My Super Estate

Chapter 1535 The Heavens Gate Opens

Chapter 1451 The Heavenly Gate Opens

"How to do?"

Looking at the towering mountain, how long his thoughts really are, and how long his bitter water will be.

"How to do?"

Seeing that the towering mountain was to suppress it, Wang Yang already had some doubts in his mind.

It was directly suppressed by others, and then, after the strength of his own body was improved, he became a great peerless supernatural power, and raised his own spiritual will to a terrible point. Then, broke the seal?

Undoubtedly, this is a very good way out.

Wang Yang is absolutely confident in his defense.

But just give up like this?

Wang Yang was unwilling in his heart.

So, or, admit defeat?

On the battle platform, there is no confession, only life and death, but I want to admit defeat, but it is also necessary for others to do it!!

For a time, Wang Yang seemed to have entered a dead end.


In the end, Wang Yang made his last resort, Xuanhuang War Body, greatly improved, and then, he made an amazing decision, he was going to stand on the ground.

So, in this battlefield of the gods, under the watchful eyes of the heavens, a small giant appeared.

This is the Xuanhuang battle body, up to one hundred meters high, and the towering mountain was so easily resisted by him.

"Emperor, do you think this battle will become a protracted battle?"

In Shenshui Manor, the Qing Emperor spoke first.

Under the pressure of the towering mountains, Wang Yang has been standing underneath. Everyone knows the final result.

"Hold, protracted war?"

Wu Xiaohong, Luo Jian and others who were still a little jumpy just now, one by one, wide-eyed, a little surprised, and asked with joy.

For this problem, it is obviously a little hard to believe.

"Senior Emperor Qingdi, you, you mean, this battle, Wang Yang has not yet lost, is that true?"

Seeing a towering mountain, it was suppressed towards Wang Yang. Just now Wu Xiaohong and Luo Jian and others, one by one, almost didn't scare to scream collectively.

Even if the world is changing, at this time, it is completely ignored.

Now I heard that things have changed. They suddenly seemed to have been hit with chicken blood and resurrected.

"Yes, that towering mountain is the result of the demon's boundless mana.

It is the demon king who uses great mana to gather the air of mysterious yellow from heaven and earth to form such a huge mountain.

However, to condense this towering mountain, it is necessary to consume huge mana at all times, unless he takes root and takes root, he can form a real seal."

"I know, so my cousin will unfold the Xuanhuang war body and form a giant with a height of 100 meters, is that true?"

"Yes, that's it.

If it is just the height of an ordinary person, maybe your cousin has been suppressed."

"Look, the city, there is a city in that world!!"

Suddenly, Sirius pointed out above the sky and shouted loudly.


All people including Heavenly Emperor raised their heads and looked at the emerging world.

Between heaven and earth, black and white naturally converge, and chaos forms naturally. A whole new world is naturally derived from chaos.

However, in the world at this time, there were cities formed.

It is simply unbelievable that between such a heaven and earth, a city would naturally arise.

So, what role does this city have?Who built it?Or, what is the special effect?

"Your Majesty, is there a special feeling that this city has a special connection with us?"

Wang Yang, who hasn't spoken for a long time, almost forgot, suddenly spoke.

"It seems that there is something in this city that is closely related to me."

"Fengshenbang, is the Fengshenbang."

Heaven Emperor spoke, affirming Wang Yang's words.

"Look, there is a palace in the city.

You see, it is a palace, and those are all palaces."


In such a world, the changes are too great.

One side of the world is naturally derived from chaos, and a city is naturally generated in the world.

Now, in the city, there are naturally palaces located.

So, what's the use of these palaces?Or, who are these palaces?

"Is there a feeling that these palaces have a great relationship with that god list?

In other words, these palaces are owned by the famous people on the Gods List.

In other words, these palaces have some special effects.This world is the crystallization of thousands of years of layout. No one knows what is in it.

However, what is certain is that there are things related to Chengxian.

So, are these palaces secrets about becoming immortal?"

It is said that all people naturally look at Wang Yang.

So, this is all right, so Wang Yang’s biggest crisis may really come.

Wang Yang ranked seventh on the list of Fengshen, so it means that the palace that ranked seventh belongs to him.

It's just that the worlds of the heavens are so huge, there are countless great supernatural powers, and those with more strength than Wang Yang are everywhere.He has to admit that for now, his strength is the weakest.

Once this statement is true, then, there will inevitably be countless powerful people, coming from all directions.

Their only goal is to look for Wang Yang’s troubles, challenge Wang Yang, and thus obtain benefits for himself.

It seems that they have sensed their ideas. They just had such an idea. In front of them, there were five doors of space.

Heavenly Emperor, Qing Emperor, Pharmacist, and Bodhisattva, all of them, except Bodhisattva, are all powerful at the level of emperor, one by one. Their strength is extremely powerful and amazing. Even the Bodhisattva is also magical. , Believed by countless people.

It can be said that they are all famous powerhouses on the Gods List, and they are still very, very high in the ranking.

It can be said that their identity and status are extremely comparable to their strength. It can be said that their treatment will absolutely not be opposed.

However, the fifth door to space is extremely unexpected, but when you think about it, it seems to be expected.

Wang Yang looked at the door of space that appeared in front of him, and it was impossible to say that he was not happy in his heart.

But, likewise, he knew better that all this was the meat hanging on the blade, which was also terribly terrible, even though it was greedy.

If he has invincible power, then he can sweep the Quartet.

However, the fact is that he himself does not have any strong power, but he is the treasure that gets the most eye-catching and crazy.

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