My Super Estate

Question 1335

Who is dissatisfied with Chapter 1249?

The lion family-lion heart, in the western world, known as the lion heart emperor, as the king of the orc empire, Megatron in all directions.

However, it is such a character that was actually split in half by a sword.

For a time, on the third floor altar, it was as quiet as if it had come to the dead ground.

Step by step, Wang Yang walked towards the edge of the ring, his sharp gaze swept across the crowd of nearly forty below.

However, there are nearly forty people.

Behind Wang Yang, another group of people came up.

This means that on the second floor altar, there were nearly a hundred people who fell silently on the ground and stayed there forever.


Wang Yang's gaze was not harsh, on the contrary, he was very easygoing.

However, it is this kind of vision. The eyes of nearly forty people who fall below are shining and energetic.

Among the forty people below, roughly divided into east and west.

The Western faction is divided into four camps: human race, orc race, warcraft race, the remaining camp is a temporary organization camp, including elves, angels, falling angels, and giants.

The Western camp, the total number of zero, total, no less than twenty people.

It can be described as huge.

The Eastern camp is not weak, in general, it is divided into three camps: Demon Race, Human Race, and Demon Race (including Orc).

The two camps, like each other, seem to have formed some kind of competition.

"You Western world, with so many people, why don't you plan to have a few people?"

Niu Batian tilted his head and looked at those in the Western world, saying so.

Absolutely not a figure in the Eastern world, too generous.

No one knows the importance of quota.

However, Wang Yang's strength has already reflected a point just now, there is no certainty of winning, and he will definitely not be willing to die.

"I come!!"

From that orcish camp just now, another person jumped out.

This person is a natural bird-human race.

There is a very terrible name-the Firebird family.

Yes, this person is a clan of birds and birds with a talent for fire.

Behind the wings, he quickly flew up to Wang Yang.

"Hugh is arrogant, you are nothing but a defensive magic weapon against hard blows. What's so great about it?"

In the Western world, it is believed that power and energy attack.

In the eastern world, the martial arts is believed, and the world is fought with a powerful fighting form.

"Flame Elf between heaven and earth, please listen to my call-burning fire!!"

Well, this guy turned out to be an orc magician.

It's amazing, just a chant, and the ring is already in flames.

Being in the sea of ​​fire, Wang Yang's body has a very strong sense of flame burning.

"This, this kid, is in big trouble."

Upon seeing this, someone immediately said so.

"what happened?"

"That kid, obviously, has a very strong anti-strike defense magic power. Even, he can use this magic power to strengthen his physical body.

Such magical powers, to be honest, are indeed extremely strong and extremely enviable.

However, in this world, there has never been an invincible supernatural power and no invincible defense.

The defensive magic power with strong anti-strike ability is indeed extremely terrible, but what if there is no physical attack?

Just like this, it is just a flame.

The sea of ​​fire, but does not have a powerful strike ability, but the powerful sea of ​​fire can burn everything to ashes."

This is the voice from the Eastern Demon camp.

Provoking the powerful in the Western world to get them to the ring is not just to let them die, but also to find out.

It's just that terrible anti-strike and defensive supernatural power that makes people doubt life.

"Sura Lord, you said, this time, can this boy resist?"

"Why, your heart is moving?"

On the ring, there is a piece of flame. The powerful flame makes people's eyes blurred. Even if they have powerful supernatural powers, as long as they are not practicing that kind of supernatural powers, it is impossible to see through the flames.

"Yes, my demon element thunder, extraordinary power, maybe, can break his defense."

This man, enveloped in a black cloak, couldn't see through his weakness at all.

"Moreover, my cursed magical power is extremely extraordinary, perhaps, it can break its defense magical power."

This person is also famous in the devil world, but he is a cursed devil.

His cursed magical power, in the demon world, once let a demon master also suffer a great deal, and its terrible degree is really terrifying.

"Heart is moving, then go to the ring!!"

For the cursed demon god, Shura Demon King did not care.

In the devil world, curses are really ordinary. Anyone with a background will have a special defense magic weapon.

The curse supernatural power of the cursed demon god is extremely terrible, enough to let the devil master suffer, however, for the Shura demon who was born of the Shura demon clan, it is useless.


"You, how could you have nothing?"

Originally, the Firebird Man was very confident. He believed that his own flame would certainly burn the boy directly.

Even a confident smile appeared in his mouth.

It seems that, seeing his own sea of ​​fire, no one is invincible, successfully won ten straight victories, occupying a stone seat.

Very even, the corner of his mouth has been gradually opened.

The jade hand of the goddess of victory was greeting him, looking at the jade hand, as if to see the attractive jade body of the goddess of victory.


Even, just thinking about it, he already had a feeling, he was excited.

However, all this, when Wang Yang, who came out of the sea of ​​fire, officially came to him, all his dreams were turned into bubbles, and all were gone.

"You, how could you be okay?"

"Why am I having something?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you be nothing? Absolutely impossible!!!"

In front of the facts, he still couldn't believe it.

This fact brutally broke all his illusions.

"There are many impossible things, do you think you see the world clearly?"

Step by step, out of the sea of ​​fire, Wang Yang came to the Firebird man and carefully looked at the beautiful fire wings.

"You said, can you eat these wings?"


Can it be eaten?

Firebird looked at Wang Yang angrily, a pair of eyes full of flames, clearly included Wang Yang in it.

"Go to hell!!"

Wang Yang does not need Firebird to answer. This answer, perhaps, to prove it yourself is often the best.

A move, all the fire behind him, quickly gathered in his hand.

A terrible sea of ​​fire, all turned into a fireball.

"Give you……"

The fireball was thrown and shot towards the firebird man.


The fireball contains Wang Yang's will and has its own power. Under one blow, the Firebird Man was killed.

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