My Super Estate

Question 1513

Chapter 1429 shot

"Your Majesty, choose the second option, then, the efforts of the previous half month, basically, have to use up all."

After half a month of hard work, Wang Yang had 85 drops of golden blood in his body at this time.

This is the total number of Wang Yang's efforts after half a month, plus the remaining body.

However, as long as the second option is chosen, then Wang Yang basically, this half-month accumulation is basically reimbursed.

"Okay, when that happens, I will compensate you for all the crystals you need."

The Emperor of Heaven will certainly not forget that this time, he invited Wang Yang to come to the Heavenly Court for the purpose of planting Daoguo.

Now, all the preparatory work has not been completed. In this case, let him help himself solve the big problem before him.

Created a congenital fruit tree again.

"Okay, then, act now."

With that said, Wang Yang started to arrange it.

Immortal God tree, promoted to the innate god tree, of course, not only just drop the golden god blood into the success.

The innate god tree is a god tree born in the world. To promote the undead tree, an environment must be created, an environment born in the world.

Born innately-chaos also.

However, the promotion of the Undead Tree is different from the planting of the Innate God Tree.

The innate god tree is already born in nature, as long as there is such an environment, it can basically be successfully planted.

The tree of undead is different, it must first stimulate its full potential, and let it nirvana itself, so that in the death, can live the second life.

Nirvana of the Undead Tree will naturally spawn a chaos.

In other words, there are only two things that Wang Yang has to do: to stimulate the full potential to promote the Undead Tree; when the Undead Tree is promoted to Nirvana, ensure that Nirvana succeeds, and live the second life in that mortal situation.

"Trouble Your Majesty, please point out, in this flat peach garden, which undying flat peach tree is the oldest?"

If you want to promote the Undead Tree and get a new life in Nirvana, of course, the greater the potential, the greater the likelihood of success.


At the end of the day, Heavenly Emperor had some troubles.

Originally, as an emperor, this is an emotion that should never appear. However, there are too many things encountered today, so that he, as the emperor of the emperor, can't afford it.

"Boy, but sure?"

At this time, the Qing Emperor who had just been raising himself all the time, even came out.

The undead tree was promoted, and from Nirvana, the second life, even the Qing Emperor, was very attractive.

"It is safe to say that in theory, even just the most common peach tree can evolve into a flat peach fruit tree. The difference is nothing more than the amount of resources consumed."

Hearing the words, the Qing Emperor immediately squinted.

In this case, even the Qing Emperor would never dare to speak. How dare such a kid in front of him?

This time, the Qing Emperor was also interested.

"Perhaps, from it, you can walk out of your own way."

In Qing Di's mind, such a thought flashed quickly.

At the beginning, such a thought was only a very tiny strand of a hundred million thoughts.However, such a thought is deeply rooted and deeply rooted in the mind, no matter what, it can't be swept away.

"The undead tree is promoted? From Nirvana, reborn?"

The pharmacist's eyes didn't blink, and he looked at them, fearing to miss a detail.

Any kind of immortal medicine contains its own unique medicinal properties.

So, is it true that after the promotion of the innate god medicine, the undead god medicine will exert this kind of medicinal properties to a limit?

Like, the flat peach fruit tree, an ordinary ninth-level elixir, can allow an ordinary person to get a thousand years of life.The flat peach of the immortal magic medicine level can give a great magical person a thousand years of life, and the flat peach of the innate magic medicine level can make a great magical person live a second life?

So, if, is it another magic medicine?

Five Elements Fruit?

The Five Elements Fruit of Undead Medicine can make you feel the Five Elements Avenue. What if it is a congenital Five Elements Fruit Tree?What effect will it have?

There is also that ginseng, which is the most powerful.

An ordinary millennium ginseng can give life to an ordinary person, and can improve the cultivation of an ordinary warrior. Even taking the millennium ginseng refining medicine can even use this special medicinal effect. Reached a limit.

So, what if it is a ginseng with a level of innate god medicine?

Can it supplement the emperor's level of vitality?

In other words, is it possible to enhance the existence of a monarch level?

In other words, will the ginseng refining medicine with the level of innate god medicine produce the real fairy medicine?

It is worthy of being a pharmacist of the emperor's level, just a primer, it is so many.

In fact, listening to Wang Yang's words and watching Wang Yang's operations, no one dared to give up easily in the presence.

The same thing, in the eyes of different people, is derived from different uses.Everyone, on their own path, derives a use of their own.

The most important question now is whether Wang Yang’s words will succeed?

Of course, Wang Yang felt it all.

However, Wang Yang is focused on the things in his own hands.

A drop of golden blood, suspended by the power of Wang Yang, was suspended in mid-air, the golden light was splendid and radiant, and even, from which, endless phantoms could be seen.

It seems that such a drop of divine blood contains the world.

"Here, this is the kind of special liquid he cultivated in his body?"

Heavenly Emperor stared at such a drop of golden blood, as if he saw a world of flame.


In fact, Heavenly Emperor was staring at Shenxue, and the others were staring. One of the weaker supernatural powers suddenly screamed, and his hands quickly covered his eyes.

From the gap between the five fingers, it can be seen that there is a trace of blood.

Just a glance, they even turned into great supernatural powers, they all bleed in their eyes.

"Here, this is that special liquid?"

At this moment, whether it is a great magician on the periphery, or a few big men such as the Heavenly Emperor, all of them exclaimed.

They never imagined that just a drop of special liquid turned out to have such a mighty power.

Even more frightening is that Wang Yang was playing inexplicably with a rune that contained special powers and quickly integrated into the golden special liquid, making this drop an extremely extraordinary liquid. extraordinary.

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