most important thing is that some amazing talented genius characters are not high in their level. However, he realized the great power of great power, there is no strong cultivation support, and it is also in vain, so he gave away his life. It's just normal.

"If you can cultivate the second elemental god, you can do it too."


Jin Xuan sword god was stunned, for a long time he didn't recover.

Cultivate into the second elemental god?

Looking at Wang Yang miraculously, he didn't even doubt whether what he said was true or not, just that he felt incredible because he had such an idea.

That's right, it was incredible for him to have such an idea.

For thousands of years, the worlds of heaven and earth have been in a state of ups and downs, and countless horrors have existed. They dominate the heavens and are invincible.

However, for thousands of years, I have never heard people talk about it, and there will be people who will cultivate into the second elemental god.

"Can it be that he has such strength because he cultivated in the Second God?"

It was still the deceptive spirit of the Decepticons. Suddenly, such thoughts flashed in his heart and muttered to himself.

A word awakened the dreamer, Jin Xuan Jian Shen was shocked.

The strength of Wang Yang is really terrible. It is just the realm of Yuanshen, and he has the strength of a great supernatural power. He has never heard anyone talk about it.

"Hey, it seems that the magic vine is retreating."

Wang Yang suddenly stunned, his eyes widened and exclaimed.


Jin Xuan Sword God and Decepticon Tiger Shock, quickly recovered, abandoned Wang Yang outside Jiu Xiaoyun, turned around, and looked at the entrance.

"Sure enough, the magic vine has retreated."

"Go, let's go."


Wang Yang’s words made the Decepticons a bit unclear and asked, “There, it’s so scary, why should we go back?”

Just now, he almost died there, and now he has to go back, but he doesn't want to.

"Don't you find that all this seems to be a test?

You don't feel that the test is now over, have we successfully passed the level?

In other words, are you going to give up the fruits of victory and the thousand-year-old soul grass that might exist?"

What, there is a millennium soul grass?

Just a half-push, the Decepticons who had no emotions at all seemed to hit chicken blood and jumped quickly, but they were going to run towards that front.

It was just that it had just acted, and he retracted his forefoot in horror.

Turned his huge head and looked at Wang Yang.

Wang Yang smiled coldly and said, "Why not stop running now?"

"No, don't run away."

It is really hard to believe that a tiger's face will have such a rich expression.

Wang Yang smiled coldly, jumped up, and sat firmly on the generous back of the Decepticons.

Roar roar roar...

In the jungle, there is a roar of a tiger, a sense of anger, faintly visible.

"Okay, go, there is no danger now."

Wang Yang slapped it on the generous back of the Decepticons.

The Decepticons roared louder.

"If you want to pass the next test safely, be honest!"

Sure enough, the angry tiger howling just now calmed down quickly.


Niu Batian looked at the three forces and his face was all black.

If it weren't for the bastards who came so late, their followers would not be eaten by the magic vines like this.

Looking at the ground, only some clothes were left, and Niu Batian felt uncomfortable.


Donors, how do you go next?"

The Dragon Dragon Bodhisattva folded his hands together and asked modestly.

The so-called demon demons and demons are never mentioned.

"Huh, don't you guys like stinking bald donkeys always like demon demon extermination? Why, don't you demon demon extermination now?"

Looking at the Bodhisattva, Shura Mozu sneered coldly.

"Amitabha! Poor monks have their own means of demon."

In the face of the demons, the Dragon Bodhisattva will never show weakness.

"Huh, that's about looking at it, your magical means."

With that said, the Shura Demon Clan, with three heads and six arms, showing the real body, the whole body, countless magic thoughts, looming around the Shura Demon Clan, it seems that there are countless demon heads, reading the sutra for this Shura Demon Clan.


Correspondingly, the Dragon Bodhisattva sits on the golden lotus platform, standing with one hand in front of him, chanting unknown scriptures in his mouth.

Between the two, there is only one battle line between them, or only a fuse, or a certain sentence, between the two, you can fight.

"You, did you forget, where is this place?"

Finally, the three-eyed Protoss couldn't see it anymore and opened his mouth.

"You two, don't forget, why are you here?"

For what?

In the presence of the Quartet forces, who is not a level figure in the world of one side?

After growing up, at least one level of creator existence, even sages, are very likely.

It can be said that all of them are the future wavers and the future masters of the heavens.

Such existence, in general, is absolutely impossible to enter such a dangerous place.

"You said, does the legendary test really exist?"

Between the Buddha and the demon, it has calmed down, and the bully name of the bully has turned into a timid person.

"If you don't believe it, you shouldn't come in."

"But where did that inexplicable voice come from?"

Hear no words, no one spoke.

An inexplicable voice, saying that there is a thousand-year-old soul grass here, needs to be tested to have the possibility of obtaining.

It's just possible.

The problem is that it must be tested.

So, who is behind this?

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