My Super Estate

Question 1472

Chapter 1368 Blatant Cheating


Under the gaze of the powerful players in the sky, within days of the Thunder Realm, Wang Yang battled with a defender.

Before, Wang Yang was fighting against this defender. To be honest, his strength is not particularly strong. At least, it is not much stronger than the Huangfu Heavenly King. If the Huangfu Heavenly King is not injured, maybe this can be done within ten strokes. The town guards exploded.

However, this kind of strength is also the great magician of the sixth step. It is not comparable to Wang Yang. For the first shot, Wang Yang was defeated by him, and then it was gone. Then, Wang Yang except Relying on the passive defense of Admiralty Training, there is no more action.


Wang Yang laughed loudly as he watched the defenders on a par with himself.

Emperor Ziyang deserves to be emperor Ziyang, just pointing himself at himself, he has made earth-shaking changes, and supernatural powers can make great progress.

"Come again!!"

With the ability to contend with the defenders, Wang Yang laughed, reluctant to let go, decisively shot, and made full efforts towards the defenders.

It seemed that the eight guardians who surrounded Wang Yang were under the control of some power. Only one person shot, and the other seven people were watching.

For a time, Wang Yang actually had a feeling of fighting for nine days and being Ling Lingding.

With a move in his heart, Elder Whitebeard suddenly turned his head, looked aside, and looked at the person who appeared suddenly, startled, and quickly bowed to the ceremony: "Homeowner."

The coming person turned out to be the owner of the Heavenly Sword Royal Family.

Yes, this is the essence of the ancient royal family. In addition to the ancestors of the heavenly king, even if it is the head of the royal family, it must also be the heavenly king.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Song Tiandao, carrying a golden sword, imposing magnificence, like the sea, swallowing the world, just standing there, there is a sense of heavenly authority that can cut the world.

This is Song Tiandao, the contemporary king of the Tiandao royal family.

"The Hui patriarch, the family of the Huangfu family in Fengyun City, committed a terrible crime. He killed millions of children and built a sea of ​​innate blood. Unfortunately, he was discovered by Wang Yang from Shenshui Manor. When he was angry, he killed the family of the Huangfu family.

Now that the King of Heavenly Kings returns from above thirty-three days, he wants to kill Wang Yang and avenge his clan. Wang Yang is invincible and attracts the Thunder Realm."

Song Tiandao asked in person, of course, Elder Whitebeard did not dare to neglect.

Song Tiandao didn't say much, but in his eyelids, there was a fanatical fighting intention, staring at Wang Yang of the Thunder Realm, and he wished he could go deeper into it and fight a battle with it.

"Song Tiandao, did you come?"

Suddenly, there was another person on the scene. I saw here, a long silver-haired head, but with a pair of long red eyebrows.

Silver-haired red eyebrows?

"You came?"

How can Song Tiandao not know the person in front of him so clearly?

The patriarch of the contemporary kill god king family, the contemporary kill god king.

"What do you think?"

Looking at Song Tiandao, the silver-haired Chimei asked.

Looking at the Thunder Realm with extremely wide coverage, a pair of silver-haired red eyebrows shook up and down.

"You said, is that the real Ziyang emperor?

Or, is Emperor Ziyang still alive?"

Silver-haired Chimei couldn't help but think of the Supreme People's Supreme Council of the Killing God not long ago.

"The Shenshui Manor in the world held the Skynet auction, which caused a great sensation. The undead god medicine auction, and even some anti-heaven god medicines such as the "Heart Grass" may appear. I suggest taking advantage of Wang Yang’s presence in Heaven In the meantime, it requires him to prepare a thousand years of soul grass for us."

This was a proposal made by the elders of the killing royal family at the highest level meeting of the killing royal family.

The killing royal family has never been a good person. Since Wang Yang "delivered to the door", they have no reason not to shoot.

As for the consequences?

Is it important?

As long as enough thousand-year-old soul grass is obtained, the killing king clan will have a leap forward.

There is no problem in becoming a god kingdom, even a saint.

I would like to ask, who would dare to offend one of the saints?

Even, the killing royal family has already begun to act, and the highest level meeting, unified and adopted, is very efficient.

Silver-haired Chimei personally led the team, and even two big elders followed.

In this camp, even the ordinary royal family, they can make it even. They never think that Wang Yang can live a life in this camp.

Just, what the hell is this now?

Emperor Ziyang showed up?

Emperor, isn't your old man already dead?How can it still appear?

Okay, the silver-haired red eyebrow almost didn't scare a half.

"Who is Song Tiandao?

Silver hair Chimei, you ask him this way, do you think he will answer you?

However, I heard that there are a lot of movements by you to kill the god royal family. What happened? Could it be that you have any actions?"

Song Tiandao hadn't spoken yet, and there was a voice from there.

At first glance, it turned out to be a giant wolf.

Well, it turned out that behind the giant wolf, there was a figure, a silver robe, and the negative hand stood on the giant wolf. There was no wind between the world and the world, but there was a robe on his body.

"Giant Wolf King?

What do you mean?"

Silver-haired Chimei quickly glanced at Thunder Realm and found that there was no movement in it, only to be relieved for a long time, suddenly turned his head and stared fiercely at the Giant Wolf King.

The heavenly king was angry, and the color of the world changed. Just now the silver-haired red eyebrow of the peaceful and honest person turned into a bloody demon in a flash.

"Haha, silver hair red eyebrows, are you afraid?"

Faced with the anger of silver-haired red eyebrows, the giant wolf king was not worried at all.

Seeing that the silver-haired red eyebrows were so angry, the Giant Wolf King felt very happy.

"The two, you are not interested in the holiday between you.

It's just, look at the two of you, is Wang Yang now stronger again?"


The two were startled, turned their heads quickly, and looked over there.

Sure enough, before, Wang Yang had a tie with one of the defenders. At most, he could only draw a tie, but now, he can actually fight with the three defenders without falling.

"Hey, how is this possible?"

Such a situation, but almost scared to death.

Is this kid a monster?Or is it the reincarnation of Emperor Ziyang?

This strength increase is too fast, even the silver-haired red eyebrows are scared out of a cold sweat.

"The town guards all have the strength of the sixth step. How could he be an opponent?

Impossible, but he has just opened the fourth gate, and his strength has entered the fourth step."

Such a result, silver hair red eyebrows really can not accept.

Great magician, every step is necessary to experience the thunder world.

Wang Yang has just broken through the fourth step, and is now forced to help but break into the fifth gate. He has already found the rhythm of death. This guy has even burst out of the sixth step?

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