My Super Estate

Chapter 1419 Formation

Chapter 1333 Formation

"You want to stop us?"

The death knife left Wang Yang greatly relieved.If you continue the battle with the Death Sword, perhaps it is an indissoluble entanglement battle.

Real master fights are often just for a moment, but if one side is extremely strong, the other is extremely defensive, or the life-saving means is extremely strong, perhaps, it is a continuous ten days, or one War of two years and more than ten years.

For example, the sky above Shenshui Manor is an ice-blue sky, and a huge Buddha statue sits on it.

It’s just that there is a Buddha from the West Heaven Bliss World, and an ice demon war from the demon world. With the strength of the ice demon, it is inferior to the strength of the Buddha. However, if the Buddha wants to kill the ice demon, he simply does not Maybe, in the end, the Buddha from Xitian Bliss World can only choose the seal.

This is the so-called legend of seven days and seven nights of war.

In fact, the situation between Wang Yang and Death Sword is very similar.

Under his firm conviction, the knife of the life-killing knife was omnipresent and extremely domineering. Even if Wang Yang had a strong defense to the golden bell, he was still injured.

Admiralty is unbreakable. However, the domineering sword force directly penetrated into Admiralty. The so-called Geshan fight is basically pediatrics.

However, Wang Yang's powerful defensive ability, although unable to fully defend against the life-threatening knife, is still able to guarantee his own life and will not be cut off with a single knife.Coupled with Wang Yang's powerful natal fire, even the life-cutting knife, there is no absolute confidence, and he can be defeated quickly.

The life-killing knife came to block, not to enemies. Naturally, he could not kill Wang Yang, so he gave up and continued to block.

"My strength, before, was really too smooth. Now, all kinds of powerful inheritances are all born, all the royal families, all kinds of holy places, and all kinds of gods, all are born, and even the descendants of emperors, And those powerful beings that are silent in endless time and space. If they all appear, can I still be as usual? Fearless?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Wang Yang is introspecting himself.

The former self, who had just got the adventure, is a true legendary inheritance. For a time, his heart was somewhat self-expanding. He thought that between heaven and earth, he had the greatest chance, and he was fearless.

It now appears that all of this is to find death for myself.

In this world, the more talented you are, the heavier you are to the end.

So, if talented perception is not enough, in the end, it is very likely that you can only be killed by a knife.

This is not a joke, this is the most faithful warning.

The person in front of him was very cold.

It's just that it's different from the ice of the previous Death Knife.

Among the beliefs of the life-cutting knife, there is only the knife. He only believes that his knife can cut everything. In his eyes, only his own knife, and what needs his own knife to cut off, do not care about each other, whether it is life. Or, his sword, more, is destiny, the door to eternal life that has blocked the heavens and the world for thousands of years.

From the beginning, his knife was moving in this direction.

If you have a goal, you have a motivation and a backbone.All future developments will be towards this backbone.

The same knife, the same murder, but it feels absolutely impossible. At least, there is no such kind of murderous murder on the life-cutting knife, and there is no rich bloody smell on him. , Only pure swordsmanship.

The person in front of him is the opposite.

The person in front of him also uses a knife, but the person in front of him has only the terrible red mans in his eyes. This is the real murderous intention immersed in the bone marrow. In his mind, all of his will has been occupied by terrible killing and blood.

It seems that after he was born, the only goal was to kill.

In this person, there is only killing. There is a sense of slaughtering the world. Looking at it from a distance, it gives a horrible and bloody taste.

Kill the god royal family.

One of the four royal families, the killing royal family.

Wang Yang absolutely did not expect that there was just a life-threatening knife from the Sirius royal family, and now there is another killing god from the killing royal family.

The terrifying idea of ​​killing merged into the bloodline and changed the whole bloodline.

The ancestor of the King of Gods is really terrible.

"The one in the front is the life-cutting knife. His knife, I can't take the three knife. Since you have passed his test, then, with my level, you will also pass."

The killing god from the killing king clan in front of him had a cold expression and even a terrible bloody smell, but his temperament seemed to be less indifferent, even willing to explain.

It's just that the person in front of him meant that Wang Yang was shocked.

what did he say?

He can't take the three knives of the knives of his death knives?

God, the strength of Elder Murong San is definitely not a weak man, but he can’t even hold a knife with a life-cutting knife.

Even, he didn't even have a little reaction, that is to say, in front of the life-cutting knife, he didn't say a knife, even if it was half a knife, he couldn't catch it.

Even if it is himself, in front of the life-cutting knife, he must show all the cards in order to barely save his life.

In front of him, the killing god from the killing royal family, can actually catch the three swords?

However, Wang Yang is not afraid.

Although the killing god in front of him is extremely powerful, he can catch the three knives of the knife with the death knife, but his way is killing, not the knife.Wang Yang believes that in front of him, he can definitely be more relaxed.

A child holding a pistol can also kill people, but when a child holds a pistol in the face of a master who can cut bullets, there is no excess lethality.

There is an absolute difference between the two.

"Thank you!!"

Although confident, he can defeat this person, even kill him, but since he can actively give way, Wang Yang is naturally more happy.

"let's go."

It was getting closer and closer to the center of that city.

The situation in this Fengyun City is getting bigger and bigger. The formation in Fengyun City is getting more and more terrible. Even Wang Yang feels a terrible power.

This kind of power has surpassed some great magicians who have seen it before.

In other words, this new formation has become extremely scary, at least all of them are at a level of supernatural powers, and even beyond.

However, Wang Yang's progress was blocked by others.

The person in front of him was sitting in a huge eight-map.

This is the formation method.

It turned out that there was a terrible formation that blocked his way.

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