My Super Estate

1451 The Sea of ​​Blood is Dry, Give First

Chapter 1365 The Sea of ​​Blood Withered and the First

The heavenly realm, a special environment, is divided into 33 layers of heaven and earth. Each layer of heaven and earth, the richness of the strength of the heaven and earth, is also very different. According to legend, the 33rd day is the closest to the fairy world. You can often watch the regular projection of the fairy world, even In legend, occasionally, you can also see the ancient projection of stars, from which you can understand the movement of stars.

On the thirtieth day, in the heavenly realm, it can definitely be regarded as the best heaven and earth. Here, a large number of royal families are entrenched. According to legend, the four royal families are located here.

"Declare the Great Qin Order, chase and kill Wang Yang, the discoverer, reward the third infantry soldier."

In the thirty-three days, there is a great force that occupies thousands of miles of territory. The great Qin royal family, one of the four royal families in legend, has supreme authority, unprecedented heritage, and the world is famous.

And today, from the Daqin royal family, a royal chase order came.

The great political exchanges, which are also the four royal families, have never dared to have any cover in the face of the royal hunting order of the Daqin royal family.

"God, what's wrong with this? For thousands of years, the royal chase that never appeared in the Daqin royal family has appeared?"

Thirty-three days, apart from the royal family, there will naturally be other powerful forces entrenched.

However, all forces, almost, all surrendered to the major royal families.

"In the legend, thousands of years ago, a prince of the Great Qin royal family was killed. At that time, many great magicians of the Great Qin royal family shot, and even a royal family was destroyed, even if the royal family's details are all out. Change the ending of annihilation."

Some people think of the legend thousands of years ago, just thinking about it, they are trembling.

One of the most prosperous royal families is directly destroyed by people, which is simply unimaginable.

For many warriors, this is an unbelievable thing.However, the legend of the millennium will not change in any way.

"You said, this time, will another royal family be destroyed?"

Someone asked such a question.

For a time, all the people were banned.

For a long time, some people finally said: "Whether there will be a demise of the royal family, no one knows for the time being, but, if, if you want to say the target of this hunt, I have some impressions.

Think about it, is this name Wang Yang familiar?"

"Huh, after you say this, I think of it, the royal family, the owner of Shenshui Manor, isn't it Wang Yang?


Could it be that the Daqin royal family has to deal with Shenshui Manor?"

People, all inhale as if they feel that an unbearable pressure is suppressed on everyone's chest.

Shenshui Manor, a magic medicine auction, the fire spread throughout the audience.

According to legend, the number of participants alone is as high as tens of millions.

Thousands of ginseng, one thousand bundles, were put in the past. This is absolutely something that I dare not imagine, but his Shenshui Manor dare to do so.

According to legend, there is also the most popular magic medicine auction, but unfortunately, it belongs to the meeting place of great supernaturalists, and no news came out.

It's just that some people say that there are innate fruits, mind grass, and mind devil grass, but no one knows how.


Of course, Wang Yang did not know that he has now been hunted down by the Daqin royal family.

However, even if he knew, he would not care too much.

The Daqin royal family is indeed very powerful, but its own Shenshui manor, as long as there is enough time, can quickly catch up with them, or even directly exceed them.

People are scared not because of lack of power, but because they can't see hope and despair.

With hope, even a lack of power will only stimulate greater vitality.

In a war, three thousand wolf rides, more than two thousand, less than one thousand.

However, under Wang Yang's vision, the beheaded two thousand wolves rode down the corpse, quickly news, then, behind the golden armor teenager, quickly condensed the new two thousand wolves rode.

No more, no less than three thousand.

"All recovered?"

This result was both expected and the same, it was also unexpected, but, despite this, for Wang Yang, there was still no surprise or expression change.

"Couldn't you think that you would win?"

Three thousand wolf riders, since they can beheaded for the first time, then naturally they can beheaded for the second time.

If, I think, this is the biggest hole card, then this big elder is afraid to be disappointed.

"Three thousand wolf rides are certainly not the biggest cards.

But what if the three thousand wolf riders have unlimited resurrection capabilities?"


Unlimited resurrection?

This is a very powerful ability, and it is also the ability that countless great supernaturalists most desire.

In the Thunder Realm, if you have such an ability, even if it is killed by the Thunder Sky Soldier, it will still be resurrected quickly, even if the physical body is not close, even if it is not supernatural, as long as the mental will is strong enough, as long as it can be topped The terrifying Tianwei who lives in the Thunder Realm can certainly rely on this powerful ability to forcibly cross the heavens.

If it is an ordinary person, in the face of such an undead wolf ride, it has long been despair and despair. However, in Wang Yang's eyes, there is no despair, and some just smile gently.

As if it were such an undead monster, you don't need to care too much.

"If, this ability is gone?"

"No more?"

how is this possible?

Even if the Golden Armor teenager was transformed by a thought belonging to a great supernaturalist, he still had some disbelief in his heart.

This is a sea of ​​blood. Here, it has become a source that can gather the blood of the endless earth. It is really hard to believe what kind of existence it wants to make this source dry.

"are you joking?"

Anyway, the only goal now is to procrastinate the time, but the teenager Jin Jia is not in a hurry.

In fact, Wang Yang was also overjoyed when he watched Jin Jia as a delay.

"Haha, as long as a certain amount of time, the blood-sucking dragon vine will surely absorb all the blood and swallow it. Since you are willing to delay the time, well, I will delay the time."

"Do you think I was kidding you?

Well, we will sit and wait."

Wang Yang will definitely not be too easy to fight with the three thousand wolves just now.

Since the other party is willing to delay time, what is he worried about?

Looking at Wang Yang, who was waiting lightly, and the elders who were inside the formation, hesitated.

"What's going on, he couldn't help but know that Patriarch would come back at any time.

Now, he should be very anxious."

Suddenly, his face changed dramatically: Damn, how could the sea of ​​blood be dry?

Sensing that the formation was breaking, Wang Yang knew that the blood-sucking dragon vine had grown and was quickly engulfing blood.

"Haha, you can die!"

Without the formation method, where would Wang Yang care about a little waste material great magician?

Even the third step is the waste of the third step.

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