My Super Estate

1563 Sneak Attack Under Tianshen Mountain

Chapter 1479 The Assault Under Tianshen Mountain

Tenjin Mountain is worthy of the name of Tenjin. It is as high as 100,000 feet. As of now, Wang Yang has also wandered through several worlds. However, the first high mountain that I really encountered must count this.

Wangshan ran a dead horse. Although he had heard such things and had such ideological preparations for a long time, when he actually walked to the foot of Tianshen Mountain, Wang Yang's heart was still amazed.

"So tired!!"

As a great magician, Li Jiahao was also tired and sat directly on the ground.

"Are you tired like this? Look at you like this, with sweat all over your face. Are you doing too much bad things?"

Wang Yang joked, his eyes even showed the look that men knew.

"Fuck, what are you talking about? With my current strength, it's the main night Yu Qian Nu, who are all waiting."

Being a man, he would not be willing to be called'no', even if his uncle was on the side, Li Jiahao could not lose face.

"Huh, really not to mention, it's really a bit wrong. Although the distance is a little far away, but I am also a great magician of the third step, how can I be so tired?"

Face is face-saving, but as a great supernaturalist, you just walk that little way, so you are so weak and so exhausted that this is simply unreasonable.

"Sir, please show me quickly. What the hell is wrong with me?"

Could it be that there are enemies around here?Was it forgotten?"

The more Li Jiahao felt, the more serious things felt because he felt that he was really very tired. Although only a short rest, he has recovered a lot, but this problem has not been solved so much. Sleeping is uneasy.

"Be careful!!"

Suddenly Wang Yang shouted, and the tall grass with one person directly took Li Jiahao away.


The place where Li Jiahao stayed suddenly exploded.

"Where are the rats? Dare to be so presumptuous?"

The third prince was furious, holding a fire-pointed rifle, and jumped up. The fire-pointed rifle burst into a clear space, and he directly pierced it.


In the open ground, there was a strong energy wave, but a shot like the third prince did not force the secret person out. If the strong energy wave action was not fake, I was afraid that the third prince would go crazy. Random shots in an open field.

In fact, the reason why Wang Yang responded so fast just now is all because the guy was hiding in the grass just now.

Between the world and the surrounding area, he can feel the grass and trees.

"At nine o'clock!"

In the induction, there is someone hiding there!!

"Where is the little thief?"

The third prince screamed loudly, and the terrible fire-pointed spear turned into a great pillar, and broke away in the direction of nine o'clock.

Bang Bang Bang...

The solid space, under this terrible gunfire, exploded violently...

damn it……

Murong Lord Lord scolded secretly.

As the founder of the Murong royal family in heaven, the Murong royal family is his own root.

However, the kid named Wang Yang was too abhorrent, and he was the enemy of the Murong King repeatedly, and even beheaded the disciples of the Murong royal family many times. Now, when someone issued a mission in the mission hall, he immediately picked it up Task, and lurking quickly.

"How could this kid see through the hidden technique of the Lord?"

As a sage, in the world of heaven, they are already extremely high and very high. Although they have not been famous on the list of Gods, he is not afraid of some of the existences on the Gods List.

However, what is going on now, why have you just been caught and found whereabouts?

"Fight to star shift..."

Between heaven and earth, no figure appeared, but the terrible magical power appeared between heaven and earth. I saw that in the mid-air, the sky was clear, the sun was shining, in the blink of an eye, the night came, and the stars moved.

The terrible vision of heaven and earth, in a blink of an eye, changed heaven and earth, making this heaven and earth seem to have entered a fascinating situation.

This kind of heaven and earth vision, the weather is very amazing, however, the terrible power of the heaven and earth, the third prince's sincere giant pillar of fire-pointed spear, is in such a beautiful vision, retrograde diversion, towards the third prince .

"Three uncles, be careful, this is to return to one another by his way, it is the blood heritage of Murong royal family."

Wang Yang exclaimed loudly.

He never thought that the Murong royal family had such a deep background. As a royal family, there was a sage hidden.

The water between the sky and the earth is getting deeper and deeper, and all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods appear.

"Hum, so bold!!"

As the God of War of the Heavenly Court, the third prince belongs to the absolute strength faction, and every battle has shifted from one battle to another, and it is a joke that he wants to play in front of himself with his own way.


As a sage, he is not without great powers.

You have a fight and a star shift, and this prince has three heads and six arms, but I want to see if you can still transfer all of my great magical powers to your own body.


Three heads and six arms, not only four more arms, but also five more fire-pointed guns, one arm and one fire-pointed gun. Immediately, six Zhitian giant sticks smashed forward.

Bang Bang Bang Bang...

Murong's family is very powerful. This is Wang Yang, who must admit it. However, their family's family is focused on singles and fighting alone. When faced with siege, it will show flaws.

Obviously, Lord Murong did not expect that in the face of a third prince, he would encounter such a terrible magical power.

Although it was just a body, it was three prestige. Although he did not want it, Lord Murong had to admit that his strength was really restrained.


As sages, once restrained, the result of the battle already means clarity.

No, he was smashed by the three princes in a burst, even if the Lord Murong master got it, he just transferred a Zhitian giant stick. When he wanted to reapply the technique again, the other five giant sticks had been quickly smashed.

Poor Lord Murong, in the face of any sage, by virtue of the great magic power in his hands, no one is afraid, but in the face of the unreasonable third prince, carrying a fire-pointed spear as a stick, he is directly tragic.


"Bold rats, dare to injure people secretly, it is just to death!"

The third prince did not speak to this guy at all, and lifted the fire-pointed spear in his hand, piercing towards it quickly.

Obviously, the iron hit must be hot, and the third prince understands the essence of fighting.


Lord Murong was extremely angry, and his face was rueful and twisted.

It's just not the same to be a great supernatural being and a sage, even being scolded as a rat generation!!!

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