My Super Estate

1357 Reunion

Chapter 1271 Reunion

In just a few tens of miles, I saw many great supernaturalists known in the world.

"Here, this is the Fuhu of Western Elysium."

Looking at the bald head in front of him, although Wang Yang did not know it, the Dark Devil God knew it.


Wang Yang did not expect that in the mortal world, the Fuhu Bodhisattva, who is almost the same name as the Bodhisattva, was actually folded here.

"A thousand years ago, Jianglong Fuhu was the most famous genius figure in the West Heaven Bliss World. Later, because of a thing and unexpected silence, Jianglong could not break through for a thousand years. If it was not in recent years, he would rise again, I'm afraid, he has fallen.

However, Fu Hu is different. He, who is also one of the eighteen Arhats, was already a Bodhisattva more than a thousand years ago.

A thousand years ago, his strength has reached the fifth step.

The strength of the fifth step turned out to be broken."

Wang Yang also has a heavy heart.

Fu Hu, one of the most famous arhats in the world, has now become a bodhisattva, and his strength has reached the fifth step. However, it is such a existence. In such a place, it is actually broken.

This kind of existence is all broken. Can this mountain of demon really be able to be broken by us?

Wang Yang couldn't help but ask himself.

Looking at Fu Hu, who was lying on the ground, a bald monk, wearing a golden monk's clothing, dressed in a monk's dress, and a string of beads scattered on the ground.

There was no obvious trauma, and even no blood stains.

However, he is indeed dead.

The Black Demon God has been looking at Wang Yang. In the space of the altar, he has found that Wang Yang has obvious care for the Dragon Bodhisattva.

What to do, he is waiting for Wang Yang's decision.

Suddenly, Wang Yang squatted down, carefully sorted out the clothes for Fuhu Bodhisattva, and then picked up the beads scattered on the ground one by one and placed them on Fuhu Bodhisattva.

With a wave of his hand, Fuhu Bodhisattva has been put away by him.

"Let's go."

The road ahead is dangerous, but the Peng Demon King is waiting for himself.

What's more, the holy baby who came with him has already gone. If he has no accidents, he will surely enter this mountain of demons.

In any case, one must enter this mountain.

"Father, mother, you wait, your son will help you lift your own ban.

The demon, your life, is mine."

This demon mountain is really very dangerous. Less than five axioms away, I saw dozens of corpses again.

If these corpses cannot be placed, perhaps, it will not take long before there are dozens more zombies in this mountain of demons.

"These magical soldiers, perhaps, can make Ziwei Excalibur go further."

Adopting Chaos as the material, Admiralty is the top treasure between heaven and earth, but Wang Yangxiu is not enough to fully exert its powerful power.

However, Ziwei Excalibur requires Wang Yang to add a variety of powerful materials step by step to withstand the subsequent thundering.

While walking, Wang Yang took out a mace.

This is a third-step magical soldier, a wolf demon's weapon. The wolf demon died in this heart-demon mountain, and his magical soldier naturally has no master.

Wang Yang passed by to help the wolf demon to conquer his body. Of course, his magical soldier, Wang Yang, wanted to be a betrayal and accepted it.

A golden flame burned from Wang Yang's palm.

In the golden flame, the mace was strong, but it was not against the persistent high temperature. Finally, the mace became a rod.

Wang Yang held the Ziwei Excalibur in his right hand, glanced at it slightly, and then hesitated into the golden flame.

It can be seen that in the golden flame, there are a lot of flowing liquids, which are the essence of various treasures after the mace is melted.

The Ziwei Excalibur is placed in it and quickly absorbs the essence.

The most important thing is that in the essence, there is still a line of mysterious breath. With the essence, it is quickly absorbed by Ziwei Excalibur.

"You said, if I keep tempering like this, will this Excalibur step into the fourth step earlier than me?"

The mysterious pattern, Wang Yang knew, was the pattern originally possessed by the mace. The fangs were melted, but those patterns were left by Wang Yang.

"In general, it is impossible.

Divine soldiers have to break into all kinds of dimples in order to explode extremely terrible powers, otherwise, no matter how good the treasure is, it is also a natural treasure.

However, your magic sword is actually magical. It can absorb all kinds of essence by itself, even the daggers of the Divine Soldier.

As long as you give it enough baby, no one can say."

Finally, the journey of thirty miles is coming.

"Good guy, here is the base camp of the demons!!"

Looking at the eyes, the Dark Demon God didn't dare to step forward.

I saw that in front, there are indeed many people, even, you can see, there are monsters and monsters, what kind of existence, there are.

The most terrifying thing is that there are overwhelming demons here.

There are many shadows densely, no, and it cannot be said to be shadows, because they are flying in the sky.

Shadows are just shadows that are blocked by the light, but these shadows are black, flying around in the sky.

Even, from time to time, it will enter the human head.

This is the most terrible.

"not good."

Suddenly, Wang Yang's face changed drastically, and he rushed towards the front.

There, there was a child wearing a red apron, being besieged by three zombies. The most important thing is that between the world and the sky, countless shadows are turning around him. Among them, there is a red demon, beside Waiting for the opportunity.

"Be careful."

Wang Yang quickly came to the holy baby, with two or three seeds in his hand, and quickly sprinkled towards the zombie in front.

A delicate sapling fell towards the baby's head.

Suddenly, the three zombies, with flowers on their heads, were already very stiff zombies, and they did not move.

The most frightening thing is that the delicate sapling on top of his head is an eye-opener, and all the demons are swept away.

"Wang Yang."

Suddenly the accident changed, letting the holy baby startle slightly, and after seeing the person coming, he suddenly laughed, and a happy smile bloomed on his face.

"Where have you been?"

After laughing, it seemed that his face changed, and the holy baby roared towards Wang Yang with great anger.

The child's face says that it changes.

It's just that you are all children of thousands of years old, and you still are like this, how can I take the trick?

"It's a long story.

In the future, if there is a chance, I will elaborate with you again. Now, let's solve this problem now!"

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