My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1466

Chapter one thousand three hundred and eighty

The mind is calculating silently, the mind is deep in the body, eliminating all distractions, closing the severe pain from the flesh, severing all interference, and feeling the flesh and the body strengthen slightly.

Yes, it is increased.

Admiralty refining the body is based on the strong external hammering power to quench the impurities in the body, enhance the physical strength of the war body, absorb the blood energy of the body, engrave a mysterious pattern, and change the essence of the physical body.

This kind of cultivation method is destined to be the most extreme method of cultivation, and it must inevitably endure extremely tyranny.

This kind of pain is a kind of pain that is continuous and has a very strong added power. It must always bear the feeling of being torn apart.

Even though it has the magical effect of refining the will, Wang Yang cannot be calm.It is even more impossible to change face.

Moreover, as the physical body became stronger and stronger, Wang Yang became more and more affirmed that his own ideas were correct.

Martial arts cultivation, after the Grand Master, there is no way. All cultivation and strength improvement must rely on yourself. Even if it is a peerless magical power, it can only provide you with a direction to move forward. The so-called magical cheats can make you ascend in one step.

In this world, there is absolutely no such thing.

Ordinary martial arts cheats do not contain the rules of the world, only some simple calcination and work for the human body, do not involve the mysteries of the rules of the world, anyone can practice.The effect is different, there are martial arts candidates, however, at the level of peerless supernatural powers, comprehend the rules of heaven and earth, transform the pattern into one's own body, change one's life with the rules of heaven and earth, improve one's own life source, and truly step on one The path of biochemistry is naturally very demanding.At this time, there is a so-called inheritance candidate.

Therefore, Wang Yang must seize every opportunity that can enhance his strength.Not only do you have to enjoy the benefits of your strength, but you must also perceive each process of strength improvement.

After strength is the result, the process of strength improvement is the direction.

For martial arts cultivation, for Wang Yang, there is no shortage of resources and time, he only lacks a process.

This point, except the peerless power, even if it is a sage emperor, it is impossible to help Wang Yang.

The first shot of the Emperor Huangfu, the strength was grasped at an extremely violent level, replaced by ordinary people, faced with such a violent attack, he has already been seriously injured.

However, Wang Yang's golden bell refining body supernatural power, precisely used this violent force, under the guidance of the great supernatural power, to carry out extremely deep tempering of the flesh.

Bang Bang Bang...

"Almost soon..."

The so-called masochism, Wang Yang has already been burdened, at this time, he is only concerned about his own strength.


Suddenly, the world shook, and Wang Yang's body burst into a very strong light.


Many great supernaturalists on the sidelines have long been dumbfounded.

"This, is this still human?"

As an outstanding heir of the royal family, Song Dao has always been strict with himself. He has always believed that he is already one of the most outstanding young people.

In fact, he can become the most powerful competitor of the Celestial Realm, and has proved his talent and efforts.

However, at this moment, he discovered that he was so much worse than some.

"The same young man, no wonder his strength is so perverted!!"

Wang Yang’s identity is no longer a secret. They all know that Wang Yang is just a mortal, from a mortal world, just a good luck, inherited from the emperor Ziyang.

However, it is only so.

The emperor Ziyang is the No. 1 emperor and the best emperor, but he is not a peerless master. How can his inheritance be?Or does it contain a supernatural power?

Wang Yang won the inheritance of Ziyang Emperor for so long, and never asked, naturally because no one ever thought that the inheritance of Ziyang Emperor would be a peerless magical power.

In fact, the peerless supernatural power can reverse the will of the heavens and earth. At the beginning, the inheritance of the emperor Ziyang appeared directly between the heavens and the earth, and passed away. There was never any sign of turning the will of the heavens and earth.

Wang Yang has inherited the inheritance of Ziyang Emperor, but in the eyes of the powerful in the heavens and the world, it is only so, how can it be?

However, at this moment, Song Liaodao really changed color.

He had absolutely no idea that Wang Yang actually created such a supernatural power of abuse.

However, when the golden light broke out on Wang Yang’s body, Song Dao truly awakened: It turned out that Wang Yang’s abuse was not because he had a tendency to be abused, but he could improve his physical body during the process of abuse. War body.

In fact, watching Wang Yang's golden light explode on his body, immeasurable dimples, generated from the sky and earth very quickly, and merged into Wang Yang's flesh to enhance his combat strength. At this moment, it is not just the young Song Song People are great supernaturalists of many royal families, all of them are dumbfounded.

Invincible defense can even increase the strength of its own body.

Between heaven and earth, how could there be such a wonderful supernatural power?

As a great supernatural being, the understanding of natural supernatural power is more thorough, and young people like Song Dao know more about the power of this kind of supernatural power.

Sun Dasheng, why is he famous in the heavens?

Because of his strength?Is it because of his origin?Or is it because of his master, but also his speed, supernatural power, or strength?

No, not all.

Just ask a few-year-old child, you can find that the biggest reason Sun Dasheng is famous in the world is because of his invincible defense.

The sword will never die, the god thunder will not die, the sky will be extinct, and the earth will not be reckless.

This is truly invincible.

Now, on Wang Yang, they seemed to see the shadow of the invincible.

"The great sage, just the golden body is not bad, the one in front of him is even more terrifying, and he can actually attack others and strengthen himself.

Could it be that this one is an invincible person again?"

The eyes of Elder Whitebeard are full of deep thoughts.After the soul world broke up and reorganized, it seemed to him that he saw a new weather.

Even, in his eyes, he has seen a higher sky, and above that higher sky, he can see the corner of the future.

Wang Yang’s spiritual world is even broader, and a large amount of spiritual grass is burning, turning into a little spiritual light. From the spiritual world, it slowly rises, and is above the sky, the light ball of will hanging above the sky in a state of overlooking, Absorb fully.

For a time, the world was broader and the sphere of light of volition brightened.Under this bright will light, a large number of spiritual crystals of faith burned rapidly, and a force of faith was fully absorbed by Wang Yang, running in the body at high speed, turning into a drop of golden blood.


The violent thunder exploded between heaven and earth.

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