My Super Estate

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1599

Chapter 155: Taking Advantage of the Situation to Practice Great Magic

Soon, the third thunderstorm came quickly.

This time there were a total of forty lightning fusions. However, the size of the lightning column is still about the same.

The terrible Thunder Tribulation is extremely dark, and there is a purple meaning in it.

Legend has it that Zixiao Shenlei was called the Heavenly Dao God Punishment.

Although not much, it feels even more terrifying.

The most important thing is that the thunder column flew from the sky, like a dragon, with sharp corners like sharp edges, and two claws waving wantonly.

"Damn, this Thunder Tribulation is even more terrifying, and the claws have already appeared."

In the second Thunder Tribulation, although there were dragons probing claws, it was actually the entire dragon that condensed into claws. As long as the dragon claws were exploded, it would naturally break its momentum.

However, this time there will be a big difference.

Lifting his head, his eyes were shining with golden light again, like the sharpest arrow in the world, carrying a tendency to destroy everything and killing the dragon.


The second Thunder Tribulation, just a glance, broke its momentum, and the entire Thunder Pillar was broken up.However, this same eye, like the source of destruction, was fierce, and he was slain towards the thunder, and suddenly, in the air, a dragon claw appeared. Under the cover of one claw, the eye completely collapsed.

Looking up, the Thunder Dragon's momentum remained unchanged, surging down.


In such a season, Wang Yang has been unable to take care of many, in such a time, he can only quickly shoot the sword.

When the sword was hacked, the sword light was flowing like a tide, and the spores were sounding, and there was a dragon sound. If there was nothing in the sword light, there was a dragon hidden.

This is Wang Yang's full-hearted sword. Although Thunder Tribulation is terrible, it is also difficult to resist.


The thunderstorm is naturally dim, and there is a collapse in the faint.


Seeing that Wang Yang's sword light was about to fall apart, abruptly, there was a dragon dragon's chant, the sword light condensed but not scattered, and gradually, there was a solid image.

The Ziwei Excalibur appeared naturally in Wang Yang's body. He didn't wait for Wang Yang's reaction and quickly flew into the sky.

"Here, this is Jianqi's transformation with the help of Thunder Tribulation?"

A quick glance, Murong Sanzu almost did not scare to death.

"How is it possible that his swordsmanship is so terrible?"

Consolidate its potential, transform its shape, get its soul, and give birth to its spirit.

These are the four levels of great magical cultivation.

The same great magician, even if it is a sage, at most it just condenses its potential and changes its shape, just like a fantasy.Behind the soul and the soul, if it is not a long-established great supernaturalist, it is impossible to hear.

But why did Wang Yang suddenly become a sword gasified form?

The Ziwei Excalibur pierced into the Thunder Tribulation, and suddenly, the Thunder Tribulation completely collapsed. All the dragons were looted by the Excalibur. Jian Qi quickly integrated into the molten iron.

Then, the molten iron seems to be quickly absorbed by something.

Jian Qi flexibly shuttles back and forth, sometimes turning into Jian Qi, sometimes turning into a Ziwei Excalibur.

"Swords come!!"

Ziwei Excalibur suddenly changed, unexpectedly, even though I was prepared in my heart, I was shocked.

Reaching out his hand, Jian Qi is so common as a dragon, and he shuttles back and forth between his own applause, just like a real dragon.

With both hands, the sword gasified into a purple Excalibur.

"Good sword, good magic!!"

Of course Wang Yang knew that the Ziwei Excalibur in his hand,

Sword qi quickly galloped, and quickly turned into a divine sword. If it wasn't seen with his own eyes, it would be absolutely impossible to believe that all this would be true.

"No, impossible, how is it possible?"

Only Murong Sanzu didn’t believe it, and he didn’t want to believe it. What he saw was true.

In the end, all the Thunder Tribulation was destroyed by purple sword qi.

For the average person, there are only three ways of thunder robbery. However, for Wang Yang, even the third thunder robbery passes, it is just the beginning.

The fourth Thunder Tribulation is completely composed of 80 thunderbolts.

The dragon's momentum has already been formed, and in the middle of the sky, the dragon is singing continuously, as if celebrating the birth of the dragon.

However, the dragon's momentum, the pillar of thunder, also began to attack, has been intercepted halfway by a terrible sword.

It turned out that he didn't even move his body. The thunder robbery that landed from mid-air was successfully intercepted three times. Seeing this as the fourth one, he was about to be intercepted again. Scolding mother.

"No, he is using the power of Thunder Tribulation to sacrifice his sword power.

Now, his sword energy has changed into his sword shape, and in the midair, he and Wang Yang communicate with each other,"

As an outsider, Murong Sanzu believes that Wang Yang wants to grow rapidly with the help of thunder.

However, at this time it was in the thunderstorm, even if he had his own power, but at this time, he dared to move towards Wang Yang, he was just looking for death, unless he did not contain his own spiritual will when he shot.

Bang Bang Bang...

It is in such an environment that Murong Sanzu saw Wang Yang's Kendo great supernatural power as a rocket, and it was extremely fast.

Time and time again, the power of Thunder Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger, however, for Wang Yang, his sword power is more and more powerful.

Such a thunderstorm, even with the existence of Murong Sanzu, in the face of the ninth thunderstorm, he was shocked.

However, this kind of swordsmanship is simply not something that you can resist.

"Could it be that this thunderstorm has passed?"

Things are too smooth. Even if things have succeeded, Wang Yang still doesn't believe it.

"I just don't believe it. How much power can you have in the center of Thunder Tribulation?"

The three ancestors of Murong have decided that when Lei Yun dissipated after the thunder, he shot decisively.

To say that he is decisive and decisive, it is better to say that he was almost scared.

From the Murong royal family, he could not believe that he would encounter such a pervert.

Finally, Thunder Cloud dissipated, the ninth Thunder Tribulation, has been destroyed, Wang Yang's sword spirit, faintly, has the meaning of change.

Wang Yang clearly felt that his spiritual single layer was always fused with heaven and earth, and he understood the truth of the day and the earth.

Moreover, Wang Yang can clearly analyze and feel that his martial arts comprehends and blends quickly with the world.

Then, Wang Yang felt that an inexplicable force quickly scanned everything in his body.

This is the martial arts I practiced, and in the world of heaven and earth, it was quickly branded and merged by the world.

Even when the world is always blended, Wang Yang can feel that the world is slowly ascending and improving.

It turned out that Wang Yang felt that heaven and earth were slowly ascending and progressing. Although it was slow, it actually existed.

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