My Super Estate

1360 I Have a Way

"The situation is almost the same now. If we go on, the number of zombies will increase, and the number of warriors will decrease. It will become more and more impossible to break the ban."

Wang Yang finally planned to shoot, and then waited. At that time, it was impossible to enter the heart of the Demon Mountain because of the lack of power.

There are always seven zombies beside Wang Yang and the Holy Infant. The strength of Wang Yang and the Black Devil Sword God are definitely strong, but they can only resist one zombie.Too.

It's a holy baby...

Turning his head to look, it happened that the holy baby was holding a fire-pointed gun, one swept across, and four zombies were hit backwards by him.

"Are you going to shoot?"

There was a pleasant smile on the baby boy's face.But he did not forget that when he just appeared, there was a hand light, and a zombie who had just approached was already there, and the trend said he was beaten.

"You guys have demons in the sky and underground, I have a way, just."

"Say it."

"Now under the siege of zombies, especially after the appearance of two big zombies with the fifth step, the loss is even greater.

As long as you hand over your space ring,

Or surrender 100,000 spiritual crystals of faith, you can solve these zombies."

"Boy, you are dead." I never thought that this boy was so bold that he wanted to rob everyone of himself on such occasions.

It's just death.

"Okay, this little brother is good, I decided. This little brother is so shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, it looks great at first glance. I don't care about his life or death."


It turns out that this person has been besieged by three zombies and is already in danger. Wang Yang is the closest and most likely to shoot.

"Everyone, don't think that I am robbing you.

Everyone knows the strength of these zombies. With my own strength, it is impossible to be an opponent.

At this time, it is absolutely impossible to open this mouth if it is not necessary to go deep into the heart of the Demon Mountain."

As if to increase his persuasive power, Wang Yang shot quickly, and seven seeds shot quickly. The seven zombies that had been surrounding Wang Yang were stuck in mid-air. The zombies, the violent breath, all quickly subsided. On the head of the seven-headed zombie, seven beautiful flowers are blooming quickly.

All this turned out to be so beautiful.

It seemed to be seven loud slaps, hitting everyone's face fiercely.

Zombie monsters so invincible to themselves and others have been solved so easily.

It is really incredible.

Of course, Wang Yang did not, pretending to be himself.

It seemed that the vitality was seriously hurt. Immediately took out a large number of spiritual crystals of faith and burned quickly, turning into a burning flame. Wang Yang was in a flame that could burn.

All this seems to be Wang Yang's killing of zombies, which is really costly. It must burn a large number of spiritual crystals of faith to recover.

On the battlefield, the battle still did not stop, but many people's minds were active.

Everyone is a great supernatural power, self-denial?Don't be stupid, in this world, apart from your father and mother, they really don't care about the price, they are thinking for you, very little.

Besides, he really deny himself, do you dare to accept it?

He was right, if it had not entered the heart demon mountain, there is a great enchantment, he cares about your life and death?

Soon, burning hundreds of thousands of spiritual crystals of faith, Wang Yang quickly condensed dozens of drops of golden blood in his heart.

But it can be said that Wang Yang's accumulation has already reached the limit, as long as he is willing, he can be a king at any time.

However, Wang Yang knows that the level of the realm has nothing to do with the strength itself, but only represents the transition of the level of life.

The level of life of the Supreme Divine Demon is the first in the world, but with the Supreme King, the same supernatural powers, even the Supreme King, have a higher status in the eyes of many people.

This is a realistic society. People, living in reality, must accept reality's tempering.

Life is like a bow, although you can't resist, you can enjoy your eyes closed.Looking at the same problem in a different direction, there may be different scenery.

"Me, this is my 100,000 spiritual crystals of faith, help me solve them."

Wang Yang opened his eyes and immediately someone threw out the space ring.

Hundreds of thousands of people believe in spiritual crystals, which are almost all the possessions of so many supernaturalists, but compared with their own lives, they are too insignificant.

What's more, this is a mountain of demons, as long as you pass this level, there will most likely be a lot of spiritual grass in it.

A large amount of spiritual grass means that it is possible for one's own strength to make great strides. In contrast, one hundred thousand people believe in spiritual crystals, which is really nothing.

"Here, this is my 100,000 spiritual crystal of faith. Hurry up and help us solve these damn zombies."

Many things are like this. It seems so incredible. In fact, it is often so simple.

Everyone knows that the human race must have taken the opportunity to make great fortunes in war and placed it in peacetime. Such a person must be beaten to death and minced to feed the dog.

In other words, if the human race does not find such an excuse, even if it is known to be dead, it is simply impossible to take out a large sum of wealth so easily..

However, under special circumstances, and under the appropriate steps given by Wang Yang, most people quickly took out their own shares.

If it is true

It’s too poor, and you can’t even bring out the 100,000 spiritual crystals of faith. That’s okay. Give up your space ring, no matter how much money you have, at least you have done your best.

That's it. In the usual days, I dare not even think about it. It is so successful to rob hundreds of supernatural powers.

Hundreds of great magicians, one hundred thousand people believe in spiritual crystals, and together, they have tens of millions of billions.

It has never been so rich.

"Everyone, how much everyone understands, it is really too much to consume the secret method, otherwise the brothers can never open this mouth, thank you, big guy."

All the spiritual crystals of faith were put away, Wang Yang was overjoyed, and his mouth kept grinning, but he couldn't close.

The game begins, and naturally there must be an ending.

Shooting seven seeds at a time and planting seven flowers, Wang Yang must sit, burn a lot of spiritual crystals of faith, and practice once.

Although many people hate their teeth, it is surprising that no one squeaks.

When you live in this world, you are not afraid of poverty or hardship, but you are afraid of being proud.

Who doesn’t want to be treated as a fool, even if everyone already knows that you are a fool, people all over the world know it, but don’t pull down the shame in front of him.

The so-called blindfolding is definitely not only in fairy tales, it is definitely not a minority in reality.

Life is like a play, all depends on acting.

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