My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1583

Chapter 1499

"Sir, we are running out of time!"

A sage was refined by the altar, and his heart beat faster and faster in the air.

That is the fruit of a peerless power and the essence of martial arts. As long as someone obtains it, it can become a peerless power immediately.

However, no matter what Wang Yang thinks, it is a great demon.

"The terrible power, the strong will is recovering, you hear, there is a terrifying demon roaring!!"

Close your eyes. In the soul world, there is a terrifying demon roaring in the sky, terrifying howling, the soul world is rolling.


Finally, the spiritual world could not be suppressed, and Wang Yang spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Wang Yang, you have nothing to do!"

"I'm okay, just, I feel that they are all playing with fire. This peerless power has never been destroyed by time. On the contrary, it is still alive, and his will is recovering quickly.

I heard the roar of the Peerless Demon, just the sound, it hurt me.

We must wake up the god of linen quickly, otherwise, all of us will die!"


Li Jiahao was shocked.

"Trust me, all three of them have great problems. It is very likely that they have already won the trick. Perhaps, the beautiful emperor has some struggles. Therefore, she will tell us when we came in just now. Some relevant information.

It is very likely that they have already made the move."


Li Jiahao could not believe that all this would be true.

You know, this is the three emperors, and there are more than a dozen sages. What kind of power is it that will let them be silent, that is, let them recruit?

"Wang Yang was right. The matter is extremely serious. It is obviously impossible to leave now. Moreover, the three emperors over there have guarded the entrance to the altar. We must withstand their severe blow if we want to leave."

Even the third prince was still a little uneasy at this time.

Things have changed beyond their own budget.

It was not that the three emperors were calculating each other, but they were all calculated by the peerless power.

Sure enough, the young emperor also made a decisive shot, and all his sages were seriously injured, and all were thrown into the altar.

Only the female emperor seemed to have some spiritual consciousness, and she was still restraining. However, she did not leave, strictly guarding, and not allowing any creatures in the altar to leave.

That is to say, when you enter the altar, there is only one result. All people are refined by this terrible altar.

"What should we do now?"

The change of facts is really unacceptable.

Li Jiahao almost didn't scare him to death.

Even the Lord Murong and Lord Wanlei, the two of them, tolerating their injuries, also retreated to the third prince.

"The third prince, what should I do, you give a word!"

At this time of the season, all kind of grudges are set aside, and your own life is the most important.

Damn it, it was such shit that it was shit.

Lord Murong is really regretful now.

"If you really want to live your life, then guard around, you must not let Wang Yang have an accident."


Guarding Wang Yang?

Murong Sheng advocated his mouth.

It's just a joke.

This action of his own was for Wang Yang, and even wanted to kill him, and seize the innate demon tree from him.

It's better now, even want to work hard to protect him.

Are you kidding me?

Well, even if it's a joke, for now, it seems that there is no other choice.

Therefore, even if the Lord Murong did not want 10,000, but in order to survive, he still faithfully guarded by Wang Yang, absolutely not let the refining power hurt Wang Yang.

Not that he was really so obedient, but when the third prince said Wang Yang's guesses, plus some of his own ideas, even though he was unwilling in his heart, at this time, he had to agree.

Tenjin fruit tree is a very magical innate god tree. According to legend, when the god fruit tree matures, a god will come out of the fruit. Therefore, it is called Tenjin fruit.

In fact, this is a very common congenital tree, and even Wang Yang has such a seed.

However, when he took it out, there was naturally an inexplicable force on the altar that quickly acted on the seeds.

The seeds naturally fall onto the altar, and then they take root and germinate.

That's it, the Tenjin fruit tree is planted successfully.

If, you think, all this is very easy, then, you really think too much.

Tenjin fruit trees grow and grow, which is a very long time. When the tenjin fruit trees grow, they will naturally absorb the essence of peerless power.

Often this time is calculated as one hundred thousand years.

However, even if it is peerless, their lives are not long and endless. On the contrary, their lives are very limited. At least, for them, their lives are very short, because they still have many things to deal with .

In this way, there is such a result that the god fruit is not yet mature, the peerless power in the god fruit that day has no life, and finally, the god fruit tree is self-cultivation, and finally, a brand new god Was born from it.

It can be said that this Tenjin fruit is very tasteless, even, it can be described as the killer of Tenjin.

"Well, since this is the case, then I will let it grow faster, otherwise, if it is plugged in, you will be too late to cry."

Take out a seed, the seed is quickly absorbed by the altar, and then there is a force that is quickly absorbed by the seed.

Sure enough, the growth of the Tenjin fruit tree is extremely long, and the appearance of the Tenjin fruit is very early. However, the growth of the fruit tree is very long. This long time has made countless peerless powers can't wait.

That is to say, if there is no special means, this god fruit tree matures, at least for hundreds of thousands of years.

It's simply killing people.

"Grow faster, grow faster!!"

Wang Yang took out the one-color divine blood, which was to be dropped on the fruit tree of Wang Yang Tianshen.

"what do you want to do?"

Of course, Wang Yang's behavior was discovered by others.

At this time, looking at Wang Yang, his eyes widened.It was full of anger.

It seems that Wang Yang is folding their ancestral tomb.

"Damn, you stop for Lao Tzu!!"

The roar of the old man has already sounded, and even he has a posture ready to rush up at any time.

If only the third prince is alone, he doesn't have to be afraid of farts, but here, there are several others that need to protect themselves, so even if you are unwilling in your heart, you must defend passively.

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