My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1389

Chapter 1303 Tiangang Thirty-six Changes

"Yes, it's a supernatural power.

Great supernaturalists, every step forward, are extremely difficult. They must have all four conditions and they are indispensable."

The old man's evidence is solemn, the expression on his face is extremely serious, and his eyes are full of fiery light.

"The last condition for martial arts cultivation, mental will, physical combat, is powerful magical power.

At every step, you must understand the world to be able to comprehend a powerful martial arts supernatural power, and there are no exceptions.

However, every step of the Great Supernaturalist must break into the Thunder Realm, and he must rely on the Thunder Realm's heaven and earth to make himself transform.

The powerful martial arts supernatural power is the biggest guarantee for getting yourself through the thunder world."

After hearing this, Wang Yang nodded.

He knew that the old man was basically right.

It's just that although the old man entered the Kunlun world, perhaps, on the basis of his knowledge, it may still be insufficient.

For example, the spiritual grass planted by oneself can enhance the spiritual will.

If you go to the third gate and have the spiritual will of the fourth step, even if it is the same supernatural power, the same physical battle body, the same cultivation ability, and strength, you must at least double it.

Under these conditions, in the Thunder Realm, the chance of success is a few points larger.

What's more, the self-cultivation of the Admiralty Body has a very significant effect on the physical body, at least, Wang Yang's physical body has always exceeded the current level of cultivation.

There is also that magical power. If you have a very anti-celestial consciousness, in fact, you can also break the blockade of the heavens and earth, go beyond the limits, and comprehend great magical powers beyond your own level.

So, what the old man said is absolutely absolute.

However, for most ordinary people, he has absolutely no fault in speaking like this.

Between heaven and earth, there is only one Wang Yang.

But how many souls are there between this heaven and earth?

"Four Grandpas, can you tell me what kind of peerless magical power it is?"

Wang Yang smiled confidently and asked.


The old man was startled.

He hasn't said that he has the information of peerless supernatural powers, so this kid knows that he has the information of peerless supernatural powers?

"Good boy, it's really a wise man, yes, in the Kunlun world, I did get a message of peerless magic.

Legend has it that this once-in-a-lifetime peerless power was left. At first, the old man was excited for such a long time with such information.

In the end, I still decided to come back and inform you to let you explore with the old man. Maybe we have such a great opportunity?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yang was moved.

Peerless magical power, such an opportunity, naturally, the fewer people know the better, but the old man is specifically rushed back from the Kunlun world, just to inform himself.

This kindness is like Mount Tai.

"What kind of magical power is it?"

Peerless magical power, even if he owns three doors, but Wang Yang will never dislike it.

Any peerless magical power represents a heritage.

For example, Ziyang Emperor's Ziyang Divine Skill.

In the sleeve of the celestial ancestor.

Wuzhi Mountain in the West Heaven Bliss World.

Wait, all of them are truly peerless magical powers, ensuring that these great forces will be passed on forever and will not be cut off for thousands of years.

It can be said that the iron camps, the soldiers in the water.

The peerless supernatural power is the iron camp, and the inheritor is the running soldier.

"Tiangang thirty-six changes..."

"What, Tiangang thirty-six changes??"

Shouts continued.

A Journey to the West can be said to have spread many peerless supernatural powers, and is truly famous in the world.

No one thought that the message of the peerless supernatural power brought back by the old man turned out to be such a peerless supernatural power.

"Okay, maybe we can try it."

"Okay, when the time comes, if we have such a chance, it means that we are really flying yellow."

Sirius was also a big surprise.

Such a great opportunity, there is a day that falls on himself, it is just like a dream.

"Haha, we will prove it quickly. At that time, we will embark on the Xeon road. If we can get such a supernatural power, maybe we will really rise."

Luo Jian was also excited.

Also, who can't be excited about such a great opportunity?

However, some people are not excited.

The sharp face of the invincible sharp gun was also smiling, but when he saw Wang Yang Meiyu locking, he was shocked.

"what happened?"

When asked by the invincible sharpshooter, Wang Yang also recovered, and found that everyone was staring at himself, and his face was embarrassed.


It's just that we all need to be prepared. Perhaps, this inheritance will be known to everyone in time.

Of course, peerless magical power is a real great opportunity, since many of you already know it, of course you cannot give up.

It's just that we have to do our best to improve our strength, otherwise, we will enter those inheritance spaces. Perhaps, we will find that it is really a thousand horses and horses crossing the wooden bridge, full of blood and killing."

It turned out that Wang Yang had thought of the space where the heavens and the demons passed.

Ten Thousand Beasts is also a peerless supernatural power, but, with this person, I don’t know how many supernatural powers are damaged in it?

One out of ten is countless deaths.

In the field, basically, they were all their relatives and friends, brothers and friends who accompanied him along the way. He absolutely did not want to let his friends and brothers fall in front of him for a inheritance.

In order to remind everyone, Wang Yang told his own experience completely.

"At the beginning, the weakest among the inheritance spaces were the third stage supernatural powers. Thousands of great supernatural powers were all desperate to inherit.

Therefore, I suspect that the information of the old man will not be known for a long time, and then the real world and the world will be known."

Wen Yan, the excitement just now, all went out.

"Of course, we don't need to be discouraged. If this auction can be held smoothly, maybe we will have enough resources to let us move forward a few steps quickly.

By then, when the inheritance really begins, perhaps, we already have the opportunity.

When the time comes, we will all go there."

Inheritance, there may be danger, but, in this world, if you are brave and forward, even if there is danger, it should be every mountain to avoid the water.

Otherwise, how to change your life?

So, it was such a pleasant decision.

First of all, the auction will be held smoothly. When the time comes, with the help of the tremendous convergence of talents and talents, you will enhance your own strength, and then participate in the inheritance of the peerless supernatural power.

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