My Super Estate

Chapter 1325 Great Supernaturalist's Choice

Chapter 1239 Choice of Great Supernaturalists

How to do?

This is the ultimate problem in human life.

On the road ahead, there is an intersection. Is it to the left or right?

What is the first question that comes to your mind?

Faced with unsolvable problems, what can you think of, only what to do?

When the robber hijacks his mother and your girlfriend, when you can only choose to save one person, there is only one you can face, what should you do?

Cultivating martial arts, when you encounter a bottleneck, how can you not break through, how to break through martial arts, how can you not break through, mind and will, how can you break through, how can you not break through the physical body, what can you do?

You can only ask yourself, what can I do?

How to do?

This is the most ultimate question. Similarly, this is also a question that people have to think about for the rest of their lives.

The reason why the human society is so wonderful is not because there are people, but because when people face problems, you will think of an existence-what to do?

When you ask what to do, you will realize that the world, at this time, has quietly changed.

The world is just a picture. Whether this picture is wonderful enough is not because of how many things are drawn in this picture, or how many strokes there are in this picture.

It's just that there is a turning point in this painting.

Every turning point is a choice.

Whether it's wonderful or not depends on how the turning point is going.

There is no doubt that it is such a problem before many great supernaturalists.

How to do?

Above this square, the number of great supernaturalists is increasing, and in a short time, it has far exceeded 10,000.

However, so many people are all supernatural powers, and before them is a path that will make them all die.

"Everyone said, what will happen if we join forces?"

Someone asked a question.

At this time, no one will blame him.

Every question is a turning point. In the end, it depends on everyone's choice how to go.

"Join together, how does it work?"

Along with this question, some people also raised their own questions.

"We are advancing and retreating together, as long as we jointly understand the formation and practice the formation magic, perhaps, we can survive together."

Good, very good.

This proposal made many people shine.

Didn’t Niu Batian already say it, get one out of ten, just because that fusion formation can only support so many people.

However, if everyone advances and retreats together, perhaps, the fusion formation can last longer?


Advance and retreat together?

Personal perception, do you think you can grasp it?

Moreover, you can guarantee that you can advance and retreat with everyone in the enlightenment array magical power?"

Some people are optimistic, of course, there is a decline.

What a beautiful vocabulary to advance and retreat together?

However, since there are souls, there have always been difficulties and difficulties.

As long as you are faster than others, you will not die, will you wait for others?

Can you rest assured that you will wait for others, and others will wait for you?

Obviously, if you can't die, just because you are waiting for others, your life will be shut down. Will you choose?

Yes, advance and retreat together, this is a very good choice.

However, with human nature, who can really rest assured?

Who can really advance and retreat with you?

Still between life and death.

"You said, if more of us go up together?

More than one hundred people can support more than ten people to understand the formation, and more than ten people can live.

What if there are more than a thousand people?"

The first place is the most perfect way, but, again, it is also the most impossible way.

Another person proposed a second solution.

More people act together.

Formation integration, the difference between more than one hundred people, more than one thousand people, and even more than 10,000 people is huge.

In the end, this formation requires more than a hundred people to fuse and exert its power, or is it really only one out of ten?

No one knows what happened.

"Hey, this method is good, we can try it."

Someone thought so.

"Everyone, you may have a wrong question.

This formation can be fused, more than one hundred people, can be fused into the second layer formation.

So, will more than a thousand people merge into the third layer of formation?"

Regarding the second method, someone raised a question.

This formation can be fused.

This point has been well verified before, and it has excited everyone for a while.

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

Someone was puzzled, so asked.

Is there any problem with the second layer of fusion formation and the third layer of fusion?

Could it be that the stronger the formation, the better the power?

Someone didn't respond, and I don't know, what's the issue to discuss.

"Don't forget, everyone, the second floor of the altar, but only the mysteries of the second floor of the formation.

If we have too many people and the formation of the formation is integrated, we will directly reach the power of the third layer. As a result, we cannot understand the mystery of the formation of the second layer. What should we do?

Everyone has seen it before. Once the integration is successful, all people will enter a situation of non-life and non-death."

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Above the square, there are more than 10,000 supernatural powers. At the time of life and death, everyone gathered together and started a big discussion that brought together various races.

At this moment, it seems that there is no longer the hatred between races, nor the past life and death fight.

Everyone has only one goal-to survive.

Even, here, you can see that the human race and the demon race have a problem, and they blush and have thick necks.

In the same way, you can also see that here, you can see that the monks of the Buddha Gate are arguing with the Demon Clan and the Demon Clan.

In the past, the demons and demons have disappeared here. The only thing we can see is harmony.

This is one of the most incredible scenes. If this scene is taken out, no one will believe it.

However, between life and death, many great magicians have made a wise choice.

Even if it was, there might have been a life and death enemy.

At this moment, they are all quietly thinking about various issues seriously.

"Bodhisattva, what do you see from this scene?"

Wang Yang is respectful of the Bodhisattva.

In any case, he is the master of his cousin Luo Jian.

One day as a teacher, and a father for life.

I am my cousin, so if my cousin is not there, I am my cousin. The respect I deserve is a must.


Regarding Wang Yang's question, what can the Dragon Bodhisattva say?

"The so-called hatred, perhaps, was originally false."

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