My Super Estate

1352 Sword Decision

Chapter 1266

This is the confrontation between the sword and the sword.

The sword danced like a fairy in the dust.

This is really a wonderful matchup, and Wang Yang is itchy.

At the same level, it is not easy to meet an opponent with a considerable proportion of chess and drums. Even Wang Yang, as a farmer, really meets his opponent and is full of blood.

After the first move, there was no one between the two, and the two sides were separated again, facing each other.

"Your strength is good!"


Between the two, the tit-for-tat against Maimang, no one would obey anyone.

"Come again?"

The Dark Magic Knife whispered softly, laughing.

"Come here, who is afraid of whoever!!"

Good man, in one move, no one loses, but he still wants to fight again.

"Fei Xian Po!!"

In the sword front of Ximen Sheng, always with the spirit of detachment of the fairy, a sword stabs out, everything between heaven and earth seems to be subject to submission, the name of the little sword god is indeed deserved. , A sword stabbed, the man has not yet understood where he is, the terrible head has been separated from his body.

Even though Wang Yang needs a super-strong battle body, in the face of such a blade, there is a feeling of physical breakdown.

"Can I block this sword?"

Outside the war situation, Wang Yang's heart was caught in it.

Can't help it, Wang Yang was worried about the Dark Demon God.

What a dark magic sword god, in the face of such a terrible blade, he didn’t flash or avoid. He just turned the black magic sword in his hand, not too big, and turned it into a shield. Your sword is invincible, and you can't hurt it.

"You also picked me up."

In other words, the style of the knife remains the same, but the blade is facing outward, and the sword is sent out like a grinder, sweeping towards the opposite Simon.


Great magician, the competition is not only a move, but also the power of the match. No matter how clever the move is, there is no super powerful power. Even if the enemy is attacked, the enemy’s body defense cannot be broken, and it has no effect. .

Like Wang Yang, he often takes the initiative to find someone to attack himself to strengthen his body.

However, the sword of the Black Demon God, too terrible, the peerless edge, turned into a long river, and the long river chopped towards the front, even the void, was bursts of bursts.


A great magician ten miles away was splashed by a sudden drop of river water, and his entire arm burst.

The so-called fairy fight, mortals suffer.

No one knows how this drop of river water broke through ten miles away and attacked the spectators.

For a time, many people who were onlookers scared away and retreated.

The Black Magic Sword God frowned slightly.

The blade grows into a river, and the vast white water is a collection of extremely condensed sword qi. As a supernatural power, the will power can be integrated into it. The control of power, extraordinary power, how can the sword qi river break through ten miles away ?

"Good means!!"

After another move, he lost half a move, at least, his sword gas river, out of his control, flew ten miles away.

"In this game, I lost half a move."

As a peerless swordsman, if you lose, you lose, even if you are unwilling, you must be positive

"Oh, the sword of the Black Demon God is too domineering. Under the sweep of the sword, everything is nothing.

Just now, I just borrowed a small skill, which is not a loser."

The Black Magic Sword God thought he lost half a move, however, Simon won but did not admit it.

Between the two, the so-called half-strokes are more like learning from each other.

To the point where they are practicing today, they are more and they are pursuing further. The so-called overbearing is only for people whose strength is not as good as themselves.

"The third move, can we continue?"

Ximen Sheng is also interested.

It is really difficult for a great supernaturalist at the same level to find a chess and drum with a considerable existence. To find those who are higher than one level is to find abuse, and to find those who are at the bottom level, then pretend to force.

Anyway, it's hard to be a man, it's even harder to be a master.

It is definitely not only those mental activities that exist at the highest level, even those who are at the pinnacle of a certain level, the mind, often, will have such ideas.

Otherwise, how could there be so many men who obviously have a flower in their house and are still looking for wildflowers outside?

Home flowers are not as fragrant as wildflowers?When I took off my pants and turned off the lights, I couldn't see any difference.

"of course!!"

If you lose, you will give up, and you will not fight. Where is such a good thing?

The Black Demon God decisively demanded that the fight should continue, and if he lost, he would come back.

To be a good man, to be a martial artist, of course, to be the first person.

Decisively releasing his martial spirit, an overbearing black demon sword emerged behind the black demon god.

Between heaven and earth, the entire void is completely confined by a terrible force.

It turned out to be imprisoning the world with martial spirit.

This is one of the most powerful means of the Supreme Divine Devil. As a broken person, his own way is integrated into the void of heaven and earth. appear.

Heaven and earth are composed of the laws of the avenue, and the appearance of martial spirit will naturally imprison heaven and earth.

It can be said that there is no such powerful means that it is impossible to resist such means.

No, Simon Sheng glared, he just couldn't move.

Well, it can't be said that it can't move, it can only be said that between this imprisoned world, it seems that everything is repelling himself, for example, flying, he feels old and laborious.

What's wrong, he can only be the king of the Daoist, not the Supreme Daoist.

The same is the third step of the great supernatural power, Ximen wins the potential is great, but, once the black magic sword god's martial spirit comes out, his strength is stronger than the former.

"No more, no more."

Feeling that it was difficult to fly, Ximen Sheng clamored directly.

Originally, in terms of strength, the difference between the two is not very big. Now, the Black Devil Sword God does not pay attention to being a man, and presses people with a realm. What can he do?


Wang Yang clapped his palms and stepped forward, saying, "Lao Hei, you guys, do things that are a little careless!!"

Wang Yang stepped forward, the first thing was to sarcasm the Dark Devil God.

Hearing the words, even the thick cheeks of the Black Demon God are old blushes.

However, Simon wins, but his eyes suddenly glared.

Who is this guy? If, my old Simon is not mistaken, this kid is a guy in the primal realm, can he be so intimate with this black magic sword god?

"Who is this?"


Facing the question from Ximen Sheng, the Dark Demon God only had a cold face and hummed, then there was no sound.

"Oh, this little sword god, you are really handsome and handsome, the jade tree is in the wind, and a begonia is immortal!!

Also mind that this old man is so stingy as a man. When we were young, the two of us secretly went to see the woman taking a bath. As a result, he took off his pants and threw himself up. Finally, he even fell on me."

Black Magic Sword God: ...

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