My Super Estate

1662 The guest enters the room only to steal the god medicine

Chapter 1576 The guests enter the room only for stealing potions

Empty door.

This is a very mysterious sect. Their disciples may not be the best in the world. However, their stealing techniques are world-renowned.

And the empty hands are the empty heads.

However, now this empty, world-famous thief, treatment is not very good.

It is also located in Shenshui City. However, there were too many guests on the day of the Shenshui Manor’s great joy. There were many congratulatory people, and they were treated equally.

However, this world-famous empty child, his seat, is already the last.

"Senior, you have also seen that this Shenshui manor is extremely simple. At present, at least two sages and one emperor have already appeared. Are we really going to do this?"

Thieves is a technical job, but thieves definitely does not mean invincibility or brainlessness.

No matter how good the technology is, it is hard to suppress it and it is difficult to turn over.

Therefore, the primary rule for empty doors is to do what one can do.

In this world where gods and deities dance together, it is the wisest choice for Mingzhe to protect himself. Kongkonger is the leader of Kongkongmen. Of course he knows best, but he also regards it as the rule of life.

"Huh, do you want to run away? Mo Yao has to ask, your life is still in the hands of the family. You can't help the family get the artifact, the half of the antidote, you have to think again."

This turned out to be a monk.

It's just that this monk is very special. He drinks in a big bowl and eats meat in a big bowl. I don't know. The Buddha of his family will see if it will rise, and he will be killed by a volley.

Hearing the words, Kongkonger's heart was filled.

Although he already had thoughts in his heart, he forcibly swallowed his dissatisfaction at the thought that the soul was broken and the true spirit was burning.

Really, life and death are boundless.


The monk of hops and flesh pulled up the empty space, and went towards the periphery.

"Senior, at this time, although the door of the Immortal opens, Shenshui Manor will inevitably relax. However, Shenshui Manor is mostly a magic medicine, and there are many toxic substances in it. We need to be more careful."

In Kongkonger's heart, he could not wait for this person to die immediately, but he was very poisonous in his body, but he did not dare to let him go wrong.

"Saving the family saves."

Two people, one with high strength and one with exquisite speed, but a few ups and downs, they have entered the gate of Shenshui Manor.

"Senior, be careful!"

In front of the portal of Deshenshui Manor, the monk of wine flesh and flowers will have to break through, but he has been pulled by the empty.

"What are you going to do to hold the house?"

Even being pulled by someone, the monk of the wine flesh and flowers was angry, and his face was full of horizontal meat, a vicious look.

It seems that, as if Kongkonger didn't give himself a solution, he had to give him a great deal.

"Look at seniors!"


What to see?What's so beautiful?

The monk of wine and flesh was so angry that he thought so.

But, in the end, he is a senior, non-reckless generation, looking around, I saw, there, the silhouette rises and falls, hidden in the mountains, like the monkey, the master of the means, but a few ups and downs, but no silhouette.

"Hey, there are people with the same way."

Instead of being someone else, he must be careful to be dissatisfied at this time and blame this person for disturbing his abacus. However, the monk of hops is different.

With such behavior, who would say that he was just a rash monk, and Kongkonger had to beat him with a flower.

"Have you ever known who they are?"

"I don't know, but, between their rise and fall, there is a lot of rules and regulations. I am afraid that they are still the same people."

In such a world where gods and demons show magical powers, the empty gate can become the first god stealing school, being cautious and acting according to their abilities is their only criterion.

As the head of the game, it is well-known.

However, in such a world, robbers and thieves are often just in the mind of the strong. Although they don't have such a clever and empty means, but there are many ways to hide hidden.

"Where does the strong man dare to come to Shenshui Manor to let go?"

Suddenly, there were rumblings in front of him.

"No, the friend in front has been found, we must be careful."

As soon as he entered, he heard such a big drink, and Kongkonger felt a big shock. He knew that the friend in front had been found.

When the strength of the enemy and the enemy is unknown, the best way is to stay still and wait for the incident to subside.

"Haha, the person in front just happened to attract the strong man of the Shenshui Manor. Now, it is me who waits."

Kongkonger pays attention to observation, but the monk of hops is demanding to enter.

He believes that there are not many strong people in Shenshui Manor, and Shenshui City in front has attracted a large number of strong people. This time, there are others attracting strong enemies for themselves.


Kongkonger was so anxious in his heart, so aggressive, sooner or later something happened!

I often walk by the river.

To be safe, it is the only rule to be cautious.

However, life and death control others, even if there is no reluctance in his heart, at this time, it is impossible.

Two people, go forward again.

As the gate of Shenshui Manor is getting closer and closer, Kongkonger's heart is more and more bottomless.

This matter, once disclosed a little, will never end.

Fortunately, along the way, perhaps it was because of his hidden means that there was no movement for the time being.

But, for some reason, there are always ups and downs in my heart, it is difficult to calm down.

"Senior, I'll wait, be careful!!"

Even if it doesn’t work, Kongkonger doesn’t forget to give it a try: maybe, is it useful?

It is a pity that life is not in hand, even if there is no more reluctance, it is dazed.

In the end, no matter how unwilling, he stepped into the realm of Shenshui Manor.

But, stepping into this place, Kongkonger's heart jumped wildly.


No longer concerned about the poison in the body, he turned around and left.

However, from years of experience, he believed that the danger was very close and had to escape quickly.

"Since it's here, why bother to leave?"

Suddenly, a person appeared in front.

Although it is only one person, but for the empty, it is like a big mountain.

But at this time, this big mountain is pressing on his own heart, his mind is completely suppressed, and he wants to leave, but it is difficult to succeed.

"Introduce yourself, I am the god Tie Feng, you guys, don't be polite, everyone is a guest, and you should be a friend.

Perhaps, one day, we can become partners."

Tie Feng, the god's hand, comes from the depths of chaos and has amazing strength.

However, once stumbled for thousands of years, he was caught alive and became a slave to others.

As a result, even if the mind is strong, it is difficult to accept.

However, the god Tiefeng has an extra means to control others, even if he doesn't want to, he can give it a try.

Since you are a slave to others, why not accept them as slaves?

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