My Super Estate

Chapter 1410

The first one three hundred and twenty-four chapters with their own way, also give oneself?


Look at a piece of artificial fruit in your own hand, and then look at the piece of artificial fruit in your opponent's hand.The suspicion that Murong Nanfeng tried, the world is full of maliciousness to himself.

"Innate fruits?"

Congenital creation of fruit, in legend, must absorb powerful demons in order to nurture success.The effect is at least two or three times that of the ordinary undead medicine-level chemical fruit. More importantly, there is a terrible innate natural gas that contains mysterious and unpredictable effects.

Yes, the so-called'innate creation of fruit', which was highly hoped by the elders of Murong San, is actually just a tree of inborn demon gods, which naturally absorbs the energy of the Yin to poison between heaven and earth. An innate name, the effect is greatly inferior.

For example, the undead fruit is only the size of a plum, but the innate fruit is the size of an apple.

The immortal fruit, like a red fruit, looks very attractive, but the innate fruit is enveloped by a thick layer of white mist. Just looking at it, it makes people know that this is a piece A drooling fruit.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

"High is really high. In the legend, the Murong royal family, the most famous blood lineage inheritance magic, is based on one's way, but also the body of the other. The brother's move is probably the legendary blood lineage. ."

Wang Yang's hand really shakes Xiao Zhenlong's heart.

Congenital nature.

This is a congenital divine fruit that was just auctioned at Shenshui Manor. It is a real divine fruit with a creational divine power. The final auction transaction price is as high as 700,000 divine crystals.

Congenital creation of fruit, can be said to be the most expensive kind of divine fruit except the spirit grass and the devil's grass at the Shenshui Manor auction. It is a real divine fruit.

Even as the heir to the Northern Heaven King, Xiao Zhenlong absolutely dared not expect the Northern Heaven King royal family to spend such a huge fee and buy such a divine fruit for himself.

It can be said that such a heavenly order god fruit, even if it is a royal family, can only look at it, and absolutely dare not buy it at will.

In fact, the Northern Celestial King can't afford it, and Nan Murong can't afford it either. Otherwise, the three elders of Murong will definitely not hold an undead fruit-the fruit of creation to Murong Nanfeng, his expression is still so proud.

In fact, the elder Murong San now has a red face.

Just now, taking out a piece of forged fruit was already a great pride, and even sent it to Murong Nanfeng personally.

But he knew that Murong Nanfeng came to find the trouble of Xiao Tianlong, the heir to the Northern Heaven King, and sent it in person, not to show him Nan Murong?

But what is going on now?

Holding a piece of artificial fruit by yourself is enough to show off. Who is this guy in front of you?With the innate creation fruit displayed?

Regarding one another's way, still one's body?

In the past, such a sign was absolutely the honor of the Nan Murong royal family. In fact, the Nan Murong royal family has always inherited this blood line and regarded it as the honor of their own royal family.

But, listen now, why, just so harsh?

"By one's way, also by one's body?

The honor of my Murong royal family, can you wait to be insulted?Die!!"

In the end, the elder Murong San was so angry and angry that he shot.

Participating in the index, in legend, the Murong royal family is one of the three most famous blood lines.

According to legend, this is the fifth step of the magical power. Among the Murong royal family, it is one of the most famous blood lineage inheritance, second only to the "Between the Stars" and the name of the other body.

In the past, it was also the most common powerful attack on the Murong royal family.

As the three elders of Murong royal family, it is such a powerful magical power to awaken from the blood.In the legend, the blood of the royal family is an eternal life of the existence of a level of the king. In the legend, only the blood line is passed on, then they may return from the endless time and space.

Whether this is the case, no one knows, but for any royal family, it is extremely scary.

There is no immortality in the world of the heavens, but in the world of the heavens, there are countless powerful and ancient legends.

These powerful and ancient inheritances, in the heavens of the world, are permanently sung and are well known to the world. Perhaps, this can also be regarded as a kind of alternative eternal life.

According to legend, these powerful ancient existences, they have left their own blood and left their own inheritance, they are waiting, waiting for the fusion of the worlds and the opening of the fairy gate.

One by one, great peerless supernatural powers, one after another, it seems that it is heralding that the legendary era is coming.

Even Nan Murong, who is a royal family, went out of the Wu Realm and came to the Heaven Realm.

The elder Murong San’s collateral index is extremely fierce. He has an insight into everything and destroys the momentum of all things. According to legend, when Nan Murong exerts this magical power, he can penetrate the world and see chaos.

Such a great magical power, even if he is admired by golden bells, Wang Yang is also good to bear easily.

Not because of his lack of strength, but because the penetrating ability of this great supernatural power is really too strong.

In the end, Wang Yang shot decisively, punching his fist, and smashed it hard in front of him.


In the end, Wang Yang and Murong San elders were struggling with one blow.

Such a scene is really amazing. No one thought that the elders of Murong San, who belonged to the royal family, and inherited the blood of the heavenly king, could not win.

"who are you?"

With such strength, it is definitely not a silent and unknown person. When did it start, such a great supernaturalist appeared in the Northern Celestial King family?

"Brother, are you okay!!!"

Elder Murong San was surprised, but Xiao Zhenlong was very nervous.

Of course, he knew that Wang Yang’s strength was extremely strong. Otherwise, he could never suppress the Ming family, one of the four families in Fengyun City. However, the elder Murong San was not the Ming family, nor the Ming Zheng Tang. He was from the royal family Nan Murong.

It can be said that one is in the sky and the other is underground, and there is no comparability at all.

However, it was such a character who shot out in anger and could not win his brother who had not known him for a long time.


Xiao Zhenlong was also nervous enough. Afterwards, he realized that he was shutting up. A brother he knew occasionally had such terrible strength.

It's just that, in the end, it's a brother I know, and I have to care about what I do.

Xiao Zhenlong's concern is entirely out of intoxication. Although he has some nerves, his concern for himself is nothing wrong.

It can be said that Wang Yang was very moved.

"Relax, Nan Murong is really powerful, but, brother and I are not vegetarian."

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