My Super Estate

1307 As long as there are resources, leapfrogging is not impossible

Chapter 1241 As long as there are resources, leapfrogging is not impossible.

"Human race, your supernatural powers are very powerful, but your cultivation is unsustainable!!"

Wang Yang stood there, and the goalkeeper will not attack, but he said such a sentence.

Hearing the words, King Shura was stunned, and quickly turned to look.

Sure enough, Wang Yang was sweating all over his body, and his face was all pale.

How similar to Niu Batian before!!

"Sure enough, instead of trying to be smart, he was mistaken. His defensive abilities are sure to have characteristics similar to power-absorbing magic. Therefore, he can be supported under the attack of the king.

However, his attack magical ability, but does not have this ability.

Moreover, his mental will obviously has no breakthrough. Only the mental will of the second step, in front of the third step, has no ability to resist at all.

He also only has the ability of three axes, now he has no strength."

"King Shura really deserves to be King Shura, and it is extraordinary in sight."

Listening to King Shura's "high view", someone quickly compliments, as the saying goes-flattering.

"Ha ha!!"

Before, his face was almost beaten. Now, after finally picking it up, King Shura laughed out loud.


Regarding King Shura's comments, the Three Eyes will have no objection.

It's hard to believe that they will be the two camps of the Demon Race and the Celestial Realm that have fought for years, and if they don't know, they will definitely not believe it.

However, no one objected to their comments.

Wang Yang's face was too pale, as if he had lost blood all over his body.

Standing there, even, his body was trembling a little.

The will of the warrior is terrifying, and it is hard to believe how much pain it will make him look like this.

"Human race, now, if you step back, it's too late."

The goalkeeper god didn't chase, even, even he was very kind, even agreed to Wang Yang retreat.

Niu Batian is here, he will cry out loudly: Why, he can retreat, he himself, there is no such opportunity.

Well, Niu Batian has already entered. Naturally, this scene will not be seen and will not be screamed.

However, Wang Yang was a little stunned: this goalkeeper god, the spirit is too strong, before not only laughed, but now, even more kindness, then, what kind of existence is he?

"Thank you, but I have promised, of course, I will not object."

"Amitabha! Donor, here, there are ten million spiritual crystals of faith, Lao Na and others, all the savings.

Here, there are ten real sun fires, which are also given to you.


Suddenly, the wise Buddha stood up and came to Wang Yang, and gave a ring directly to Wang Yang, saying so.


Wang Yang felt sweet in his heart.

Of course, the most important thing is that he finally did not worry about the belief in the spirit crystal.

"Thank you, rest assured, I won't give up."

Of course, Wang Yang knows that the reason why these monks in Buddhist temples are so generous is that they are saving them themselves.

However, even in this case, I feel very grateful.

Amitabha, the donor Wang Yang is really rare, and he has paid so much to save the poor monks and so on.

Even, in order not to let me buddhist monks owe him cause and effect, he offered to conclude with the spirit of faith.


Looking at the human race in front of me, in the eyes of the wisdom Buddha, all are wisdom.

However, if Wang Yang knew what the wise Buddha thought, he would definitely laugh.

"Are you ready?"

Wang Yang is not willing to withdraw, the goalkeeper will be optimistic again, and he will not keep his hand.

"All right."

With that, Wang Yang waved his hand, and a large number of spiritual crystals of faith were piled up there, which was more than a foot high.

Many believe in spirit crystal...

Looking at so many spiritual crystals of belief, there was even some riots at the scene.


With his own thoughts, Wang Yang shrouded all the spiritual crystals of faith. When his thoughts moved, all the spiritual crystals of faith burned.


Upon seeing this, even King Shura had to retreat quickly.

"This bastard, does he want us all to die with him?"

Wang Ba egg was very angry and corrupted.

Staring a pair of eyes, there is infinite anger, all contained in it.


Watching Wang Yang's actions, the goalkeeper will also be interested,


Suddenly, the goalkeeper god will be frightened, but he wants to be rescued. It is too late. I saw that under his eyes, Wang Yang opened his mouth and opened his mouth towards the massive fire of faith. Suck.

Is this death?

Such a huge amount of belief in God's fire, even if it is a Dao Demon, can't bear it!

However, Wang Yang has inhaled into the body.


There is a terrible energy in Wang Yang's body, which can be exploded at any time.

"Ziyang out..."

Wang Yang felt that his own body seemed to explode at any time. The extremely huge belief in fire, even if Wang Yang was practicing Ziyang's magical powers, it was faintly unbearable.

Even Wang Yang's flesh has already swelled somewhat.

Without daring to delay, Wang Yang closed his eyes and visualized a round of purple sun.

It turned out that during the battle, practice the Ziyang Divine Skill, visualize the purple sun, and quickly absorb the god fire that seems to explode in the body.

It can be seen that behind Wang Yang's head, a round of purple sun rises slowly.

"This, this is the will projection.

He, how could he perform the will projection?"

Looking at Wang Yang, someone yelled.

Especially, looking at the purple sun behind him.

This is, at least the existence of a level of the sixth step of the king can only have the ability, a second step of existence, how is it possible to project the will?

Where did he come from such a huge will?

"Come again!!"

No matter how others exclaimed, Wang Yang shouted loudly.

Speaking of taking the initiative, he launched an attack.

There were waves of dragon chanting, and with great regret, from the purple sun, a divine dragon rushed out.

Shenlong, flying in the sky, full of magic energy, quickly gave way.

Under the eyes of everyone, the dragon looked down and took pictures with one paw!


The strength of the goalkeeper is obvious to everyone. However, under the attack of this dragon, there was no power to fight back and it was directly suppressed.

Even, the huge dragon claw, turned into a palm, directly photographed the gatekeeper under the ground.


Such a scene is so surprising.

Similarly, it is too frightening.

For a time, everyone looked at Wang Yang's eyes, but they were all a little shocked.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Wang Yang nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that he is very satisfied with his own move.

It’s just that no one knows. In Wang Yang’s heart, he is bleeding: I owe it, I really owe it. One million, one million spiritual crystals of faith. If this makes me practice, maybe, I can prove Become king.

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