My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1479

Chapter 1393 The Mad King

"Say, what are you doing behind your back?"

In the eyes, there is no more kindness, only fierceness.

One punch, one punch, each punch hits the flesh.Even if it is a strong king, the physical body is extremely powerful. In the face of such an attack, it has reached its limit. The intense pain is like a mortal in a fire.


Finally, the mighty silver-haired red eyebrow had disappeared, only the silver-haired red eyebrow with severe wounds and vomiting blood.

"What a powerful flesh warrior!"

Silver hair red eyebrows vomit blood, but for Wang Yang, this is not a very good message, because such a result, after a drop of golden blood in his body burns, he will only spit out after continuing to attack for half an hour. The first blood.

This blood, in Wang Yang's heart, quickly flashed a message: the silver-haired red-browed body battle body is extremely powerful, and it is still within his tolerance limit for the attack of the general sixth-step supernatural power ( At least, it will not cause serious vomiting blood.)

"Damn, it seems that he can't be killed."

Even if a mortal fights and hits the flesh with a punch, the flesh and blood flew, but it is also very, very difficult to hit a severely injured internal injury and make a person vomit blood.

However, the pain will not decrease at all, on the contrary, it will continue to increase.

In this case, Wang Yang naturally understands what method he should choose next.

At least, there is no indescribable hatred between the killing royal family and themselves, just because of a guess, which consumes their own heritage and offends people. This kind of character is not a second one or a fool.

The so-called killing decisively and unmovingly is the door to destroying others. That is the novel in which biographers, the kind of protagonist who won the author's blessing and will not die no matter how they die, can enjoy the treatment. As an ordinary person, whoever is To be able to enjoy such treatment, it is absolutely forced to be killed in a corner and become a paradise of wild grass in the land.

"Young people, have to be spared and spared."

Wang Yang will continue to shoot, but a figure suddenly appears and blocks in front of Wang Yang.

"and who are you?"

On earth, no matter who they are, they are pursuing tall, gorgeous clothing, handsome dress, expensive suits, shiny hair, shiny leather shoes, bright tie, beautiful watches.

The whole person, after such dressing, seems to have truly become a successful person.

As a result, going out, on the street, are all one-piece replicas. In addition to being tall and thin, you can no longer tell who is who?

Obviously, there is no such thing in this realistic martial arts world.

In such a martial arts world, the martial arts strongmen are more real than those ordinary people on earth. They only pursue powerful strength, and all appearances, no one cares.

Under such circumstances, Wang Yang felt that seeing a mad old man with a beggar face was nothing too big to accept.

It’s just that an old man dressed in a non-mainstream style suddenly appeared in front of himself, blocking his own

Fist, what do you mean?

"Old man, you make me embarrassed."

In China, respecting the old and loving the young has become a traditional virtue and grew up under the red flag. Wang Yang asked himself to be brainwashed in traditional virtue.Facing an old man, he will maintain the respect he deserves.

It's just that you as an old man are disrespectful for the old and wantonly interfere with others. This is the most important thing.

"Oh, why bother?"

"The so-called respect for the elderly and children, this is a human virtue. As a thoughtful, virtuous, ambitious, and dreamy young man, we have to be as restrained as possible ."

In fact, Wang Yang has chosen to take a step back without moving.

This crazy old man is really dangerous.

"Are you afraid?"

The mad old man's gaze already had a dangerous look.

Wang Yang shook his head and said, "Afraid?

It’s not necessary, but, my cultivation base is, after all, only the fifth step, the use of the great magical power of the sixth step, even though the physical body can be supported and can bear, but it is difficult to cultivate for the true element Continued.

The so-called heritage is, of course, whether it can be used or not."

Faced with this crazy old man, Wang Yang seemed to have no sense of alertness, and all his thoughts were spoken.

But, for his words, all people are showing contempt.

"Huh, it sounds better than it sings.

Before, silver-haired red-browed shot, where did he have a trace of surprise?

Now that the Mad King is shooting, he has said such a big deal."

The first thing to kill God is to speak.

Although he was rescued by Crazy Heavenly King, his resentment towards Wang Yang was not resolved, but was suppressed.

"That is, it's better to say than to sing. I thought he was really strong. It turned out that it was nothing more!"

"If you're afraid, you're afraid, why is it so hypocritical?"

As a king, was defeated by a young man in his thirties?

Of the many kings, which one is not a person who has lived for hundreds of years?What's more, some of them are older, it is possible to live a person for hundreds of thousands of years, and there are also many people.

As a result, you can't beat a person in her thirties. If you let them stand there, you can become a person in a landscape. How can you feel comfortable?

Well, the strength of the mad king is there. No one is more optimistic about Wang Yang. What he said about Wang Yang is more one by one, which is a taunt.

"The so-called truth is unbelievable, and falsehood is the most touching.

It turned out that today there really are such a group of people who can hardly hear the truth.

However, it doesn't matter. The so-called loyalty, the good medicine is bitter, it is really true, even if there is a supernatural power to hide from the sky, it is difficult to change the true essence.

Mad King, are you really going to shoot?"

Of course, Wang Yang was either irritated or passionate, doing impulsive things.

But he could already see that this crazy king, who didn't know why, was actually staring at himself.

Now that someone is staring at it, even if you can't bear it, you have to work hard to get it.

The so-called, fight hard fight, no fight, where is the fight?

"Only one move from this king!!"

The evidence of Mad Heavenly King is firm, as if it were the rules of heaven and earth, dominating everything.

His words gave people great confidence, just as if he said only one move, he must only make one move.

"Okay, how about taking you?"

Of course, Wang Yang didn't want to be looked down upon by others, but now he laughed, but he should bear it.

"Damn it, a trick?

One way to go to your mother, this crazy king's strength is obviously much stronger than the silver-haired red eyebrow. After this time, I don't know how much can be left in the final details?"

Looking at the thirteen drops of golden blood in the body, Wang Yangzhi felt a fleshy pain.

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