My Super Estate

Chapter 1492

Chapter 1408 Summary, Return

For Wang Yang, the trip to heaven was extremely rewarding. Even Wang Yang himself never dared to have such a conjecture in the beginning.

Entering the realm of heaven at first, and making a friendship with Na Xiaozhen, for Wang Yang, was the first harvest.

Xiao Zhenlong himself was born in the Northern Heaven King and is the brother of Xiao Yuanshan. It can be said that the friendship with Xiao Zhenlong makes the relationship between Shenshui Manor and the Northern Heaven King closer.

In Fengyun City, Wang Yang's original goal was for that piece of Kunyuan stone to enter heaven, and his goal has always been that piece of Kunbiao Yuanshi.

However, when he obtained Kun Yuanshi, Wang Yang unexpectedly obtained a great opportunity. Kun Biao Yuanshi carried a peerless heritage. When it was opened, it even released a strong Dao Yun, which can make people feel the rules of the world and understand their own greatness. Supernatural powers.

"Heaven and the Devil are in the fourth step. Not to mention first, how much I have improved my own strength, just to improve my own understanding of the formation, is a huge gain.

What's more, with the help of Dao Yun, he has cultivated his own pupil magical supernatural power. Invisible, it has raised a large level in the background.

The most important thing is to raise the devil, and the most important thing is to plant the devil's grass.

The planting of the mind devil grass has a great deal of attention to the level of the devil.

The blood of the gods I cultivate can shorten the year the god medicine is planted, and even improve the quality of the god medicine. However, there is no way for the environment where the god medicine grows.

If you want to plant mind demon grass, you must have endless celestial demon. To plant the old year's mind demon turf, you must have extremely powerful heavenly demon."

Shallow water does not raise real dragons.

Without that necessary environment, even though it has the highest price, it would be a fool's dream to want to grow qualified demon grass.

The Devil's Devil Grass itself is between heaven and earth. The first is the most poisonous. When it really comes to a certain year, even the emperor must be poisoned to show you.

Of course, for Shenshui Manor, the most important thing for planting Devil's Devil Grass is for Soul Grass.

A grass grows for ten years, nine of which are the mind magic grass. Only in the tenth year and the last hour, the heaven and earth's venomous mind magic grass will be transformed into heaven and earth. All great magicians have The soul grass to be pursued fanatically.

There are two types of grasses, namely the Devil's Devil Grass and the Soul Devil Grass, one is frightening, and the other is ecstatic. However, who can think of these two very different god grasses as the same plant?

The subtleties of heaven and earth can be imagined.

With a punch, the whole space, under the pressure of a terrible fist, the whole space, like the horizontal plane, produced continuous ripples. Finally, the space turned from the horizontal plane into a hard ice that could not bear the punch. Destruction is directly broken.


In the ears, there was a sound of ice breaking.

"The supernatural power has been improved, and even the pupil magical power has been cultivated, but, the most important thing is the strength, two consecutive great leap forwards.

Not only is there a great improvement in cultivation, but the most important thing is that I have stepped into the invincible Yuanshen level that I have never stepped into since the record."

Close your eyes, a powerful figure emerges from Wang Yang's eyes.

This is the primordial spirit. The general human primordial spirit is just an illusion. However, if a skin, muscles, blood veins, meridians, bones, and five internal organs are derived from a phantom, generally, on the path of the primordial spirit, It is really going to a peak, and if you want to proceed, you must prove your way and prove yourself to the world.

"Improvement in strength is naturally a great joy, but this trip to heaven is also very gratifying for other aspects of the harvest."

The acquisition of Kun Yuanshi shows that he is one step closer to solving the big troubles of father and mother's vitality.

The most important thing is that, within the days of the Thunder Realm, getting the guidance of the Emperor Ziyang and making progress in boxing and supernatural powers are already terrible.

"The Emperor Huangfu, if he wants to come, is ready to run, otherwise, there will be no such wealth on his body."

This is why Wang Yang was so surprised.

In the thunder world, the harvest is naturally great, but the effort is also extremely amazing. In an auction, a large number of elixir was sold at a high price, not only the faith was arbitrarily earned, but also, even the faith Shenjing is also a large amount of income.

However, such a huge sum of income, in the Thunder Realm Sky, a battle is basically consuming clear light. The last bit of information, in the face of the killing of the goddess silver hair red eyebrows, and the provocation of the crazy heaven king, is basically Completely consumed.

It can be said that this trip to heaven was very rewarding, but it was also terrifying to pay.

In an auction, such a large amount of elixir was paid, and in the end, it was only a trip, basically, it was completely gone.

"Three Thousand God Crystals, I'm afraid that it will not be too difficult to accumulate 108 Golden God Blood again."

To practice Ziyang Divine Skill, if you want to improve your cultivation, you must accumulate 108 drops of the corresponding blood in your body. Only by burning 108 drops can you achieve a breakthrough in cultivation.

This is an unnamed small town in the heavenly realm, Fengyun City. After that battle, basically, it has been destroyed, even if Fengyun City originally had an extremely extraordinary guardian array, but the day when the army of demons came, The great supernaturalists from all the royal families also quickly dispersed.

Similarly, Wang Yang naturally moved away quickly, avoiding unnecessary trouble.

"What's matter?"

A light curtain appeared in front.

Wang Yang is summarizing his gains and contributions from his trip to heaven, and suddenly, he feels that someone in the body has contacted him.

On the light curtain, the image of the invincible sharp gun appeared.

"Wang Yang, is this trip going well?"

Looking at Wang Yang, Shenqi invincible asked.

Regarding Wang Yang’s deeds this time, Skynet has already turned the sky upside down. Of course, the invulnerability of the sharp gun is certainly not unknown. However, he knows more that Wang Yang entered the heavens this time, not to find the trouble of the Huangfu family, he It is to find the strange stone Kun Yuanshi.

Wang Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Kun Yuanshi has already got it."

"Just now, Taibai Jinxing from the Celestial Realm came to my Shenshui Manor.

In addition to asking God’s order, he also made a request to ask our Shenshui manor to upgrade a kind of innate god fruit—Dadao fruit.

He said that in the heavenly court and the treasure house, there may be Kunyuan stone and Wan Leizhen gold stone, if we can help, he will send those two strange stones."



"Okay, I will return now."

Wang Yang couldn't sit still.

Kun Yuanshi has already got it, but Wan Leizhen Jinshi, he has no clue, if, too Bai Jinxing can send, then, in any case, he must get the hand.

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