My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1397

Chapter 131 The Hot Auction

"Below, it will be our Shenshui Manor auction, the most grand time."

Standing on the high platform, Luo Jian's face was full of excitement, and his eyes were all hot, and in his tone, it was difficult to restrain himself.

It seems that the whole life has ushered in the most exciting moment. It seems that the woman who has been pursuing for a long time has finally fallen in her arms, just like a thousand-year-old pervert, and finally saw the beauty of the peerless beauty. Body.

That kind of passion, even just looking at it, can't help it.Then it was excited.

The whole venue, all in his sentence, was all excited.

Who has seen 100,000 ginseng plants for thousands of years?

There will be the Shenshui Manor Auction.

Who has seen 100,000 Polygonum multiflorum in the millennium?

There will be the Shenshui Manor Auction.

Who has seen a thousand pieces of six-level elixir of Zhuguo?

There will be the Shenshui Manor Auction.

Three thousand-year-old, one-ripe flat peaches, which can be increased by three hundred years, are sold in bundles of ten. Who has seen them?

There will be the Shenshui Manor Auction.

Six thousand years of one ripe, can increase the life of a thousand years of flat peach, ten bundles, who has seen?

Yes, there will be the Shenshui Manor Auction.

One ripening in nine thousand years can increase the flat peaches of three thousand years of life, ten bundles, who has seen it?

It is still the Shenshui Manor Auction.

I would like to ask, such a baby, who sees it without jealousy?

Just ask, such a baby, who sees it, is not excited?

However, in the face of such a baby, the guy on the stage did not have a little emotion. Now, he even has such an excited look. I would like to ask, who will not care?

"Oh, this guy Luo Jian, why are you so excited?

Could there be any peerless baby really coming out?"

"What will it be? What will it be? What will it be?"

In some people's minds, they can't bear it, they look left and right, hoping to get the results first.

Of course, the results obtained are only the same daze, except who shakes his head, who will know?

"You said, are those sages of the world, just for these things?"

"According to legend, Shenshui Manor has mastered the secret method of planting mind grass. Most of the second-level great supernaturalists are all for these treasures.

Could it be such a baby?"

Some people think of some rumors on Skynet.

The Shenshui Manor auction can attract so many participants, and the title of Emperor Ziyang played a great role. However, some of the rumors of Shenshui Manor are also not to be underestimated.

For example, the psychic grass that can make people break through the volition of the psyche is enough to make all the great supernaturalists crazy.

If Wang Yang were not on earth, Shenshui Manor had a very mysterious existence to suppress it. Even Mozun had been defeated. Perhaps the present Shenshui Manor has already been flattened by countless strongmen.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

For many strong men, the so-called emperor's martial heritage is simply useless.

Because, apart from peerless supernatural powers, there is no martial art in this world that can manifest between heaven and earth.

All the so-called great supernatural powers must rely on themselves to comprehend between the world and the world.

Only peerless supernatural powers can truly reverse the will of heaven and earth, and obviously the treasure between heaven and earth.

Therefore, Wang Yang has inherited the inheritance of Ziyang Emperor, and it has already spread between the world and the world. However, there is no one who really works and moves towards him.

However, if it is a peerless medicine that can transform the mind and mind, it is simply a treasure enough to drive countless people crazy.

The vast majority of all supernatural powers, the reason why they are stuck at a certain level, halted, is definitely not because of insufficient cultivation.

The seven elements of the Great Supernaturalist, cultivation, is definitely one of the best breakthroughs. On the contrary, the spiritual will is the truly desperate existence.

Now, Shenshui Manor has actually mastered the peerless secret method of planting soul grass. One can imagine how much sensation there will be.

You know, at that time, Emperor Ziyang had never mastered such a secret method.

(In fact, Emperor Ziyang has mastered it, but he dare not reveal it easily.)

"Now, we will welcome the first stage of the auction, the last treasure."

Finally, Wang Yang hung his appetite before speaking again.


However, Luo Jian's words shocked the scene again.

Baby for the last time?

God, isn't it that there is a mind grass?

Is there a devil's grass?

This is a lot of people, all thoughts quickly flashed in their hearts.

However, for many great supernaturalists, they are all calm and comfortable.

The previous baby, although the number is enough to make countless people feel excited, but for them, it is also optional. It is definitely not worth letting them stay here.

Now, it is finally time to end the first phase.

Yes, many people have such a thought in their hearts.

"This is one thing, so that countless people are all excited baby.

I believe that even if the emperors of the heavens heard this baby, they would definitely be zealous."


Many people have paused in heartbeat.

Baby enough to move the emperor?

What kind of baby is this?

Could it be???

Countless people have thought of a key baby.

For a time, many great supernaturalists were involuntarily, they just sat on duty.

"This baby can be said to have touched the hearts of countless people." On the high platform, Luo Jian is still introducing like this.

However, many people have already been moved.

"So, in order to satisfy everyone's wishes, our Shenshui Manor specifically formulated ten copies. Each copy, no reserve price, should not be less than one hundred thousand beliefs."

Luo Jian is really enough, a person said endlessly there, but what kind of baby is there, there is no information.

"Hurry up, what the hell is it?"

Finally, from the second floor, an impatient voice came.

Obviously, a person with great magical powers can't stand it anymore.

"Okay, now, I won't appease everyone's appetite.

The next auction is a treasure that can give countless great magicians the hope of promotion."

Mind grass?

Many people involuntarily have such thoughts.

"That's a ten thousand monsters..."


Countless people, already prepared for competition, suddenly, all stunned.

Heaven and Devil are in full array?

What is a celestial being?

Isn't it possible to give countless great supernaturalists the treasure of promotion hope?How could it be that there are so many demons?

For a time, many people looked at Luo Jian silly, and wanted to see if he had made a mistake.

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