My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1437

Time passes very quickly, and at this moment, all people are watching nervously, waiting for the miracle in their hearts.

Yes, it is a miracle.

In fact, the result has already come out. The prince of the Daqin clan has cultivated into a second golden person, and the two golden persons united with each other to form a simple and terrible formation.

"Yeye is really extraordinary. Although he only cultivated into the second gold man, the two gold men merged with each other to form a powerful formation. It is indeed extremely powerful. Even now, I can feel the terrible threat."

The origin of the Daqin royal family is extremely ancient, and the background is the most profound. Even if it is the same as the four royal families, the other three royal families should be afraid of him by three points. From the disciples of the three royal families to the identity of the prince, he let him enter the knot first. The world can be seen one or two.

Such a terrible background and powerful talents are naturally compliments.

"The disciples of the major royal families are very good, everyone's gains are great, especially the descendant of the king, Linglong Pagoda, has been cultivated into the second floor, it is not bad."

This is the three elders of the Daqin royal family, because it is the most terrifying. On the court, he is the most coercive. Even in front of Li Jiahao, he is not afraid and shows a very calm attitude.

For the three elders of the Daqin royal family, the mood is indeed very good. The prince is his descendant. The more extraordinary the prince's performance, the happier he is in his heart.

But, for his words, everyone has their own judgment.

Wang Ye and Li Jiajiezi also practiced the second step of supernatural powers, which seemed to be similar. In fact, everyone knows that the supernatural powers of the grandfather already have a sense of threat to themselves and others, which shows Wang Ye has cultivated this great magical power to the limit of the second step, and has moved towards the third step, and Li Jiajiezi, at most, has just entered the second step, who is strong and weak, it is too obvious.

"Elder Li, this time is almost over. It seems that Li Jiajiezi is going to lose this round."

Elder Whitebeard suddenly spoke.

Everyone was startled.

Suddenly remembered, Li Jiahao said before, there will be miracles.

But now it seems that the miracle is not seen.

"I wonder if the miracle that Elder Li is expecting will appear?"

As a disciple of the Guigu royal family, Shaofeng couldn't even obtain the top three, it was simply disgraceful.Gui Gu Zhen's heart burst into excitement. I don't know which nerve was wrong. He turned to Li Jiahao.


This is definitely not what everyone expected, that is, is this an accident?

Just such an accident, is it really okay?

For a time everyone stopped speaking, and no one answered.

Just kidding, this is the descendant of Marshal Tota Lee, the Grand Marshal of the Court of Heaven and Horse, the nephew of the third prince, the true saintly disciple, who lived impatiently and dared to provoke him?

Li Jiahao stunned and smiled.

Slanting his head, he looked at Guiguzhenxin and said, "What's the matter? Seeing what you mean, you want to see Laozi's joke?"

I don't know why, it's obviously laughing, but there is always a chill in everyone's heart.

Guigu Zhenxin seems to have recovered, already knowing what he is talking to.

However, he is also a supernatural being and a royal elder. How can he be afraid of others?

"Just curious."

"I will let you see."

Li Jiahao seemed very confident.

It's just that everyone obviously doesn't believe it.

In fact, it was Li Jiahao, who was a little bit lacking at this time. Looking at Wang Yang, who was always covered by a deep black magic mist, he even prayed secretly: "I said, Brother, you are the most powerful character. How are you? Can there be no movement?"

It seemed to feel Li Jiahao's prayer. Wang Yang, who had not been moving all the time, was finally moving.

There is a deep layer of magic mist around Wang Yang, one meter thick, and he can't even see the figure inside.

It was such a deep magic mist that suddenly violently rolled in the midst of it, as if a dragon in the sea was doing evil, stirring the boundless storms.

Suddenly, the thick magic mist seemed to meet a natural enemy. The one-meter-thick magic mist quickly dissipated. Two extremely bright golden beams of light broke through all resistance, broke through the bondage of the enchantment, and broke through the clouds.


Sudden changes made everyone unexpected.At the same time, it also attracted all eyes, terrible coercion, as if the sky had collapsed, even as a supernatural being, it felt like the mountain was overwhelming.


For a while, everyone's heart shook. Such a change, no one thought that everyone is a great supernatural power, and should have the calmness and nature. However, in front of such a sudden change, especially the heart is like suppressing a mountain. Everyone did not respond.

"how is this possible?"

The shocked voice of Huangfu Mingjing shook sharply, causing everyone to react.

Looking down at Huangfu's mirror, where is the beam of light?Clearly, Wang Yang's two eyes.

Oh my god, these two eyes have such terrible coercion?

Even the greatest supernaturalists are collectively banned at this moment.

At this moment, everyone's mind flashed a terror at the same time.

This is a kind of pupil magical power.

Yes, it is horror.

Only horror can describe what many great supernaturalists thought at this time.

Known as the most terrifying magical power in the world of heaven, the pupil technique, as soon as it appears, is immediately shocking.

Even great magicians must be shocked and their faces pale.

Time is respected, space is king.

This is the strongest supernatural power recognized by the heavens and the world, but many great supernatural powers understand in their hearts that all this is floating in front of their hearts.

The power of the soul is the most terrifying power between heaven and earth.

The spirit of the heart is invincible in the world.The eyes are the windows of the soul, the most direct way for the mind to reach the outside world of qg.

The pupil technique is generally transformed by extremely terrible spiritual power.

"How is it possible, how can he practice pupil surgery?"

To say who did not want Wang Yang to cultivate great magical powers most, it was imperative that Huang Fu was the mirror.

The arrival of Wang Yang represents the defeat of the Huangfu family and represents the great loss of the Huangfu family. Four golden jade symbols represent the four first group places, which can greatly increase the heritage of the Huangfu family. However, since Wang Yang Coming, all of this is gone, and all four golden jade symbols are gone.

But how could he practice such terrible pupil surgery?

Cultivated into a terrible pupil technique, who would dare to say that he beats him this time?

Competing for victory, crushing all the geniuses, and having an open mind, the will will definitely be greatly refined, and the strength will be improved again. For a time, Wang Yang became the biggest winner.

It's just, how is this possible, how could he practice such terrible pupil surgery?

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