My Super Estate

Question 1432

Chapter One Three Forty-Six

"Huh, finally you can enter."

Seeing that Lijiajiezi finally entered the enchantment, sitting in the first position, not only Song Daochang breathed a sigh of relief, even the sons of the four royal families, one by one, also a long sigh of relief. , One by one, quickly find your own, the first time is to sit down.

Thousands of millennium ginseng is not a decimal. I missed this time. I will have such a chance next time, but it must take a lot of time. When the time comes, they will definitely be too late.

The first group of nine places was quickly filled up.

They are the sons of the four royal families, the Lijiajie son from the descendant of the holy clan, Wang Yang, Murong Nanfeng, and Xiao Zhenlong also each occupied a seat. The last one was occupied by Song Dao.

It should be said that Li Jiajiezi, who came the latest, was sitting on the first seat, the most mysterious, and even Wang Yang, who could even talk with the Li family's supernatural powers, even sat on the ninth seat.

However, no one dares to underestimate such a seat, just because the nine seats have the same effect.

Next, it is the nine geniuses who are fighting each other. Lin sees, who can get more benefits in front of such opportunities.

From the heavenly clan, the blood of the Li family is naturally from the king Li Tian, ​​a marshal of the heavens and horses, Megatron, the three sons of the world, all are extraordinary, the third son is also a sage, bringing the entire Li family Take a new height.

A seven-story fixed tower, looming behind Lijiajie's son, under the influence of the mysterious boulder, the ambiguous seven-story pagoda emerged quickly.

It turned out to be a great magical power from the blood heritage of the Li family, Linglong Pagoda.

During the cultivation, King Li Jiatian took this supernatural power to the seventh step, and the pagoda had seven floors.A tower of sacrifices can suppress the world's demons. Legend has it that even the three sons who have achieved sages are often included in the pagoda.

Everyone is here, Lijiajiezi has such a powerful supernatural heritage.

"Linglong Pagoda!!"

Seeing that vision, all the people were exclaimed.

Even Elder Whitebeard, looking at the seven-story Linglong pagoda in front of him, he also sighed with amazement: "This day, the Li family, I am afraid that they will come out of a great strongman."

The voice of Elder Whitebeard is not concealed. All the people are far or near. However, they are all distributed around the enchantment. Each strength is strong, and it is naturally impossible to hear it.

"Linglong Pagoda, according to legend, a tower of sacrifices can suppress the world's demons. There is today's tranquility in this heaven, and King Li Tian has exerted a lot of energy."

The ghost valley royal family can't be regarded as weak, but for this exquisite pagoda, the ghost valley array is absolutely not strange. Once, he has heard more than once in the heavens that the exquisite pagoda in the hands of Li Tianwang is supernatural.

No one knows, to what extent such a Li Tianwang will practice such a supernatural power.

Now, there is the Li family great magical power here, it is the time of inquiry.


In the face of the inquiry of Guigu Zhenxin, for a time, it even attracted the attention of all people, even within the enchantment, each showed their magical powers. This time, there was no such great attraction.

"The ancestral power of the ancestor is self-invincible, the world is turbulent, and everyone knows the ancestral power of the ancestor."

The Li family is the marshal of the Tianting soldiers and horses. It has a history of 10,000 years. No one knows how strong Li Tianwang was now.

It's just that, Marshal Tianting, no one can be shaken.

"The twelve gold men's magical powers of the Daqin royal family are also extraordinary."

Li Jiahao's words successfully diverted everyone's attention.

I saw that sitting in the second position, the prince from the Daqin royal family, there were naturally twelve gold figures around it. Although it was only a ghost, but the twelve gold figures naturally appeared one by one. It exudes terrifying coercion, even as a supernatural being, it is difficult to breathe.

"What level of magical power is this?"

Bloodline inheritance, as long as the mana of the bloodline is tapped, you don't need to comprehend yourself from the world. For many people, this is the most ideal magical power.

In the field, mostly elders of the royal family. They have always been proud of themselves as the royal family. Naturally, in his heart, they value the powerful and supernatural powers of their blood.

In many cases, they compete with each other not how strong their talents are, but how talented they are.

The Daqin royal family has always been known for its mystery, but no one knows where the blood inheritance of the Daqin royal family comes from.

At this time, seeing the prince from the Daqin royal family manifested his blood lineage to inherit the great magic power, which was even stronger than the seven-story Linglong pagoda of the Li family. It was naturally extremely attractive.

"Your royal swordsman, the son of Song Dao, is also extremely simple. That blade has already possessed the power of a sword."

At this time, just beginning, it is naturally impossible to see too many differences in talent, that is, a kind of pursuit of their blood.

In fact, everyone knows that in this place, except for the prince of the Daqin clan, who is extremely mysterious in blood, only Li Tianwang, the marshal of the horse and horse from the heavens, has the strongest blood. The other people are basically royal. The origin of the blood veins are mostly the same, so there is really no comparison.

Only one person is the most attractive.

If it is said that the prince of the great Qin royal family, the twelve gold men’s supernatural powers, are extremely extraordinary, even the Li family’s exquisite pagodas are incomparable, then, the magic shadow is just like the appearance of the ten. The repression of the two Jin people, there was even a sign of collapse, and even the bloodline vision behind the other royal sons was all destroyed by life, even the Linglong pagoda behind the Lijiajie son has already collapsed. the edge of.


At this moment, everyone was shaking together.

How is this going?

The sons from each royal family, one by one, all exclaimed.

The bloodline vision can't be manifested, then, it means that this time the chance will be to say goodbye to his own wave.

The hard work came from heaven and earth, just to witness the glory of others?

Who can bear it?

"What bloodline is he, why is he so angry?"

Huangfu Mingjing opened his mouth first.

This time the matter was overwhelming. Only the manifestation of the bloodline vision suppressed the audience.

In the same way, he was also secretly surprised: Haha, this time, you killed yourself and offended so many royal families, but you want to see, how do you face it?

Yes, this big limelight, as soon as it appeared, was the character who suppressed the audience, and it was Wang Yang.

"Here is a special effect against the game, so, it might as well take this opportunity to enhance the Ten Thousand Phases."

A pleasant decision caused an unpleasant result.

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