My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1524

Chapter 1440 The Great Tribulation

Heaven Emperor released the flat peach fruit tree. Immediately, in the Divine Realm, the space fluctuated, and a tall peach tree appeared and quickly took root on the ground.


Wang Yang can clearly feel that the God Realm space is quickly stabilized, and Wang Yang can be sure that his God Realm space can withstand the full blow of the sixth step supernatural power.

"This, Your Majesty, look, this flat peach fruit tree..."

"Don't even think about it, a flat peach fruit tree has already caused such a big movement, but I don't want to come for the second time."

Wang Yang's thoughts haven't been opened yet, and the Heavenly Emperor there has decisively interrupted.

What a joke?

Two treasures, just look away from yourself, now, do you want to come again?

Isn't this cutting your own flesh?


Wang Yang knew that Heavenly Emperor obviously would not listen to himself.

At the moment, the idol avatar came to the flat peach fruit tree in one step, but just grabbed it. Suddenly, from the flat peach fruit tree, there was an extremely intense shock.

It turned out that it was the flat peach fruit tree that naturally rebelled.

It's a pity that here is the god realm, and in the god realm, the deity is an earth-shattering spirit. Any existence that is not stronger than itself must be suppressed.

Obviously, the flat peach fruit tree has just been promoted and the quality is very high, but the rank is very different.

Soon, on the flat peach fruit tree, a large amount of mysterious yellow gas and light of merit naturally spring out.

Flat peach fruit trees are naturally restored to their original appearance.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Although it is most likely to sprinkle salt, but the politeness must be possessed.

"Well, just keep it. Thank you for your sentence, but I dare not bear it."

The Emperor Tian waved his hand, and the flat peach fruit tree on the ground had been collected by him.

Only, he did not leave, but instead, he looked at the statue of Wang Yang with glaring eyes.

"Come on, I want to see what kind of changes will happen to the gods as they absorb Xuanhuang's spirit and merit."

Obviously, in the world of heaven, no one has ever tried to absorb the light of Xuanhuang and the light of merit with his own idol. What will happen, even Heavenly Emperor, is very curious.


In the end it is Heavenly Emperor, he must still listen to his orders.

The idol is sitting on the sacred platform, the body's Qiankun divine function is running quickly, a breath of mysterious yellow is quickly absorbed and refined by the idol, and the entire idol's breath is rapidly improved.

"God Realm has changed!!"

Emperor level, how terrible is telepathy?

There is a change in the Divine Realm, and they felt it immediately.

The soul is the same, and what Wang Yang feels the most is the strength of the idol.

Originally, the strength of the idol has been similar to that of himself. However, when the idol absorbed the refining of Xuanhuang, suddenly, the strength of the idol quickly increased.

Thunder rolled around, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, and the sea turned into a boundary.

The thunder world is coming, the idol is sitting on the god stage, and even the body is not moving. A large group of celestial merits quickly integrates into the idol body, and behind the head of the idol, a golden round of merit is naturally formed.

All the guarding gods have not begun to conquer the gods, all the gods, all disappear.


Wang Yang was shocked: "I still plan to see how powerful the idol is, how could this be?"

The Qing Emperor just smiled softly and said, "How do you intend to see how powerful the idol is? When dreaming, why do you think the light of merit is regarded as the treasure of heaven and earth?"

Because, merit and glory, Wan Tribulation is not there.

It can be said that even if the strength is weak, as long as the cultivation level is enough, they can directly travel to the Thunder Realm.

The key question is just how great your merits can support you.

Obviously, this celestial merit, the power is extremely terrible, enough to make your strength without barriers to upgrade, become the most top-notch existence between heaven and earth."


With such a big advantage, Wang Yang was almost not scared to death.

If this is really the case, then, for the emperor, wouldn’t it be enough just to open the sky?

In fact, Wang Yang also knows that such an idea is very naive.

The emperor at one level does have the strength to open the sky. However, after opening the sky, how to support the world and prevent the world from returning to chaos is a major problem.

In the mortal world, there is such a legend that the Pangu God opened up the earth, and finally supported the sky, exhausted to death.

Opening the sky is a catastrophe.

Benefit from it and act on it.

This is cause and effect.

If you don't want to support the world, you need to obtain the Xuanhuang Qi and merit golden light?

Are you dreaming?

In fact, the reason why the flat peach fruit tree can succeed is according to Wang Yang's guess because the flat peach fruit tree has just been promoted successfully, and the world has just begun to return to chaos, and the peach fruit tree was picked by the peach fruit.

As for the other reasons, Wang Yang doesn't know about this problem for the time being.

However, he knew that such an incident would never happen again.

It is simply impossible to make new changes.

That is to say, this kind of thing may be a coincidence, and there is no possibility of repeating it again.

Even, it can only be a swan song.

This is the chance.

This is the so-called chance coincidence.

Wang Yang stood in the God Realm and looked at the Thunder Realm in the middle of the sky. The idol is an invincible supreme god in Thunder Realm. Countless gods will rush to kill, and as a result, he has just arrived at him. The edge of the, then, broke again and again, became a thunder, and then dissipated.

Then, the Fifth Heaven Gate opened naturally, and then the boundless Thunder Realm came down, as if it was a layer of world, and another layer of sky formed.

Then, countless gods will rush to kill one after another, and as a result, they have come to a halfway, and even the action has not started, and then, they are broken again, and the sixth heaven door is opened naturally. It is to become a great supernaturalist in the seventh step of the Lord.

Then, this action was repeated again.

Looking at it, Wang Yang's eyes were wet.

Originally, he felt that his training speed was already extremely fast, and now it seems that his vision determines the height.

What training speed?

Compared with this speed, shit is not.

In a short period of time, even Wang Yang didn't know that there was a day when his own avatar of the idol was a magnificent transformation, truly divided into a strong man of the emperor's level.

The ninth step of the great magician.

It can be said that this is the existence of the fastest emperor ever since ancient times. However, it is also the existence of the weakest emperor ever since ancient times.

The strength of the great supernatural powers depends on how strong your great supernatural powers are, and how much of your own power can be exerted. It all depends on how strong your spiritual will is.

However, in both cases, Wang Yang's spiritual will is only the fifth step, and his great supernatural power is only the fifth step at most.

It can be said that among the four major elements, he only has an invincible physical body, the emperor's cultivation behavior.

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